Friday, January 15, 2010

~thiS is wHat haPpEned aFter LuNchtime~

Huhuhu....NganTuknyer!!!!!!!...goshh...after lunch at A & W di Wangsa Walk (ishkk2 mcmner nak kurus ni...stick to ur diet gurl...hehehe..memandangkan hri Jumaat rehat lamer) my intention is to write a post on sumthing but ended up my mind just cant generate idea's at this kind of lain kali la yerk im just waiting the time to strike 5.15pm hehehe really cant wait...then later this nite hanging out with my dearest buddies...SyaZ,Mira and maybe NarD will be joining to heheh...yup:)and not to forget continue what i do best hahaha....takderla terror maner pun heheh...sambung wat bunga dip gan rama2...heheheh cyayok!!!!! as u will see starting from today everyeach post that i write will stated that mini countdown hehehe until that big day..heheh...ok u guys have a nice weekend:)
-29 days to go-

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