Wednesday, January 6, 2010

*Im adDicTed To iT...Or whaT???*

olaaaa...tdi sorryler ter'emo' sket(yeker sket..mcm byk ajer!!!!),takper2 skang ni nak citer2 happy stuff...i do like talking happy stuff...i thought today my mood will go smoothly and this murnin im like happy ajer...senyum ajer..but theres this one incident that i just cant bared to be mad with...gan bdk2 seofis gan driku ni...yg suker bender wat menyakitkan hati...ok2..stop there nanti meleret2 lakkan takut hilang lak mood happy tu heheh...well im in the office now with my companion (the comp in front of me) byk berjasa dlm kejer2ku gan disini gakler driku ber"blogging"time kejer2 tak berlambak and analysis stats yg kener crack head btul..smpai tdo+bgun+mkan semua nampk numbers hahahahh!!!!!ok2 back to the story...well skang ni as the time keeps running faster i addicted to DIY blog2 yg terdpt di for me semua bdner2 berkaitan like hiasan or gift atau etc yg DIY...semua driku nak tryler...siap beli la peralatan2 yg patut...hahahah..siap sakit2 la tgn mebuatnyer walaupun hasilnyer takder cantik maner tpi practice makes perfect then at last it turns out ok..and now im into doing my DIY butterfly...last thursday Jacky give me sum advice on it what should ive retouch this and that...and im gladly as last nite ive tried and so sum ammendments on it..then tadaa....the superb beautifull butterfly heheh(cheh2...melampau exegaratenyer)
-ni la brg2 yg ku perlukan utk membuat all my DIY stuff heheh...and that is the magic box that keeps all the precious stuff heheheh- my mind now after doin this cute2 petite butterfly..i would love to try doin the pompander balls...hehehe..tpi kalo driku ni buat nak ltk kat ner lak...hahaha...sajer2 ajerla nak try wat...coz it looks easy and really nice...maybe as a hiasan in the room ker...and myb kalo rajin im able to do sumthing diy for the E-day...for whom????secretla heheh...yupp..tpi tu still in mind...kener tgk kelapangan let me see after this...sambung wat bunga dip...tak thu lgi nak wat bunga aper lgi...nak beli crystal a deco...and sum pins..yup2...heheh..maner la tahu..nanti dah pro bab2 wat bender DIY ni gang2 songee gan kwn2 gediks ku sekalian nak perkhidmatan driku ker nanti leh ajer hehehhe cheh2...leh wat business happy!!!!!skang mlm2 kurang tgk tv...ddk dlm bilik wat bender2 ni...heheh...citer2 fav pun dh jarang tgk for doin the stuff that i found it interesting and it satisfied..ok la citer pada hrni....skang kener smbung kejer balik huhuh....hehehh...\(^_^)/ u see there its my glue gun,the yellow wired that had been made into shapes,utensils and thread.


Mrs.Qarlista said... rajen! nad penah gak try buat bunga dip pastu hampeh. malas pulak nak buat banyak2. heheh.

errr..who's ur mr.right? samurian kah???


SiMply NaD'Honey said...

heheh....takderla rajin maner nad ni..but i love trying to do stuff..especially yg bnder2 craft ni hehe...nad dah wat bunga dip gan rama2 stokin..kat previous post nad ader...heheh...ahhh yup2...samurian gak...heheh i guess u notice him...nurhazman is his name hehehe.....

Mrs.Qarlista said... rupenye..hehe..wahhh..nad dok mane ehhh???

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

heheheh...aaah nad..yup...tak sangkalak tersangkut gak gan bdk samura after cinta nad di Uni tak menjadi...tiber2 terjumper blik bdk Samura and it is Mr razkell...heheh..kalo dlu2 nad penah ckp...takank kalo leh gan bdk samura...heheh...tgk2 tersangkut...heheh...nad tggl kat KL...kat area Setapak