Wednesday, December 9, 2009

~**OuR 2Nd FoOd ReViEw...OHaYo!!!**~

Ohayo.....everyone wah!!!greeting in Japanese is it?hehe...well i guess its just and intro for my post for today...sorry for the late update of our 2nd place that me and Jac visit and have our dinner.So last Friday,we decided to go where???its tadaaa..."SuShi ZaN mAi" as i was craving for sushi...i guess i just cant get enough of the sushi roll heheh....and tempura...yumMmy!!!!the place was nice...and yes when we arrived there, there were not that many people standing outside and queue...but i guess after that when its nearly at 7pm...people started to queue....nasib baik smpat smpai at around 6pm lbh... so as my eyes were wandering about the menu, ive really just wanted everything i guess in it except eel's...heheh...Jac wanted to request it at 1st but...i just cant eat it...coz the images of it just makes me want to throw we decided to ordered anything except no eel dishes on the table...thank goodness....i've think we just ordered tempura,californian roll and some other dishes...and we also just grab on the counter yg bergerak2 pusing2 it is mouth watery...the food nyer different by the colour of the plate so its easy la(range dri murah ke mahal) for me althought im so fascinated and luved Japanese food and cultured..but eventually i just tak past2 using "chopstick"so ive requested a fork instead hahaha...wat a shame...tpi least im eating it...ive tried so many times tpi ntahler...tgn tu tak takder seni nak pegang and Jac was full although tak byk pun kiterong eat and grab from the counter...i guess less then 5plates..that we took...and ordered pun like 4 or 3 dishes..but u know...Japanese food is in small tu pun dah tak from my opinion...its worth to eat there...and its atmosphere is nice:)i guess i shall give it 7/10 marks...heheheh...the price OK...per person is like have fun visiting and eat....enjoy the pics.....

the menu lalalalal

jac...what are u searching ek??in ur beg is it???

we had our table near to the food counter its easy for us to grab anything we like..heheh:)

heheh...wahh..i guess Jac is that hungry she's just waiting to grab anything that past by for me at this time im already getting full...tu pun bru baper ajer driku mkn hahahah

me....muker kekenyagan ker aper ni???

the main entrance...Sushi Zan Mai at The Gardens
p/s:our restaurant search and dinner plan after work will be put on hold after this as im goin to be pretty lots of things to settle...but wait for our other reviews later u guys heheh...


justLucy said...

Hurm... I just realize sumthing... Wakakaka

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

wat did u realize????????