Friday, December 3, 2010

"Where CaN i Get It????"

blue's's clues (suker sgt tgk citer ni...comel sgt heheh)
pic courtesy: google
Murnin uols...yeah!!!!!its Friday..hehehh...this murnin occured to me while i was checking my email and saw some of the updates from Blogger Brides blog from the FB sites...i was wondering where can i find an exclusive+nice gifts for the main table consist of 12 people la (excluded the bride and groom=10 people) instead of goin back and forth to Nilai 3 is there anyone can share some suitable place for me to go and survey heheh...area KL la...maximum price per 1 item maybe dlm rm20 ader tak???heheh...if there's anyone would kindly to drop by and give comment yerk:)hehe really needed ASAP heheh....TQ..ok luv uol...XOXO...(cyayok!!!lets start working heheheh)
p/s:the wisdom words for today is... "A HEARt that LOVEs is ALWAYs YOUNg" ~Greek Proverb


Liyana SCR said...

Try la cari kat Romantika. Barang cantik2 and murah. KK Deko pon ade...barang lebih kurang same je dgn romantika. tapi mahal sikit.

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

owhhh yerk...ermmm ok gak tu...nad dh pening nak cri gift utk main table yup2....nanti nad try survey kat saner...thanks yana...:)