Friday, April 23, 2010

~ThE DaY Has ComE~

pic:courtesy from google

MuRnIn....hehehe....Have a nIce weekend u guys(mcm me)....nak g siap ni hehhe...ok tata...HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

~ThanKs ApiD SoNgEe~

Thanks apid songee...heheheh for the award...heheh cute sgt suker2:)yupp2....well now its recess so lwt kejap blog yg tercinta ni hehehe....ok nak take 5 minit nap i guess...ishk2 (macamner tak tembam??) hehehe...k la tata....but before that ive already pass the ward to my beloved frends..yg ader blog yg best gak....and sila la wat task2 yg ader tu yerk hehehe:)cyayok!!!!

tasknyer aderlah jeng...jeng.....
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself.

The lucky person that ive choose is heheheh tadaa.....sorryla sket ajer yg dipilih hehehe...sbb nak kejar tito hehehehe





Now....7 Things aBout me...(cheh mcm artist lak)
1.Im the eldest among 3 sibs....but i act like i'm the youngest in the Family heheh...
2.Im the President of The Songees Club..hehehe(promosi diri)hahah
3.I love photography(my new passion....)
4.Im really hard headed sumtimes....i seldom hear advice from Mr r...althuogh i know what he true...tapi nak gak keraskan hati and taknak dgr...lps tu suker cari gaduh..ishk2..what a bad faince i am for him....kesian Mr R
5.I love giving advice to my dearest frend in anything like love life,career..blah.blah...but when its me who face any prob....i usually didnt know what to do...heheheh
6.I still keep all my gifts from frends since school until my cupboard...although sum of in wreck heheheh...yerlaaa dah lamer lo...stilll for me its precious:)
7.Lastly...i have the best crowd of frends...that still with me them:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My ThOugHts FoR TodAy

pic:courtesy from google
YahOo0...its already Tuesday....usually i hate weekdays except for Friday's...but this week me and my 3 other frends are looking forward to have past those this week with HapPiNess....coz it shows that our "BAcholerette VaCatioN" is just around the corner...huhu...still counting the days...eheheh...we still got 3 days ahead huhu....and also let me see...whaT am Im happY and smiling today.....
a)my sis has reach HOME sweet HOME...and got sum souvenirs from her... i like it... i like it...:)
b)my future really gud in making cakes and cupcakes...makes me drooling everytime ive read her blog and see those pics what she had looks simply Delicious...i guess wanted to purchase mind is on the scrumptuos and moist choclate cake...with slices of strwberry topping..heheh...yummmy:)
c)my sis will be staying at aderla tmpat lepak and sleep over kedua..yes2...bye2 BUkit JalIl...
d)SloT Akasia "AdamAya" eheheh....skang dah best2
e)my workload for this week is nearly FINISH...hehe
oK..dah byk tulis dah its time for me to start doin my work now...heheh...ok kejer bebaik kwn2....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

KesIaN AnGAh...Huhuhuh

HuhUHh....pity my little sis Suria....flight dier kener cancel lak ...due to...erm...see this pic above?well.... glasier Eyjafjallajokull erupted...causing...banyak debu terhasil...menyebabkan ruang udara...gelak dan berdebu....menghalang laluan aper2 kapal terbang my sis had to stay in Washington for a couple of days lagi....kesian dier....huhu....nasib baik hotel tu bilik dier still open....kalo tak tak tahuler mcmner....anyway...hope everythings ok...and she will beb back soon....after keadaan udara dah ok yup....amin...:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just WrItInG

Friday comes every day's work ive always waited for Friday...heheh ive just love Friday:)hehehe...tahu korang pun feel the same kan2?hehehe....well tomorrow let me see...erm whats my schadule all about..
*waking up early at 5am headed to KLIA fetching my little sis heheh...cant wait for gossiping
*goin to granny's house that evening(a usual weekend gathering)
* guessing to do sum buy some new blouse and top ..for next weekend trip with my frends hehehe cant wait....we will be "ThE TravelliNg HooD Of The SisTers KebaYa" instead of Pants....hehehe coz the place were goin is like lots of Kebaya..tradisional kebaya's...hehehe....can wait to check it out:)
*relax mind and Sleeping.....
*just wanted a happy weekend ahead:)

ok...nak g sambung kejer...hehehe just 2 more headed HOmE yeahhhhHHHH...k have A nice weeKend u guys:)xoxo

Thursday, April 15, 2010

~A SimPLe + ShOrT MeMoiR~

"As i wAs heAded to wOrK tHis MuRnIn...And waTcH The hecTic roadS and Birds FlyiNg easilY and HaPpiLy...There's ThaT FAdE smIle thaT Ive neVEr reaLise aPpeared On My FacE...aT LasT I feEl relIef+HaPpy(mix of FeeLings...That Ive lonG had)...Im HaPpY that FinaLly ive Let it aLl go...And conFronT ThaT One "pasT meMory" thaT has beEn HolDinG tIgHt for This 3 yeaRs..woNderinG..and WonderiNg...scarEd+FeEliNg Hurt...BuT IT SeeMs...Its The BesT enDinG ThaT iVe LonG waItEd for...diDnt CareD all The Words that coMe froM U..buT i Do HavE the StreNGth To teLL everyThinG aT LAsT...U Usually speaKs...BuT Ive DonE My SpeeCh At LAsT....thE EndeD SpeEch thaT Ive LonG to SaY...IM HAPPY...IM GLAD..(thAt feeLiNg of WonderiNg+ScaRed) JusT FADed AwaY instanTly...ThanK yOu AllaH...for MAkInG me FeeL the StreNGth thaT ive LonG Hope For...Never LoOk bacK fOR whaT Ive Had DoNe...LiFe In FronT ThaT mATtErs the MosT Now....THAnK YOu..."
-and starts from officially close everything and folded it nicely...make it into a small origami crane...hanging at the window....bye....
p/s:thanks to mira for urging me to do it...and lay it down....tq my frend:)love u....thanks mr r...always luv u:)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

~HonEy To ThE Bee~

MuRnIn evEryone...heheh...its early to update anytHinG...but ive Just wnat to share my moment of joy...heheh,...pejam celik pejam celik...heheh as old folks said..yeker???heheh...its been 2 months im Mr R's fiance...mcm tak sangka ajer heheh....alhamdulilah able to face the abstacles in life....yerla as people said time2 ni 'darah manis' la kater kan....anyway i know that Mr R is working his nite shifts within this takleh la nak usual:)aper2 pun...would like to say thanks to him for copping with my attitude yg tiber2 mcm aper kan...hehe...and always make me to stay focus....what we want to do in our life's...tq2 i would like to quote a song ( a sum part of a lyric...heheh from a song that ive heard...i like it heheh.....) hope u like it Mr R:)

" SaYanG Kau BintanG yanG MenyinaRi HidUpku
Kau CahayaKu
SayanG TiaDa Lagi yg Sama SepertiMu
Kau HanYa saTu"
from :Dayang Nurfaizah feat Marcell-Sayang
p/s:sorry u guys starting my day alittle bit jiwang2 heheh bare with it for a moment yerk heheh...hope we able to face all the boundaries yerk....:)

Monday, April 12, 2010

`A PeaCe of Mind`

"wHy doeS EverythIng Has To ChanGe!!!!
iS It worThwhile waItinG foR?...wHaT am I Still seaRchinG?
There's alwAys thAt Piece of StORy...ThAt BettEr Left UntOld"

BacK afTer a LonG weEkend

its me and my family(gedik nyer driku.....) are u weekend's u guys????for me???erm...ok...although my sis and little bro cant attend...but still...its agud time spending with me and my parents...and also Mr R...we went to Melaka to attend his uncle's son's wedding(his uncle is a long lost neighbor of my mums jejak kasih la time my E-day...coz its sons wedding...kiterong pun dtg la...mcm aper org ckp...mengeratkan silaturahim heheheh....btul2) we stayed at Seri Malaysia for just one nite....nice place sbb still mcm baru kan...heheh....kiterong jln2 ke JJ baru...and then send my mum and dad to the hotel...dieorng nak tgk AF for me and Mr R...kiterong jln2 la...thats wat we do best pun.....hehehe....and camwhoring....aper lgi do take a look sum of it la yerk.....tak ltk i just cant wait to go songee with other 3 gals...this end of the month hehehe...yeah...its like a "bachelorette vacation"..u guys can presumed of them is getting married within this year...and me B2B...heheh the other 2???jeng...jeng....time will tell...heheheh....ok dah malas nak bebel2 lagi.....dah mlm dah ni pun kener sleep2....nite2

here's the view from the balcony

my sense of shot...heheh still practicing hehe

his tired after along day driving + best man lagi ok heheheheh

we went here!!!!

im in paradise heheheh:)

me yg gedik as usual

Friday, April 9, 2010

`Ho0ray!!!!! at last...`

pics:courtesy from google
Hye ya all....heheh...walaupun raserneyr taknak update after this murnin post...but nak ltk gak hehehe...while at recess(kan rehat lamer heheh) ive really wanted a FLAt pump shoes to bring to Melaka last ive found it heheh...YeaHHHH for me...heheh...although its not like in this pic...but it does look a like...just different colour and design...heheh...i feel really good having i do see myself look younger by wearing it hehehe....tolonggggg sket!!!!mmg sentiaser muder pun..but extra jln2 melaka this weekend...with a brand new flat pump shoes...nak kater flat tak gak tp aderla tumit sket...barula nmpk tinggi semangat nak jln2 tommorow...heheh but skang ni tgh state gaduh lak gan Mr aper lg silent mode la masing2...hehehe...hope esok ni ok la yerk...heheh...and good luck Mr R tommorow jadi pengapit utk sedara dier nak khwin...heheh as for me...i give him a list of things not to do and can do heheh...time jdi pengapit nanti heheh...ishk2..jhtnyer!!!hehe takderla acah ajer...kiter bg dier GREEN lite lg cuci mater kalo nak...tak kesah pun at least he knows...walau ramai maner pun dier cuci mater dlm hati dier ader saper???heheh cheh2....okla jap lg nak kat luar hujan lebat ayaaaaaa!!!!!strymx kat umah pun K.O...hopefully okler mlm ni yerk....k u guys...have a nice weekend:)xoxo

~WaHhhh....Is It TruE???~

MurNing everyonE...its FRIDAY,....huhu....and guess what???im updating my blog in the OFFICE???cant believe it...coz before this everything dah kener BAR!!!!and today mcm miracle lak..huhu....HAPPYnyer......(pic diatas just wants to show the tiny small sparkling star...ehehh..and i like la that pic...stylo lak...)Hopefully...takderla kener bar dah lps ni kan....kalo tak dpt ym pun...or facebooking....update blog pun dah cukup baik hehehe...yup:)tp this murnin ive tried to open my email...and jeng...jeng....leh lak ym...YEAH!!!!!!!2nd happiness for today heheh....takderla driku ini KEBOSANAN time stress with work..heheh...(for sure ader org bukakan restriction ni...sbb nak view kejer dier...or tersilap buka..aper2 pun timer kasih pd saper yg dah buka restriction tu yerk....heheheh)yup2....cant wait for Melaka trip tommorow...hehe...tggu kiter ek Mr R:)...ok u guys HaPpY WoRkInG

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

~My ThinKinG BoOk paRt 2~

HeHe...fuNnY For Me i have my owN "thInkinG book" but this pic shows...that he had a 'thinKing Cap" thats more stylo and best lagi hehehe(nak mcm tu!!!!) for will be a couple of days..genap 2 bulan being Mr R's Fiance...and up until now...ive never prepared anything....btul2 (gaya upin and ipin...heheh) sum people ask me..."mcmner preparation???","tema aper yerk?","dah beli brg2 dah?".....and blah...blah...blahhh...fuhhhhhhhh...the answer is ..."NONE"..heheh..ive didnt start my checklist either...kursus kahwin lagi la jgn ckp...tak pg lagi....hehehheh...nanti kelam kabut....anyway im like didnt really know where to start...thats like blog walking ajer...hehehe rajin blog walking ni...sbb skang pening about Research Day...will be busy until Oct 2010...nak pg bercuti gan kwn2...last2 bachelorette ni thiking book tu tak berbuka2 since my E-day...but today aderla kerajinan sket heheh...coz..bersemangatlak sket nak cri info2 hal preparation wedding day ni hehe..although tak byk maner tp still got the picture what to do hehehe...anyway wish me luck u guys hehe...moga2 dpt ler membuat preparation gan baik+tenang+smoothly..AMIN....:)

p/s:this week g Melaka...heheh..(majlis khwin to attend) dpt jumper Mr R leh bincang2..yup2...and this week also he works at nite shift boring!!!!..ishkkk..susah btul la jd engineer ni...erm....

`FlY...FlY whereEver U ArE!!!`

FlY...FLY...whereEver U ArE....heheheh....HAPPY2 Me.....heheh...well my sis is on her way to Washington for a Summit meeting....but the best part it...she will be transit at Amsterdam...for 8 she will be away...for 10 for me....working + sleeping thats what i do best little bro just got back from...S'pore...buat aper???goin to the Universal Studio la...huhuhu....dah2 ler tu bersyukur la...uve dah puas gak jln2...gak kan...heheh...but..nak gak pg lgi heheh....ive trully want to go to Mauritius or Maldives...thats my dream place to go hehehe....hope it come true one day....insyallah:)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cyayok NaddY

Im triying my best to always keep update my blog heheh...that's my newest determination hehehe:)yup2....kalo tak mcm bosan lak tgk blog ni yg mcm takder aper2 update...heheh...cyayok nad...cyayok...heheh...this is kater2 semangat for me:)

A SoNgEe DaY

Wuzzzup...hehehe...pretty tired after goin shopping for the whole day with my it...sister days out ek???hehehe....ok although a bit pretty tired...jom kwn2 let see...what ive update today...(time ader kerajinan meninggi ni heheh) yesterday...3 april,cammy and lela...when to Jihan's wedding...kat KJ...she married with a boy from the same school as me...satu batch lagi tu....walupun kiterong tak bertegur mcm recognize smlm kiterong senyum2 ajer....aper2 pun....before headed to eat and balik trus...for sure have to take pic...with the bride and groom...kan....congrats to Jihan and Syazwan....later that day...aper lagi sambung misi kesongeean dgn melawat bb Maisarah...1st bb songee...hehehe...nazzy,nard and apid (nimi sesat terus tak dtg heheh)came late...kat umah dayah...aper2 pun sempat gak songee...and nazzy siap promosi kain dier jual pun....kiteorng pun beli la...cantik2 meh hehehe.....hrni trus hantar tailor heheh...cant wait to wear it to Fad's wedding this 1 mei:)......songee lamer sgt....before headed home lepak gak dlu story2...heheh best la release tension...and thanks to Dayah for giving us tips in marriage and life after marriage...heheheh....just one word that appeared in my mind "CUAK" nak kahwin...hehehe aper2 pun hope everythings ok weekend...hope able to gathered soon like this u all.....cuteeeeeeeeeeee sgt bb maisaah muahxxxxx:)
bb maisarah hehe...ader ruam kat kepala...tu ader putih kat atas kepala tu... ltk ubat heheh:)

ada gayer tak???heheh

me and cammy ....pose:)

HAPPY me!!!!

us with the Jihan and Syazwan

Friday, April 2, 2010


olaa....yeah its Friday...just love it hehehe....well...cant wait for tommorow...going to Jihan's wedding at KJ and also...meeting for the 1st time bb songee maisarah..heheh...yeahh!!!!!...tonite got to update with all the other songees...aper plan kiterong esok ni...ishk2...susah btul nak jadi Presiden songee..yg telah pegang tampuk kepimpinan many years ek???jap2 nak kira...1....2...9years????wahhhhhhhhh...heheheh...hbt2...hopefully kekal our frendship...sehingga ke anak cucu cicit...kan kwn2?alaaa smpai akhir hayat la...heheheh....ok2...well today...just want to post sum info on exercise that u guys can able to do at for me...i ususally sit ajer...kan...ishk2...tak ive got it from msn nyer post,maybe korang tak perasan....anyway...lets sharing2 ek....heheheh...enjoy....and also not to forget "have a nice weekend u guys'...xoxoxo
Tone up and burn a few extra calories at work by doing these exercises at your desk.

The majority of our days are spent sitting behind a desk and sometimes there are instances that occur which makes squeezing in a workout at the beginning or the end of the day impossible due to busy schedules. A sedentary lifestyle in the office can add unwanted pounds to the body so if you have found that you are starting to fit into the office chair a bit too well then here are some sneaky ways to lose calories while on the job.

Spare 60 seconds

If you have time to spare during lunch hour when nobody is in the office, try doing some jumping jacks. And if you feel extra enthusiastic then you can attempt a football like drill of running on the spot for 60 seconds making sure that you bring your knees right up to your chest. Just make sure that you don’t rip your skirt or put a split in your pants while doing so.

If you really feel that burst of energy then pump your arms for 30 seconds above your head (as though you are raising the roof!) and then rapidly tap your feet on the floor football drill style for 30 seconds and then repeat the movement three to five times.

Sit and swivel

Now, we don’t mean for you to ‘give the birdy’ to someone, but this will enhance both flexibility and muscle strength. Sit tall in your chair and stretch your arms toward the ceiling. Put your left hand on the desk, grab the back of the chair with your right hand and twist to the right. Hold for 10 seconds and then release and raise your arms toward the ceiling again. Repeat the twist on the other side and hold for another 10 seconds. It's almost like dancing the twist, but it's done while seated down.

Buns of steel

You don’t need a shiny lycra bodysuit or big hair to do this popular glute workout. The easiest exercises that you can do while sitting at your desk without anybody knowing what you're up to are bottom squeezes and clenches. You can even do them while you are on the phone or typing up a report. Simply squeeze and release your buttocks muscles several times. This is the number one exercise that will help prevent the so called ‘office chair spread’ of your hindquarters.


Technically you can’t do this at your desk but this isn't really a push up. All you have to do is stand facing a wall, with your feet shoulder-width apart and about a foot away from the wall. Rest your palms on the wall at about shoulder height. Bend your elbows and lean toward the wall as far as possible. Keep your legs and back straight, then push yourself back to starting position.

Hug that ham-string

This is a great exercise for working out the muscles at the back of your legs that don’t get much use when you’re sitting down all day.

All you've got to do is push your chair away from your desk and put your leg up. Flex your foot and lean forward slightly over your leg while keeping your back straight. Hold this for about ten seconds and then point your foot, lean and hold for five seconds. Switch legs and repeat it a few more times.

Ladies, remember that this is probably best done on days when you're not wearing a skirt.

Go wireless

Get your desk phone kitted with a wireless headset. So, when you have to answer a lengthy call from someone you can walk around the office while still entertaining the caller.

You should also invest in a pedometer to track how many steps you've taken. An extra 500 steps a day will burn an average of 25 calories. When you add that up you can lose two pounds a year without changing your diet.

Your co-workers might raise their eyebrows at your action, but it will be you that will be laughing all the way to the beach in that new hot bikini.

Chair squats

If you can manage this without flying backwards then there are a few ways that you can do squats with your chair.

While sitting, lift your body until your hips hover over the chair. You may need to spread your arms out for balance. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, stand all the way up and repeat for as many times as you can manage.

For the one leg squat (and this is where you have to be careful not to roll backwards) take one foot slightly in front of the other. Use the hands for leverage as you push up into a one-legged squat, hovering just over the chair and keeping the other leg on the floor for balance. Repeat as many times as you are comfortable with and then switch to the other leg.

Lastly, try doing some dips by making sure that the chair is stable and then place your hands next to your hips. Move hips in front of chair and bend the elbows, lowering the body until the elbows are at 90 degrees. Push back up and repeat.

Wooden leg

For lower-body strength, sit in your chair, extend one leg out straight in front of you and hold for two seconds. Then raise it up as high as you can, and hold it again for two seconds. Repeat with each leg 15 times.

This will guarantee you firm and toned legs in no time.

Add a personal touch

Instead of hitting send, just get out of your seat and speak to the person directly. The extra steps will eventually add up even though it feels like it isn't making any difference and it is also better to talk to people face to face, especially when they're in the same building as you.

Alternatively if you receive a negative email from your boss that has made you seeing red, you can place that negative energy to good use and get some muscle tone out of it. Make sure that you roll or scoot your chair back (so that you don’t actually hit your computer screen) do some tae-bo action, punching your arms out in front of you and then switch sides.

Think ‘float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.’