Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My HubBy WanTs Me To ReaD This ArTicle RealLy BAD!!!

Hye uols...murnin2...huhu...what a pretty hectic wekkend last week...with my cousins wedding and also my dearest friend Aliah's glamorous wedding...hehehe...love everything about it (and not to forget...me including all her other fellow friends...need to do a dance routine with the song Marry You by Bruno Mars...in front of the full house crowd...segannyer!!!!!! kene dance dpn tetamu diraja lagi...so tak tahu la how does it turn out nanti)....the occasion was captured by the CST team so outcomenyer for sure mcm best(tp aper2pun..moga2 tak nampak la sgt muker interframe heheh)...but wait!!!!the story of this 2 beautiffull wedding will be reveal for the next post la yerk..!!!(bersemangat berkobar2 jap2..hehe)...Well to start things of...while i was busy doing the house chores on Sunday..my Hubby aka Mr R..calls me out and wanted me to read this one article..he really wants me to read at that moment and at that second...gedikskan!!!semata2 nak suruh read and article title "Kenapa Wanita Patut Menyesal Jika Menolak Lamaran Seorang Jurutera"...and i was like ha????ini yang dier bersamangat sgt memanggil diriku dgn riang nyer...just nak tunjuk this article!!!and he said to me..."see syg...awk untung kan?heheheh"..ishk2 gediks jugak Mr R ni yerk... ive thought im the only one yg songee...dier pun dah tempias kesongeean diriku rupernyer...heheh...anyway...let me share some of it what does the article mention...and here's the link of the blog coz he does share some gud infos heheh...http://sylver-room.blogspot.com/2011/01/kenapa-wanita-perlu-menyesal-jika.html ok here is the bit of the articles(yang ive summarize dari fahamanku)....heheheh enjoyce and u decide la yerk:)

"KenApa Wanita Patut Menyesal Jika Menolak Lamaran SeOrang Jurutera"
1) Stail-Hidup:SIMPLE
-seorang engineer...tak perlu susah payah nak gosokkan seluar atau baju dier...sbb usually dieorng ni pakai JEANS ajer pergi kejer and tshirt ajer...so pada isteri2 engineer dah kurang satu kerja...hehe...:)

2)Dedikasi + Komited
seorang jurutera pasti menghabiskan segala usaha+memerah otak utk memahami sesuatu bender yg kompleks,semasa membuat project and etc...samer jugak la dier begitu komited utkmemenangi hati wanita ,mereka sedaya upaya mencari planning yang terbaik la utk memenangi hati org tersyg:)-yeker???

3)Tak Pandai Menipu
Dieorng ni approach things kebiasaanyer based on FACTS...cth dlm kejer so dieorng ni mmg tak pandai nak menipu and putar belit keadaan....so kalo dieorng ni jenis menipu gak...it means that...sebab hati dier tak tenteram uols!!!!

4)Bijak Melepaskan Tekanan
-Sentiasanyer bkn pd ORANG...tp OBJECT...sbgai cth kerja kat KILANG...dipicit2 main suis kat power generator.Yang kat offshore...ditumbuk-tumbuk boiler dgn batang paip kaki gajah...heheheh...and yg kat tapak pembinaan..diterajangnnyer mesin pembacuh simen atau pdmamat indon yg kejer kat tapak tu (heheh kesian mamat2 indon..heheh) so ended up isteri terselemat dari tempias kemarahan dieorng sbb semua dah dilepaskan kat tempat kejer

Practically HENSEM (time ni la Mr R tersenyum meleret...yg luar biasa btul ishk2)--nampak sgt yg wat article ni for sure a guy and en engineer..mmg pun!!!

Hehh...practically its really a nice piece of article (dlm hati nad berkata2..ader gak kebenarannyer..especially number 1,3 and 5 hehhe)..tapi takderla ckp dpn dier kan..nanti kembang lak hubby ku tu...hehehe...anyway im glad to marry an engineer...love u...xoxo...:)


Ilyana said...

hehe.. lawak je artikel tu. saperla (engineer) yg takde keje buat benda ni. hurmm.. means akak ni pun salah sorang dr perempuan yg beruntung dpt hubby engineer..

ada lg 1 akak nak tambah - slalu outstation oversea. dulu merasa gakla akak dok UK sbb ikut hubby posting sana. tp yg xbestnya, ada masa xleh ikut. kena tinggal je la nanti. huhu

papaYA said...

Funny :)
Tapi.... engineers yang kerje dengan G masih kena pakai slack, shirt and tie setiap hari.. hehehehe

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

pinky angel:heheh tahu takper akak..mmg lawak hubby nad bersemangat btul nak tunjuk kat nad...wahhh best2 syer belum berkesempatan lg raser mcm akak...tp kalo bab kner tggl tak best gak heheh

papaya:heheh really?erm...maybe engineer yg ddk kat office kot kn??

Camellia Alam said...

suker suker....

papaYA said...

Emm, tak jugak.. Engineers kat HQ KKM ni kerap turun buat naziran dan pemantauan, tapi masih dengan shirt and slacks.. >_<

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

cammy:heheh aku thu ko suker songee...heheh so ko kner igt tu heheh:)

papaya:heheh owh yeker??wahhh bgusnyer...mcm tu hehehe:)sentiaser kemas