Thursday, January 14, 2010

~I haVe My 1st hatEr~

i just wouldnt want to right it down but it seems...i just want to wrote it heheh...ive got to admit that "simplynadhoney" has its 1st hater..heheh as u guys remember...ive comment about the Restaurant Leha Kelfood at Taman Melati...about the food and also this one and my frends thought myb it is the owner atau sedara mara Leha ni gak la kot...yg tulis heheh...or yg a big fan sgguh terhadap Restaurant Leha Kelfood ni heheh...terima kasih for ur opinion...although for me tak perlu la nak ber'emo' coz its a FOOD REVIEW ajer...heheh..if u want to read his comments...go ahead and check on Sept 2009 post on Restaurant Leha Kelfood...heheh...and nak tambah gak disini...i know that were in the same race..tak perlu la nak ckp bkn2...kalo ckp baik2 pun dah ok...tu la baru caranyer org melayu yg awk stated kat comment tu kan...heheh...sayer sbgai org yg terpelajar tak perlu la ber'emo' and berterima kasih la gan pndgn sedara tu..heheh...tpi sayer raser perbetulkan dri encik dahulu sblum membetulkan diri org lain...sayer raser dari gayer encik berckp pun samer ajer gayernyer mcm sayer tulis kat blog sayer ni tak gak fasih sgt berbahaser english...and its a free country and its my blog..saya boleh tulis aper2 saya nak tulis and bnder tu mmg berlaku ...kepada penulis yg mengelarkan dri sbgai "Penyokong Melayu" ni suluh la dri anda sebelum nak betulkan org lain yerk...terima kasih:)


justLucy said...

Mayb u shud put link to that post... Hard to find....

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

~heres the link dear...yupp:)hehehe...u cant able to read it later...:)~

ieNn ZaZa said...

haha...dh le tetiba bg comment kt blog org,pastu nk emo xtentu pasal..sian org camtu kn nad..

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

ienn zaza-btul liza yup2..heheh..btul2 kesian org2 mcmtu dah ler takder blog ..nad raesr dier ni jenis org yg suker pgi kaco2 blog org then wat kecoh hahahaha:)

ieNn ZaZa said...

lain kali wat blog sndr..then ber 'emo' laa disitu sndr..xde sape nk kaco..hehe