Wednesday, April 7, 2010

~My ThinKinG BoOk paRt 2~

HeHe...fuNnY For Me i have my owN "thInkinG book" but this pic shows...that he had a 'thinKing Cap" thats more stylo and best lagi hehehe(nak mcm tu!!!!) for will be a couple of days..genap 2 bulan being Mr R's Fiance...and up until now...ive never prepared anything....btul2 (gaya upin and ipin...heheh) sum people ask me..."mcmner preparation???","tema aper yerk?","dah beli brg2 dah?".....and blah...blah...blahhh...fuhhhhhhhh...the answer is ..."NONE"..heheh..ive didnt start my checklist either...kursus kahwin lagi la jgn ckp...tak pg lagi....hehehheh...nanti kelam kabut....anyway im like didnt really know where to start...thats like blog walking ajer...hehehe rajin blog walking ni...sbb skang pening about Research Day...will be busy until Oct 2010...nak pg bercuti gan kwn2...last2 bachelorette ni thiking book tu tak berbuka2 since my E-day...but today aderla kerajinan sket heheh...coz..bersemangatlak sket nak cri info2 hal preparation wedding day ni hehe..although tak byk maner tp still got the picture what to do hehehe...anyway wish me luck u guys hehe...moga2 dpt ler membuat preparation gan baik+tenang+smoothly..AMIN....:)

p/s:this week g Melaka...heheh..(majlis khwin to attend) dpt jumper Mr R leh bincang2..yup2...and this week also he works at nite shift boring!!!!..ishkkk..susah btul la jd engineer ni...erm....

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