Thursday, January 28, 2010


YeaH!!!!Im HapPy Me..hehehe...but 1stly sorryla coz of the late update hehe in this apart from concerning about my E-day that just left 2 weeks & 2 days @ 15 days(just cant believe it...bakal jadi tunangan org tu!!!!!takuuuuuuut nyer....leh ker jdi tunang yg baik?) and also busy with work lots2 of Stats also one of the IT Comittee for Research Dept (the selected candidate just been chosen on Tuesday)...and also preparing for the GCP Workshop that will be held on 8,9 & 10th im the Head Team in finding materials"Material Team" (saperla jadikan driku ni Ketua..ishkkk2!!!!)and also backup mc for that day(if Zal or Jac is busy with their work suddenly on call)...why me?????aderla reason dieorng bg tula inila...well apa2 ajerla asalkan dierong happy....anyway back to my hapPy ive finish everything and i had the time to update my cute blog that ive adore so much...sygggg "simplynadhoney' ni..heheh...well finally all the preparation for my E-day has reach 85%...YEAH!!!!as ive already find the best florist owner and also her gud ideas in giving which flowers that ive should use in making my hantaran looks nice and exclusive...thanks aunty fauziah (the owner of the florist) at last...ive found it 1st choice of flowers would be ROSES but i had to change it as my E-day falls on Valentines Day (the day of love) and she said that Roses will be so expensive that day...(quite sad)but when she gave me idea in changing into X and Z flower...heheh i was TOTALLY in love with the and mum was so happy with we booked from her and will pick it up at her shop on 13/2/2010 (SatUrday) in the Afternoon as all my burdens in my head just sweep this week busy decorating it by myself heheh just cant wait...nanti korang tgk la yerk...after the E-day i'll upload sum of the pic..heheh maner la thu dpt bg idea2 pd yg bakal buat DIY hantaran...heheh:)im a 1st timer doin it so maybe tak secantik dlm internet or the pro's yang buat asalkan perasaan SATISFIED tu yang penting..heheh...and best gak next Monday cuti..(Hari Wilayah) leh settlekan apa2 yg patut...heheh...wish me luck u guys k

~15 days tO go~


ieNn ZaZa said...

ehehe..mst nad bedebar2 kn..skrg dh leh start wat hntrn dh..cayok2 nad..

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

berdebar2 sgguh liza heheh,,....thanks liza for the support