Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Progress...

Hye uols...sorry for being silent im having a bad sore throat..can't stand the paint of it..but now its recovering alhamdulilah...hehe...with the help of Vit C shaklee..ur the best(hope sgt cpt sehat so that kalo tber2 bb nak kuar ader energy nak push) ...:)as for still working and its been 38weeks for me...just left 2weeks more...(selalunyer ader ajer org yg dah pop out dah...but me??bb still nak ddk in the tummy of mine...hehe)my feet looks swollen...jgn ckpler mcmner rupernyer...tersgtla bengkak but still able to walk +pray berdiri mcm biaser walaupun kaki raser sore sket2 tp still leh handle it..skang dah start routine checkup every week..until the date of the the Dr had given me a piece of paper..stated "Fetal Kick Chart"helps me to monitor the progress of the bb..kalo kurang dri 10 kicks from 9am-9pm..i need to rush down to the hosp.for CTG scan...alhamdulilah.."our bundle of joy"usually kicks lbh dri 10..and every time reach the 10th kick..masernyer is at 1.30pm or for this 5 days of monitoring the bb's kick...end time until it reaches the 10th kick selalunyer samer...heheh..kalo kurang dri 10kicks tu show dah nak beranak ke??erm...takper2 minggu ni nak dpt penjelasan Doc la..and I guess its about time for me to take a one week MC..coz i do feel exhausted and i should need some rest before the due date..hehe ader tak org wat mcmtu??kadang2 it feels mcm tak larat dah nak jln2..and naik turun tangga kat ofis ni..dgn wing baru ke wing lamer sgtla jauh..although it connects..fuhhh...hope the Doc will consider heheh...dpt ler cuti lamer sket hehe...:)

my "Fetal Kick Chart"..hehe rajin tau bwk dtg ofis tiap2 hari to monitor bb's kick...bersemangat:)

After the checkup last tiber nak wat surprise to mummy2be...hehe said.."I want to give you something..cyg larat tak nak temankan abg..kejap ajer ke Mid V,abg nak cari something kat Mid V sbb ader sale" ive said "Ok ajer.. tp bender yg nak abg beli ni takder ke tempat yg lbh dkt ader jual?"..he said "No" (tapi tipukan..huhu) i was like erm " kejap ajerla yerk" (sbb in mind kalo leh nak balik peluk bantal heheh tdoooooo...ishk2..teruknyer perangai..dahler bb berat 2.8kg nearly 3kg..ader hati nak sleep nanti bb lg besar)..tiber2 he bring me to this store...and said "Ive dah lamer nak give you this...after dah wat survey semua igt nak tggu the new byk sgt review yg tak best and dieorng kater lbh tebal and ive opt to give you this one...and sbgai peneman cyg dlm time berpantang(takderla awk nak tdo ajer nanti )hehe"....papa2be ni sgt la sweet tak sangka mummy2be ni pun dpt hadiah hehe...thanks hubby @ Mr R...syer tergtla suker(pling best cover depan and belakang semuanyer pinky2...suker2)..arigato gozaimas cyg:)

my new companion:)

p/s:moga2 bb ni kuar time diriku kat umahla yerk...hehe taknak pecah air ketuban kat ofis...huhuu

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Random Feeling..





All those feeling really relates what the state im facing now...huhu...berdebar2nyer...skang ni asyik2 tgk calender ajer..and aper yg difikirkan?ahh tggal 3mggu ajer lg ke?ha!!dah 37weeks..kaki dah tersgt2 la to BREATH RIGHT while in labour...nak PUSH mcmner..semua aderla terawang2 di "clouds" of my mind ni...and people surrond me asyik said "erm...tak lamer ajer lg ni"..huhu...takleh nak tergambar aper perasaanyer skang ni...aper2 pun skang ni just BERDOA byk2..and just COOL..fuhhhhhh...raser mcm maser tu berjln kejap ajer..skang ni bb dlm perut tak seactive mcm haritu..dah bergerak pun slow(thats one of the sign)..tapi tak menahan MOOD mkn kuat ajer..hehe..this Saturday checkup gan Doc..hope eveythings ok..anyway tak sabar nak tgk "our bundle of joy"..:)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dah Tiba Masenyer Ke??

Tick..tock..tick..tock...ive just reach 36weeks now huhu..and on Monday pergi checkup..and the Dr said everything is dah berat 2.5kg...and Dr pun mention although skang ni bb diconsider premature but if bb nak kuar dieorng takkan halang...when ive heard those think that occured in my aku dah nak bersalin?dah bersedia ke?biler?cpt ke lambat ke?from the bb's condition Dr pun tulis in GREEN piece of paper...and he said "Ni surat admission if u raser sakit time mlm atau pg..bwk ajer surat ni.."he past it to Mr R...dgr dri kwn2 ckp..selalunyer Dr bg surat mcm tu lambat sketla...waktu dah 37 or 38 weeks waktu im still 35 weeks ++ dah dpt surat...berdebar tau skang ni dah msuk 36week just prepare utk fasa bersedia nak skang ni pun dah makin engage kat bwh ni..raser dah tak selesa mum predicts yg rasernyer nad tak lamer lg nak bersalin...sbb tanda2 hidung kembang,kaki dah bengkak and perut tu dah turun sket dah..she said rasernyer ni kuar end of March atau early April huhu...although the EDD is 13 April..aper2pun nad doakan biarla pengalaman bersalin ni for the 1st time ni berjalan dgn lancar,and nad dpt thn sakit yg akan dihadapi nanti and bb pun kuar cpt...hehe..but importantly bb pun sehat +sempurna..and jauhkan la dri jaundice...taknak ddk hosp.lamer2 kalo boleh...hope everyone pray for me and bb selamat k..hehe...

p/s:hope dpt bebel2 lg dlm blog ni before deliver heheh

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is it Me Only yang Feel that Way???

Saper minggu lepas pg 3rd Maternity & Children Expo kat Mid V??...sila angkat tgn...heheh..well as for me im one of them yg pergi last Saturday...but do mum2be..or yg dah jadi mummy...rasernyer berbaloi ker pergi last weekend nyer expo haritu??as for me and Mr R..ntah knp kali ni rasernyer mcm tak best ajer...sbb just Hall 2 ajer yg bukak...and booth mcm sket ajer...rasernyer mcm expo Motherhood kat KLCC haritu lagi best...heheh..ended just went there beli MamyPoko only...tu ajer yg dibeli...erm....sgt sad(still cant find the cot mobile for "our bundle of joy") ended up balik awal...huhu...anyway jomla layan pics...while we were there...

time beratur nak register...sajer2...for free merchandise
the crowd of people make myself +Mr R HAPPY,the next and Mr R menjalankan jugak misi utk mencari the right cot mobile with a reasonable price...1st jln2 di IKANO...coz ader sale kat MomsCare there...but still nothing that we ended up we headed to mybbstore...which located near Damansara...walaupun pening jugak mencarinyer at 1st...nearly an HOUR baru dpt jumper kedai...heheh...bestnyer sampai jugak akhirnyer....akhirnyer jumperla cot mobile idaman...hehe...after dah kira2 budget..tolak saner tolak cni...hehe ended up kiterong grab this one...yg bestnyer...ader beberapa % off....sbb mybbstore ader SALE...hehe..okla...jom sambung kejer:)
the cute mobile for our "bundle of joy"

Friday, March 9, 2012

KakiKu dah start Membengkak..huhu

Ishk2....aper ni tunjuk gambar kaki ni???hehehe...ishkk buruk perangai ...hehe...tak bermaksud aper2 nak tunjuk yg nad nyer kaki dah start alhamdulilah tak ketara sgt...just sket ajer...(this pic ambik smlm time bosan2 kat ofis) im in my 35weeks ++...tup tap tup tap...tinggal baper minggu ajer lg...berdebarnyer...anyway aper pun2 esok mind dah set utk buat last minit shopping for baby+mama stuff kat Mid tiber2 teruja dgr story dr ELLE...yang ambik cuti semata2 utk nak pg expo tu yg start harini....tak menahan...heheh....siap borong lg MamyPoko yerk...she said harga utk Newborn and S...rm28 ok la tu...hehe maybe beli la baper pack sket(nak tgk bb mcmner dulu pakai ok ker tak)...heheh...takper2 sabar2..esok nak serbu hehe...okla...have a nice weekend uols..:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What A Weekend...:)

Olaa...heheh hope everyone is in a good mood as i am today...ive hope so...well today nak citer aper yerk???owhhh baru teringat nak update wat ive did last weekend...well last week quite a hectic for bz nak prepare "Baby's Corner" plus nak attend wedding Adot the next mcm penuh bebenar jadual heheh( health until this 34week ++ ni still ok...amin)so on Saturday me and Mr r berkobar2 nak pasang bb cot...dgn bantuan my lil about 1hour gakler baru siap pasang...anyhow gambar full tak ambik lg...sbb buat maser ni...atas cot tu penuh gan brg bb yg tak bersusun lg...hehe...nanti dah "bundle of joy"pop out baru nak terhegeh2 pasang cadar dier semua+musquito net...and blah..blah...anyway...ive upload pic..yg bb cot in the making ajerla...tadaa.....jom layan...

mr r yang sgt berkobar membuka for me??tukang ambik pic ajer hehe...(ishk2 tak membantu langsung)
half part done:)

tighting up some screws before putting anything in it..(everytime entering the room now raser mcm best ajer tgk tempat tdo bb dah siap walaupun tak berkemas lg hehe...raser mcm nak tdo dlm cot ajer sbb besar hehe)

On Sunday..we went to Bukit Jelutung attending Adot's Wedding ..(tapi tak perasan pulak bdk2 Samurian yang lain) maybe ader yg dah balik atau tak sampai lg rasernyer...anyhow wishing the both of Congrats...and semoga adot gan hubby akan kekal ke akhir hayat amin....and cpt2 dpt bb:)

pic of their pelamin...

(haritu raser mcm in the family lak...pakai purple gak hehe...ikut family belah perempuan)

candid...sweet adot + sweet:)

After the and Mr R pun headed back home nak lawat my BFF nyer bb who just delivered last Friday...skang dier berpantang dkt umah nenek dier belakang area umah kiterong senang la nak lwt heheh....namer bb still tak confirm aper2 pun bb ni cute sgtttt...hehe..cute bb boy:)nanti my "bundle of joy" ni nanti dah ader frend...heheheh:)

sound a sleep...suker wat muker kerut2..hehe

Malam Ahad tu...before going to sleep...bersemangat nak kemas beg for me+bb's bag..hehe(thanks to Kak Gee for the cute bb bag..yg sgt2 berguna..walaupun nampak kecik tp compartmentnyer sgt byk and semua boleh muat heheh)...baik kemas beg awl2...nanti takderla kelam whats in the bag???

Mama's Bag:-

a)Maternity Pad(1pack)

b)Kain batik(2helai)

c)Towel Besar+towel kecik


e)Bra+Panties(byk2 maner pun leh)


g)Tshirt Besar(3helai)



Baby's Bag:-



c)Baju 2 piece

d)Hooded Blanket



g)minyak telon+bb's grooming stuff

p/s:heheh...rasernyer tak tahuler cukup ker tak...taknak bwk byk2 sgt...sbb hope sgt tak ddk lamer kat aim nak masuk hosp.and kuar pun cpt...and bb's fine..yup2(i guess the listing ni maybe kner ader tambahan sket2 lg kot)

mama and baby's bag...sitting side by side:)

This upcoming weekend ni pulak ader 3rd Maternity & Children Expo...hope dpt pg...(and doa sesgt nad larat lg..insyallah)nak beli certain things ajer lg...base on the list yg jom kiter serbu expo mummy-2-be and yg dh jadi mummy heheh:)ok dah cukupla membebel harini...tata....:)