Well...let the uneasy feeling left behind although it really bugs me today eventually..huhu...ok anyway back to my HAPPY mode...to update about the 2 SAMURIAN weddings that ive attend to heheh...on the 4th Dec 2010..me and mr R headed to Rantau N9..for Luke & Amalina's wedding..we've arrive late as the roads are hectic for the KLIMS and MAHA expo..luke and me samer2 gak time UKM...course pun samer...time 1st year..tp 2nd year dah devide ikut aliran masing2 pilih.Well amalina ive known her as she's a junior at his college and knal pun after dah jd tunang luke heheh..so frend2 la...so here's the pic of the clans yg dtg that day...meriah btul:)Congrats Luke & Amalina....(^_^) semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat yerk:)
this is the nice pic..semua ader (time ni pun Ajak and Boroi bz gak bg kad kahwin dieorng heheh) From left:isteri wan,Fad,Mr R,Kecik,X,Bonzer,Ajak,Wan,X,X,Durex,Butet,gf Roque,Me,gf butet
down from left:Bear,Ajoy,Boroi,Shidee,Cas,Aper,Roque
p/s:X stated for luper namer heheheheh
On The 6th Dec 2010 at Dewan Perdana Felda,there's held the wedding of Toberg & Huda..the SAMURIAN clans were seated near gak la coz ur able to see the view of the pelamin quite clear..as me and Mr R were given table no.46..with Doub+wife,Kadir+wife+baby,Dean+Idaliz,Wan+Wife.
Semuanyer mcm ader 5 meja pnuh dgn bdk2 SAMURA...so mlm tu best la sbb ramai yg ader...rindulak kenangan lamer2..anyway its a sweet wedding...and tak sangkala Huda still ingat kat diriku..hehe waktu salam2 and bergambar...anyway nice wedding highlites from CST production..cant wait for the full video from them(sbb mlm tu tiber2 crew tu suruh driku bg ucapan gak huhuhu..manerla thu ader kuar ker nanti)heheh...ok la..jom layan gambar la yerk...:)