Friday, June 11, 2010

~CaNoN has Its New InveNtiOn???~

Its...3.30pm...ermmm still waiting the clock strikes 5.15pm..heheh...workload dah hbs for ader maser ni...hehehe...stop by and blog la usual im blogwalking in finding some DIY stuff that im able to do for this weekend (kalo rajin la yerk)..ntah knp tiber2 kerajinan nak cari2 lense for my cutey camera for indoor photog ...last2 come across a blog mentioning about this cute mug...kawaii kan???hehehe...nak satu leh!!!....but the bad news is...its still not open for public to buy was just given to a special guest at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics...erm...moga2 cptla dier berada di pasaran...for sure mcm canggih...heheh...tak dpt beli lense baru pun beli mug pun dah cukup bergaya...hehehehe.....:)K have a Nice weekends uols....xoxo

heheh imagining my coffee in this mug..(for sure ramai yang envy heheh)


justLucy said...

I know that envy person would be me

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

hehehhe....we buy it 2gether k jacky???hehehe if its open to public one day k??hehehehe