Well...ni just nak tulis...wat my heart ache have to say...out loud....sumtimes...it triggered my life...until i...cry myself to sleep about it...once it a while....sumtimes u think that that u have a perfect life..a perfect frend....a prefect job...and a perfect soulmate......but in that small portion of our life...there is still sum people that will never like us or envy for wat we had...no matter wat...although...kadng..kiter tak kco pun hidup dieorng tp still ader manusia yg suker wat org sedih and sakit hati...why???ek..knp sumtimes people...takleh tgk org lain happy...and just be frends...why they had to have that envy feeling or takleh tgk org lebih???why in this modern era of life still people would have this feeling inside of them...why cant we just lived happily without those hatred feeling in ur heart...im not saying that im an angel..but for me...yg i'll always remembered my self...although kiter in agroup of frends or masyrakat..ader perangai masing2 tak kesah as long tak kco hdup masing2 and didnt make people feel bad ,it makes keadaan aman ajer ...tp keadaan sbegitu...takkan or jarang berlaku...coz there will be that kind of people...walaupun kiter tak ganggu hidup dier...tp dier akan ttp ganggu hidup kiter...until it satisfied them i guess.....when will this kind of people...learn...that life is short...and do good deeds...b4 its to late...anyway...i have to learn for not worrying that much...kalo pikir ajer tak bwk kemaner...kiter yg bersedih hakikatnyer....dieorng happy sgt2...biarla dieorng... I just hope that...one day i'll prove...no matter...wat they did to me....maybe dieorng dah raser in powered or riak...sumtimes...but i know...although im not in their world...at least...im glad...i feel happy with my own world...there is sum people who cared and cherrish me...glad with my life now...taknak la doakan tak baik utk dierong kan....for me just biarkan ajerla...as long...if thats make them happy then let it be....and as for me...just lived mylife with people yg btul2 appriciate kiter...coz...good things will come out from all of this....yupp...so do keep on smillin....:)
hehe...dah2 cukup2 jgn sdih2 dah...fuhhhh akhirnyer release stres...kiter....dgn tulis ni...dah skang nak happy...let those be bygone...right???hehehehe...oopssss...nanti kiter tulis lak aper yg kiter wat hari sabtu haritu heheheh..sedihnyer psl luperlak nak tulis wat i did last saturday...jalan2 cr mkn and cr barang dgn Mr razkell...heheheh:)
hehe...dah2 cukup2 jgn sdih2 dah...fuhhhh akhirnyer release stres...kiter....dgn tulis ni...dah skang nak happy...let those be bygone...right???hehehehe...oopssss...nanti kiter tulis lak aper yg kiter wat hari sabtu haritu heheheh..sedihnyer psl luperlak nak tulis wat i did last saturday...jalan2 cr mkn and cr barang dgn Mr razkell...heheheh:)
p/s:Thanks Mr Razkell....sbb smlm dgr kiter nangis ajer...heheh....sorry ek:)
huhuh....yup2....im fine:)
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