Thursday, April 15, 2010

~A SimPLe + ShOrT MeMoiR~

"As i wAs heAded to wOrK tHis MuRnIn...And waTcH The hecTic roadS and Birds FlyiNg easilY and HaPpiLy...There's ThaT FAdE smIle thaT Ive neVEr reaLise aPpeared On My FacE...aT LasT I feEl relIef+HaPpy(mix of FeeLings...That Ive lonG had)...Im HaPpY that FinaLly ive Let it aLl go...And conFronT ThaT One "pasT meMory" thaT has beEn HolDinG tIgHt for This 3 yeaRs..woNderinG..and WonderiNg...scarEd+FeEliNg Hurt...BuT IT SeeMs...Its The BesT enDinG ThaT iVe LonG waItEd for...diDnt CareD all The Words that coMe froM U..buT i Do HavE the StreNGth To teLL everyThinG aT LAsT...U Usually speaKs...BuT Ive DonE My SpeeCh At LAsT....thE EndeD SpeEch thaT Ive LonG to SaY...IM HAPPY...IM GLAD..(thAt feeLiNg of WonderiNg+ScaRed) JusT FADed AwaY instanTly...ThanK yOu AllaH...for MAkInG me FeeL the StreNGth thaT ive LonG Hope For...Never LoOk bacK fOR whaT Ive Had DoNe...LiFe In FronT ThaT mATtErs the MosT Now....THAnK YOu..."
-and starts from officially close everything and folded it nicely...make it into a small origami crane...hanging at the window....bye....
p/s:thanks to mira for urging me to do it...and lay it down....tq my frend:)love u....thanks mr r...always luv u:)


ieNn ZaZa said...

yup..ini yg nad cari selama ni..nad memg kuat..

semua yg berlaku dlm hidup kite ade maksud tersirat nad..ape yg nad perolehi skrg ni yg terbaik tuk diri nad n ms depan nad :-)

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

yup liza heheh...after this nad akan berusaha and insyallah..takkan pndang kebelakang...heheh:)nad raser aman sgt yup....walaupun lmbt tp its the best feeling ive ever had hehehehe:)