Friday, December 23, 2011 will be a LONG holiday..:)

Ho...Ho...Ho...hehe...Christmas is near(although im not celebrating christmas..but it will be a 3days holiday..yeahh...start from saturday till monday) LIKE...LIKE it sooo much..and the best part it i'll be taking 2days off on tuesday and wednesday...which means it sums to 5days all together..heheh bestnyerrr(leh shopping brg2 bb)........heheh sbb nak hbskan cuti tahunan tggal 2 hari ajer tak boleh carry forward dah.. aper lg...jom wishing u guys happy holidays yerk...:)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Babies we've met + the Sneak Peek...

well this month me and Mr R rajin melawat2 new born bb..maybe nak mendptkan raser aura tu kot heheh...this month barula rasernyer kiterong start decide "what to buy now" and "not to buy yet" loving my bb listing everytime I see im feeling so excited while shopping for it..and this month pun raser best coz byknyer SALE everywhere now and then...ok lets talk less and just let the pics do all the talking heheh...beautifull babies to cherish always...:)

meet lil Rayna mum's friend nyer daughter punya bb (hehe pening kepala ku kejap)..she's so adourable..with her nice big eyes:)
meet lil mardhiah..dayah's(gang2 songee) 2nd bb..sebijik ruper suaminya ni attract pada warna black and when my hp yg berwarna black ni focus kat muker dier nak take pics senangla..sbb dier akan attract pd warna black here's the nice pic..sweet lil bb mardhiah:)

the sneak peek that we've waited all along to see




meet our bundle of joy(4D scan in 6month) u can see clearly its eyes,mouth and nose herehehe...ive ought to reveal the bb gender as ive promise right?but Mr R said tggu dulu la..after dah bgthu FMIL..baru dapat reveal...just want to surprise my MIL this christmas holidays..and tell its gender last sunday (18/11/2011) Ive had my scan detail with the Alhamdulillah everythings ok..they check everything in detail it last about 1/2 an hour..scan detail ni is quite pricey but its really worthy pd mummy2be..korang should see if there's any fetal pd bb or anything..aper2 pun we still berdoa supaya bb dlm perut sehat and cukup segala sifatnyer..and mudah nak melahirkannya..amin..everytime ive see this pic it makes me want to cry..raser mcm terharu pun ader..there's many mix feeling inside me i guess..but every feelings ive had now it sums to HAPPINESS...ok happy working u guys:)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

HaPpy 27th BirthdaY DeaRest Mr R..xoxo


Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy BIRTHDAY to you...its my dearest hubby 27th birthday yesterday...sorry for the late update yerk heheh...due of my aching really looks swollen but ive manage to work today...anyway last nite..sempat treat a simple dessert at NICE COFFEE..hope u like it Mr R..hehe nanti on weekends la kiter celebrate best2 sket2..k..ive ought to buy a cake for him...but Mr R ni bkn peminat cake so..nanti ended up im eating it dgn no no wish to you..semoga abg happy and ceria selalo..may our new family that we build sentiasa diberkati Allah..and we lived happily ever after:)lastly LOVE U sgt2..xoxo...
this is what i had also for my dessert hehe...mummy 2 be ni pun nak jugak join sekaki mkn heheh..tadaaaaaaa.......

my mango squeezy ice..yummy:)

dedicated to my dearest hubby Mr R..walaupun mcm lagu bdk2(i know were nearly end of our 20's still its a cute my motto..walaupun umur dah meningkat still raser diri tu muder heheh)enjoyce...

"Tapi Hati Ini KuaT Menyatakan
Kau terkini Duduk Di CARTA HATI
lagu cinta kiTe Bermula
dari mata tuRun ke Jiwa

daRi Teman Menjadi CINTA
dan berjanji utk seTia
SEHIDUP semati kita
Menjanjikan bahagia
utk kita BERDUA selamanya"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

UrgHH..My FeEt staRts To CraMp!!!! HURTS!!!!! (courtesy:Mr Google)

Huhu...hoping to get up from sleep as per normal...but I've notice since dah reach this 23weeks of pregnancy(ader tu yg dah kene awl2)..kadang2 ader mlm2 tertentu...betisku akan cramp tersgt2la PAINFULL...until diri sendiri nak bangun late in the nite to go to the loo...pun tak dpt sbb kaki yang tak boler bergerak dan mummys2be out there dah raser this kind of experience ke belum"noctunal leg cramps"ni???as pagi ni tadi nak bangun from sleep...cramp tu dtg menyerang kembali and raser mcm susah nyer nak pg kerja(ia akan menyerang selama beberapa saat atau minit)...reach at the office bwk la jln2 sket ke cafe then back to my work station...raser mcm lega la still the aching still ader..huhu...anyway what cause this things to happen???after I've done some Googling in the internet(TQ Mr Google..why ive always refer google as mr and not ms??i guess it sounds nice...heheh)some in fo yg ive dapat...yang kiter tak cukup CALSIUM(we need to take about 1200mg-1500mg Ca per day ) ..I've thought calsium yg i take now dah cukup (pill calsium+drink milk everyday)tp masih tak mencukupi means i need to increase my milk intake from 1 glass each murnin to 3 glass per day + eat lots of yogurts..sbb mknan2 yg menambahkan calsium dlm bdn adalah:-
c)Sardin-but people said its not good to take that much
d)Salmon Fish
Kalo mummy 2be..yang mengalami in this kind of state...boleh la take some simple steps which is:

"At Nite"

1)kalo mlm2 pakai la stokin panjang and tebal (from my experience..sbb pkai stokin pendek and kaki sejuk cpt buat kaki cramp)

2)berdiri dan berjln utk merenggang otot kaki

3)berbaring disisi KANAN/KIRI utk elakkan tekanan pada rahim

4)tido mengunakan 3 bantal..1 utk kepala,1 utk letak bwh perut and lastly utk dikepit di celah kaki

"At Nite Or Day"

1)kurangkan berdiri terlalu lama atau silangkan kaki..buat gerakkan ringan pada sendi pergelangan kaki and jari kaki time rehat2 tgk tv ke,mkn2 or while talking with friends and family:)

2)drink a LOT of WATER..(also can put 'hot towel' around your feet before going to sleep to let ur feet rest-nak try la mcmni for sure lega kan heheh)

3)A Phisiotherapy suggest..kalo tiber2 sebelah kaki cramp..try berdiri tegak dgn cepat and sandarkan kaki pada dinding sambil menekan pada dinding mcm para atlet selalo buat tu..bezanya dieorng buat sambil baring tp for pregnant mummy baik berdirila yerk.

I do hope this info do helps mummy2be out there...and also for me..moga2 keadaan CRAMP kaki ni dpt dikurangkan...heheh...ok uols happy working + have a nice day:)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My New Best Friend For This Whole 9months:) guessing that KL this afternoon will be raining heavily like yesterday..but im hoping that im able to get back home on like yesterday..ive reach home before it flooded throught out the road in front of my office...fuhhh...anyway...sebenarnyer nak citer bender meet my newest bestfriend..that ive started used in the early stage of my pregnancy..which is Cocoa Butter Formula message lotion & cream for Stretch Marks..for me..alhamdulilah...although im near to my 6 months (within next week)...still there's no signs of stretch mark here and there...biarla berkekalan sampai dah deliver pun heheh...the reviews from around 9/10..although it has that sense of smell but later on you'll be starting to immune with those smell...(nak cantik punya psl tak kesah bau dier kurang enak...heheh)so jom mummy2be out there kiter ramai2 pkai lotion ni yerk...heheh:)

see....this how it looks like yesterday in front of my office IJN...nasib baik sempat escape..kalo tak menangis tak berlagu la nampaknyer diriku hoping that today tak raining...coz it seems cloudy huhu....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wedding's In The Last Month of 2011

Hye uols!!!ceria2 di ptg hari Selasa...heheh...well im taking a few minutes to rest my what i do best is "blogging"..its been a week baru berkesempatan nak update...coz ive been bz on weekends and for todays post..just updating u guys about the wedding that ive this month...which is wedding adik kak Laura @ Ms Laura..and my BFF nyer adik Mira iaitu Nora& Din...there's nothing to let's the picture do the talking la yerk...(skang mind kusut memikirkan nak beli brg bb aper dulu...heheh...cuak bcer2 blog mummy's to be dah prepare byk brg dh...heheh while me still goyang kaki lagi...anyway the good news dah book antenatal class+bf class on January at Ampang Puteri can't wait)


wah...happynyer amir..selamat pengantin baru
me and kak laura(kakak pengantin lelaki)..biler lak time akaknyer??heheh

-Nona+Din's Wedding-

the main entrance...theme colour light purple+light pink..sgt sweet

the pelamin

the doorgift..its a beautiful tasbih crystal...small and for kids dpt gula2 kapas

the bridesmaid...budak2 kecik yg chomel pkai ala2 org dulu2 cute sgt

thats my friend mira(yg berbaju lite blue baju kurung)..seorang akak yang berdedikasi yg sgt bz dgn dessert table yg dier uruskan...chomelkan???nad dah book ko tau Mira time akikah heheh...

the bride + groom

the fountain cake..courtesy by Mira...hebatnyer!!!

the pre-wedding pic yg di letak di main entrance..there's also a photobooth tp tak sempat ambik heheh

lastly...mummy2be sign kat guestbook(patutnyer sign time nak dkt blik baru buat heheh)semoga nona & din sentiaser berbahagia ke akhir hayat amin...

p/s:please do pray the best for me..for this 18th (4D scan checkup)semoga bb sehat+cukup sifat..and jauhkanla drpd perkara2 yg tak baik...amin....

Monday, December 5, 2011

It Has Been 5months ++

" its me mummy when im in 5months..hye!!!"

Its just feels like yesterday ive started to notice that im pregnant+the murnin sickness...but it seems im already in the middle of my 2nd just times fly right???heheh...then in a matter of time...there will be that date of "our bundle of joy" to see and greet us and the whole world...hehe(tak boleh nak bygkan that feeling time tu i guess...but now skang perasaan just takut nak deliver aderla heheh)starts from the 20th week ive already notice the baby's wat maser ni kadang2 kerap terjage from sleep...but not so la...while im typing this post pun bb dlm tummy ni gerak2 ajer..tak tahuler dier lapar ke..atau mmg active hehe...terasa byk kali perut ni berombak2..i'll be missing this feeling one day...heheh:) weight gain mcm tu jugak...naik 1kg at a time...overall skang just naik 5kg..kalo demam atau flu teruk sket turun la berat dgn mendadak...anyhow hope sgt weight nad tak melebihi 10kg(so that leh dpt ideal weight balik...doa byk2)aper pun2 nak bb dlm perut ni sehat and cukup zat:)so on the 18th Dec baru buat 4d scan and on the 27th Dec(the 6th followup)..baru cucuk tetanus..for mommies yg having 1st bb kener cucuk tetanus (2 times)..for the next Dr kater just needed 1 time only..hehe..."our bundle of joy"dah tunjuk its gender hehe...anyway it will be reveal after 4D scan la yerk hehe bru im guessing on my 6 months bru start beli brg2 semua heheh,,,so do pray for mommy + bb ni sehat yerk hehe...ok will be update soon...miszzz uols!!!

p/ 5months..still boleh pkai baju kurung pg ofis...certain yg diconsider longgar yang the rest of it dah tak dpt pkai..hehe...nak try tgk waktu dah 6months boleh ke pkai lg heheh..

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Breaking DawN Fever!!!including ME:)

Olaa!!!...heheh do guys feel the shivers as i am now? not sick apparently..hehe but its the shiver of the 2 clans im feeling edward and team jacob in the movies now..well I've opt to write this post on Tuesday but as lazziness that will not come to an end anytime terlambat la nak on Monday bundle of joy in the tummy..hehe..when to watch Breaking Dawn...fuhh penuhnyerla pangung wayang TGV Wangsa Walk tu...sbb time cutikan..and ramai yg nak tgk citer ni and Happy waktu tgk citer ni...time part awl2 when Bella and Edward got married..and the part when Bella meets Jacob for the wedding dance...ntahler tiber2 nangis... iguess its really touch my feelings at that time...when reading the books tak pulak when seeing those beautifull scene..mmg cry la..mybe becoz at last dieorng kahwin jugak...overall..citernyer ok...tak byk lwn2 kali ni as Mr R said so..and bykla scene yg kner potong tak best pulak kener beli CD la kalo nak tgk penuh..and bestnyer Edward tak nampak pucat sgt..his looks mcm dlm citer Twilight dlu..tak mcm Eclipse and New Moon...putih+pucat teramat kali ni he looks Jacob mmg always looks saper yg tak tgk lg...and a Twilight fan...pgla tgk heheh:)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

If Its A Boy..Nak Iras Sket2 Mcm Aaron Aziz la...hehe:)

Hye uols!!!this entry should have been published last week...but biaserla ibu mengandung ni kdng2 moodnyer...ader ups and nampak gayernyer mmg genap 1 week bru update this entry kali ni heheh...this week ni teramat la ngantuk+tired sgt when hadap comp ajer...for sure mcm mcm mata cpt tak dpt la nak update aper2 kat blog ni...anyway...last week on Thursday(17/11/2011)after work me and kak tgk Aaron Aziz kat Istana Budaya...hehe..(thought tak ramai org...yela hari weekdays ishk2...tak disangka2...ramainyer org...dgn org2 yg dtg after work like us,rombongan sekolah asrama dari maner ntah and then ader bdk2 uni atau bdk kolej)...its my 1st time watching teater(kak gee mmg kaki teater dier dh byk tgk) thrill nyer lain la sket...heheh lbh2 lg tgk Aaron Aziz live lg heheh...BESTnyerrrrrr!!!!so kiterong tgk citer "Badai Semalam"..overall jalan citernyer OK...time part sedih tu tersedih la jugak heheh...kalo nak tahu lbh lanjut kner bacerla novelnyer...hehe...nipis senang nak hbs:)teater starts at 8.30pm hbs 11.30pm..heheh timer kasih Mr R sbb bg kiter tgk teater heheh...k la...dah mengah2 ni sbb jln byk jom lyn pics yerk:)

intro awal...heheh:)

para pelakon consist of AA,Erra Fazira,Fizz Fairuz,Umie Aida,Emelda Rosnaida,ziela Jalil and etc

ticket yg kiterong purchase hehe...tmpt ddk paling atas lain kali nak ddk bwh lak..takperla spend lebih sket hehehe
xdpt bergambar dgn Aaron secara live..dgn patung cupboard dier pun takper heheh...wahhh siap pegang bahu AA lg heheh

gambar AA lg di banner...(gambar pelakon lain taknak ambik...nampak sgt kipas susah mati AA..ishk2)

So last weekend ader Parenthood Expo di MidValley so ive purchased baju maternity/nursing leh pakai time preggy and after preggy heheh...brg2 bb tak beli lagi sbb my mum pesan tggu bb 7 bulan baru beli brg heheh(tapi haritu brg2 bb sgtler beli la beberapa rompers + stokins..terus hide dlm special box for lil bb) heheh...hope my mum tak nmpk heheh...(brg2 lain nanti2 bru start beli)

suker warna nyer hehehe:)

A friend indeed is a friend in need..heheh...thank you kak gee for liking the cuppies yg diorder last minit for her daughters birthday(helping kak gee order from a nice cakemaker who lives in Bukit Jalil and send to Danau Kota)..thanks to the cuppies maker yg willingly ambik order last minit:)TQ kak Ani...nanti nak try order kat akak pulak(sbb ader delivery service)...kak gee mention her cuppies yg diorder(red velvet cupcakes+cream cheese topping)tersgtla sdpdier leh imagine mcm Edward Cullen mkn cuppies sbb terlampau moist(pics above deco yg direquest)and anak kak gee mkn one perday..hehe jimattt..K la...thats all for today...tata..xoxo:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wordless Tuesday

Pardon me for not updating anything lately

although there's lot of things to chit chat about



this recent days

anyway tomorrow 23/11/2011(wed) its gonna be 20weeks @ 5months for me
how just times fly...our "bundle of joy"is getting bigger in my small tummy(kecik ke?heheh) hehe

now im able to feel it moves...on the 19thweek heheh...

cant wait for the next checkup on the 29thNov

hope that everything would turn out fine::
miszz uols!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

We're Still Guessing...:)

guess who???

Hye uols!!!its lunchtime and my boss is on leave(plus bundle of works settle)....what a best time it could be hehe...well its been 4months + + for me...and next week i'll be 5months of times for now jln pun takleh laju2+jln dah termengah2 sket...before this naik turun tangga masih ok lg...skang kener kurangkan sket speendyer...heheh...29/11 hope to see the baby's gender...harap sgt dier tunjuk it a boy or gurl...(ramai yg guess it would be a boy)but for me and Mr R kiterong tak kesah is it a boy or a gurl...asalkan bb sehat walafiat dan just sharing u guys a few pics(that my hubby insisted on taking to reveal the bb bump...suker sgt dier)place of scene di Taman Seribu Bunga,Melaka(last week blik kg FIL) sajer2 la pg jln2 and taking pics on Saturday evening..heheh(ramailak pengantin bru yg ambik pic kat situ sekali for the post wedding...kiterong pun join sekaki heheh)..layan....enjoyce!!!!

front view of my baby bump heheh..
side view of the bump(ehhh Mr R pun nak join heheh) looking chubbier then ever

p/s:some pics that one day im able to show to "our bundle of joy" we love u so much(although ur still in my tummy)heheh

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dream Of "Dolce Gusto" beside my bed:)

"One Hot Chocolate with Whip Cream plzzz"hehe....ermmm how delighted to have a cup of coffee or my fav hot choc from Starbucks...early this Friday murnin...and meanwhile its raining heavily exquisite it sound would be...(but oopss preggy mum shouldn't drink coffee in their early or late pregnancy..kecuali teringin sgt just a sip or two k uolss!!)anyway here at my workplace there is Gloria Jeans just open for several days ahead but still it can't able to compete Starbucks...heheh...(nampak sgt dah kner mandrem Starbucks coffee and choc chip freezynyer) hehe...for the love of i use to drink Nescafe 3in 1 original while my studying years at UKM(to stay up late siapkan assighment)+drank it with Mr R while watching our fav movie...and you can prepare with just a single PUSH...hehe...checkout down here!!!tadaaa...

from left to right:Piccolo,Circolo,Creativa and Melody 2

Nestle Products Sdn Bhd...had just featured us to all Malaysian people the..."Nescafe Dolce Gusto" u can prepare uve lovable nescafe with 4 different taste with just one small capsule by a single push...see how easy it is like ABC...let me explain from the pic above..they had 4 types of coffee makers(but their only 2 types that eligible here and its Piccolo and Circolo)...their features:)

Piccolo-compact design&makes up to 3 beverages before needing to be refilled

Circolo-similar features to the Melody 2 but with a blue LED to show of your hot beverage

Creativa-Programable cup size&automated brewing complete with an LCD screen

Melody 2-the current Dolce Gusto model
As ive mention we able to purcase Piccolo and Circolo for Piccolo the retail price would be RM399(0.6l capacity) and it comes with 3 colours red,white and titanium. Meanwhile for Circolo you're able to get it for RM699 as it 1.3l capacity and comes with 2 colours red and anthracite(heheh tak thu mcmner ruper colour tu...u guys can google it)..although it sounds a bit exspensive for a cofee maker...but i guess its worthwhile to have one heheh...its easy peasy to use then the ones that eligible in the market(as it is differ from othersla)
so here is the 5 different taste of Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsules(but here we only have 4 taste in the market which is espresso,cappucino,latte macchiato,and mocha...minus the caffe linggo)each boxes contains 16capsules worth RM27.99...dont know if they sell it in bulk heheh(berangan lagi...nanti takut hbs cepat heheh kner beli lg capsules)...can i have this thingy Mr R??after my confinement ker??hehehe...cheh2 high hopes...anyway wish to have one beside my bed...wahhhh such a heaven(well this post tak berbayar yerk...just to share thought about it heheh)k..happy working uols:)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Its 4months + +

Hye uols!!!its quite some day that ive did'nt manage to update anything...i guess this is due to my health condition within this flu is still haunting me day and nite...and now cough is following its flu friend to haunt me down i guess...urghhhh...terrifying!!!!!im quite pity for my bb..when im not well i cant eat that well+sleepless kesian bb tak dpt cukup zat(moga bb mama & papa ni sehat k...kener strong for mama k)....anyway eventually my 4month scheckup should be on Monday but the Dr have an emergency im able to see my petite bundle of joy yesterday...hye2 lil cutie inside my tummy....hehe let see the scan pic downhere

hye there!!!

hehe...ive manage to see its backbone clearly and its head...can you see???

well the Dr said that my bb its abit small but dont worry it will catch up...

but i guess the Dr has miscalculated the length of the baby...she thought im 19 weeks i guess(dier asyik sebut screen ni show 17weeks patutnyer tak...ermmm a bit confuse there..but i am 17weeks..)

Due to my concern of my health this days...ive opt not to take medication that would not likely be prescribe by the o&g as for my cough she gave me this Herbal cough syrup(its good for mum to be)its mild and sgtla berangin sukernyerr hehe it calles CofCare...and ubat for flu is Clarytine(hope i'll be well soon enough heheh)...okla jap lg nak balik yeah!!!tata

this is how the cough syrup looks like(kedai2 jual ubat2 herbs ader jual ubat ni)
p/s:sumtimes u just need to be silent to avoid any big commosion..its better to be silent then words of wisdom for today uolsss

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Feels like living in STONEAGE!!!hehe

Last week went back to on Saturday before sampai umah and Mr R jln2 di AEON JJ Melaka yang baru have our lunch as MIL takder kat umah...kner pergi Muar(school trip...yup2)so sampai saner time lunch...aper lg perut pun dah start berbunyi2 keriangan...walaupun before bertolak breakfast berat ok..meehun goreng after survey2 nak mkn kat foddcourt ker atau fastfood...tiber2..nampak satu kedai ni enterior cantik...and mkn dier looks kiterong stop by kat STONEGRILL....the best part ni menyediakan mknan...yang pelanggan kner masak sendiri atas batuan bersegi empat yg mmg super duper panas...aper2 pun dier dah siap potongla ayam,daging atau seafood yg you've for me...ive ordered "Skewed Chicken Grilled"(with teriyaki sauce)+mango juice...Mr R "Garlic Chicken Grilled"+ sour plum juice...and side dish we ordered "Mashed potato with black pepper sauce"...bestnyer...bakar mknan sendiri so kiter leh nak medium cook ker..nak overcook ker...boleh ajer...ikut citerasa kiter...perasaan mcm main masak2 time zaman batu pulak heheh...kat KL tak perasan pulak ader restaurant ni ker tidak...anyway nanti nak try tgk kat Mr Google hehe...k la jom layan pics..uols!!!

tisu dier pun ader gambar stonegrill tu comel heheh
the cozy..mcm mkn dlm forest
(mind the pic of Mr R...he likes doing the roll eye kind of thingy..ermmmm)

the side dish...yummy2...its finger lickin good..
nope2...its SPOON lickin good...hygenic plzz...:)

the main dish...see it serve's with chinese fried rice

(perasan tak gambar asap2 tu hehe...ader tulis dkt dpn before entering in)

batu tu dipanaskan about >100Degrees ...yup2 muker mum to be yg sgt HAPPY dpt food

(nanti nak dtg lg la...heheh)




(kiterong kener RM50 ajer heheh)

p/s:nampknyer ader pertambahan dri segi followers thank you uols...hehe...dtg menziarah blog yg tak seberapa ni..k..not to forget HAPPY DIWALI to those who celebrate it....esok cuti yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 26th Birthday to my sissy:)

Happy 26th Birthday for my lil sissy Suria..hehehe..although late update (tp sambut birthday and hadiah tak bg lambat kan(15/10/2011)???heheh-nak ltk gambar cake sebenar tp takleh nak upload lak huhu)so i guess the week before her birthday ive think to buy her a nice and sparkly flat pumps as ive mention before(as she loves sparkly pelik) anyway...ended up after a long pause of thinking through the nite heheh i guess this is a wise decision what i get for her...heheh...let us see...what it is...drum roll plzzz!!!!!!hehe




TADAA!!!!!!!!! a compact digital camera Fujifilm Finepix JV250 + small petite camera stand(tak igt dah what we call it!!!huhu)16 megapixel yerk...really2 affordable price...suker2
ive bought it in PINK (as it is my fav colour)
nasib baik dier now if she needs to travel (mmg selalo due to work purposes)
tak perlu la dah tgkap gan camera BB dier yg tak berapa clear and tak puas tgk picnyer...
so with this camera it would give her alot of help with it heheh
PLUS...its also can capture VIDEO...yeah!!!bonus marks
so enjoy the gift yerkk lil sissy...heheh
happy that you like it:)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Day

Headache...headache go away

its cruciating....

i can't focus...i can't do anything

just let the pain go away....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I L0ve U LiKe A LoVe SOng...Baby...:)

Harini extra rajin so update jap mlm ni before tdo hehehe...tdi tgh layan2 lagu...tiber2 syok lak mendgr lagu ni aper lg....upload la kat blog kesygan aku ni heheh....this song is dedicate to my dearest Mr R...hope you enjoy hearing it...sambil tu theres a 2pic of us...that was took while our 1st day of hari raya together at Melaka...hehehe....mlm ni jiwang2 jap la sket before tdo hehehe...k la nite uolssssssssssss:)

"You aRe Beautifull,like a dream coMe Alive,incredible

a centrefold miracle,lyrical

you save my life again

and i want you to know baby

I,I love you like a love song baby

I,I love you like a love song baby

I,I love you like a love song....."

p/s:leh tak rasernyer kalo diriuku karok lagu ni hehehe...

couples days away to KLVS

Huhu...murnin uols....harini terbgun lambat..5minit before 7am baru terjage ishk2 buruk perangai...tuler suker sgt ttp jam when it la bahananyer...luckily ive manage to sampai office just in time...but kesian Mr R terlambat sket hope dier sempat la smpai before his urgent meeting yup2...skang ni Mr R tu bz sesgt2...balik pun kdng lmbt dah huhu...but anyway im HAPPY as he usual comes back to KL...memandangkan isterinyer ni tgh preggy so extra care la yerk..hehe nanti tak semena2 emo ajer diriku ni heheh...(sorryla skang kuat BER'EMO'..heheh)...well hakikatnyer nak citer bender terciter bender lain lak...ok2 back to focus naddy....last week i was away for 2days since Thursday and Friday...sambung ke Sabtu to attend this KL Valve Summit at Hilton...mainly kalo summit mcmni dieorng citer psl new tools for op+tunjuk live cases and mcm2 a Researcher kener la tahu sedikit sebyk kalo tak pening time nila peluang dpt tgk yg expert2 surgeon ni wat live operating ader jugak yg terlelap gak2ler...when speaker dier tu mcm syok sendiri bercakapkan...time tuler best to collect goody begs kat booth2 pharmaseutical yg ader..heheh...cheh2...ive attend with 4 others of my aderla frend heheh....ok la dri sesi membebel panjang ni...jom layan pics...:)

the main lobby...ambik pic banner wajib yerk
this is like 1st time ive attend confference/meeting yang ader lunch symposium..sambil you eat ader kener mkn lunch dlm tray mcm kanak2 riang...mcmni..until 3days talk to mkn takleh feel ahhh...mmg tak kusyuk ahh dgr talk time ni hehehe(well this pic above is the dish that ive choose...thai cuisine)

meanwhile my collegue iza opt for western at the lunch symposium session

does it looks revealing or what ek???

here is one of the session that was held there

the LIVE case that was done directly in IJN and showed to us at the ive remember this case was done by a foreign Dr doing mitral valve repair

a pic of the human valve by 3D echo

(for sure u guys pening gan terms2 yg ader...sorry la yerk...all are medical terms...kalo uols nak tahu lbh lanjut try Mr Google la yerk heheh)

I guess on Friday that week...kiterong otw nak g sembahyang kat area main lobby hotel...perasan la ader pekerja2 hotel ni siap dgn bunga..and ader certain gurls siap dgn camera lg...we was like..aper yg dieorng tggu2 ni...then tanyerla kat mamat security ni.."saper tetamu vip yg nak dtg ni???"..mamat tu jwb "Westlife nak dtg"..we was like ala...tipu la tu kan...tgk2 aahhh mmg btul timing baik ahhh kiterong nak pg sembahyang dieorng pun me yg kaki mengambil gambar ni...tgkap la satu pic utk jdi kenangan...heheh...dptla tgk dkt2....

gambar shane yang ditangkap yerk...gambar2 members lain kurang penting sbb dierng tak sehensem shane hehehe...skang dah tak minat boyband when seeing them...teringat time zaman bujang2 dlu heheh...the good old days:)

After attending confference/summit ni la...diriku pun dmm and having this cold flu...skang flu ajer tinggal lg cpt2 la baik...huhu.....Yes!!!!!today is Thursday and tommorow is Friday(my day of paradise) heheh...and Saturday will be my dearest sissy' still thinking for a gift that it is suitable for she usual travels alot for her work...last week she just got back from Hellsinki...and i guess next month she will be headed to New Delhi as im not mistaken...she's really a career women....gud for you one of my options as a gift for her is flat pumps...want to get it from Payless this Saturday...but im still opt for some other she is a such a fashionista then me...heheh:)erm...still thinking....erm what should i get for her???erm....hope ive manage to have an idea within this week...insyallah

she loves sparkle is this would be nice for her??heheh

(courtesy:from Payless website)