Thursday, January 21, 2010

~My BulKy Red....~

murnin peeps...pgi2 lagi mood aku telah tercalar sedikit..coz a call that i get from my dad's hp..although its not for me...tpi aku sbgai org yg mengangkat gan menjwb call tu raser berapi pgi2...sbb org yg bertanyer tu tak thu adab berckp gan btul...walaupun tak bermaksud olehnyer tpi aku ttp gak hot...he has to learn some etiquette...anyway walaupun aku membebel disini...bknnyer dier dgr pun hehehehe....ok2 back to fokus mode....well wat is it with this pic above???any guess u guys...hehhe...well this is look alike what ive called "My Red Bulky Hp"..that ive use for about...let me see....1..2...3..ha....7 years...wahhh!!!!lamernyer aku berthn gan hp ni..this hp captured lots of memories...driku pkai hp ni since sem ke-2 1st year di Uni..hp ni la yg telah menyaksikan...ive had experienced my 1st love,and my 1st breakup,jtuh dri atas bangunan kebwh pun ader(byk kali tak terkater) ,kalo tercampak dri tgn time bgun tdo jgn ckpler,kat parking lot and etc...hp ni driku raser dah byk la dier lalui keperitan kehidupannyer sbgai handphone semata2 nak bg tuannyer ni HAPPY...heheh...memandangkan driku ader 2 simcard so dier ni pun mnjdi mangsa bukak n pasang balik...heheh semater2 nak insert simcard(time tu hp ni ajer ader)in 2008 ive purchase another hp...yg biaser2 ajer...utk simcard yg lgi stu ni..sbb dah kesian kat my bulky red hp ni...battery dier dah nazak...cpt sgt nak off although battery load still full...heheh...and yesterday my hp tu tiber2 DEAD!!!!coz why???hp2 nokia yg dlu2 on and off button dier is at the top..kener tekan..and bkn mcm skang start button dier just press the RED button sign tu...memandangkan on and off button dier telah takder ruper mcm i use pen or any sharp utensils utk cucuk nyer..HAHHAHAH!!!! smlm as my mum tlong send kat kedai...sayer tak sempat and later back from work ive pick it kedai tu ckp.."ur hp ni..punat bukak tutup dah hancur...meh"ehhe...see...really ganas of me is it???luckily his really a gud in wat his doin mending he make a small new button for it...and he becarefull and jgn ganas2 sgt tekan...just lembut ajer...heheh...when at 1st ive notice my red bulky hp just can't be started...i was extremely sad,stress semua bercampur ahhh...mcm byk sgt menimpa one thing and another...and i was worried about if it can't recovered i'll be loosing all the numbers...and ader tu driku tak sempat salin lgi dlm buku..just for safety...sbb ader tu yg tak tersave dlm simcard...but today im he is now have given a 2nd chance to lived with me...heheh...although it would be sad leaving him one day...(eh knplak driku memanggil it "HIM' instead of "HER"...gatal...)...i guess its already time to let him go and let him rest...tpi biler yerk??..kner tggu time dpt purcahse hp bru kener tgk2 la heheh...i really do love u "My RED BULKY Hp" no matter what k?u still have my heart....although u been replace...:)

p/s:yeahh!!!!!!!!!ive find my wall paper...dah bought pun..heheh later pics update insyallah...tersangat2la murah..beli di wallpaper distributor...tak sangka ader kat Setapak ni hehehe

~23 dayS To Go~


ieNn ZaZa said...

yezaaa...i still remember this phone..hehe

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

kan2...hehheh...hp yg sgguh hbt pd time tu nad ler...hbt sbb byk kali terhempas..kenar baling hahahh...byk nostalgia hp ni hehheh....hp nad gan shinchan 1st time jumper gak...hahahah

ieNn ZaZa said...

yup..btol2..memg at that time nad beli memg tgh hangat pn..jeles kite ms nad dpt hp tu..hehehe

Mrs.Qarlista said...

giler lame nad pakai hp nih? nad punye hp asal 2 tahun je dah kene tukar..hehe..yang flip pun bleh patah ape citer..hehe..

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

ienn zaza:yeker liza jeles time tu???heheheh....skang ni dah takder dah kan??heheheh.....

Nad nazira:heheheh....tuler selalonyer tukar gak hp tpi gan hp merah tu mcm syg ajer heheh walaupun dier besar heheheh...tpi rasernyer its about time kner tukar la nad heheheheh