Harini extra rajin sket wat 2 post sekali...well....saper yg pergi motherhood expo at KLCC last weekend???we went yesterday(smlm ajer free)..as for me...this expo sgt berbaloi2 di pergi...ive got alot of things...rather then yg haritu nyer Mid parent expo(ntahler maybe that time tak thulg aper nak cri kot heheh)...tp expo yg bulan 3 kat mid....tu rasernyer..pergi gakler kot...sbb ader sket ajer lg bender nak cri...heheh mainly smlm..me and mr r follow our list "things to buy" ajer...so tak over spend..yeker??aderla satu ajer thing yg tak masuk dlm list yg ive bought hehe...but its worth it...and nak say thanks gak to a dear frend of mine..ELLE songee...for roger me pagi2 lg...about the bathtub yg kat IKEA tu dah restock...heheh HAPPY sgt....so pg2 tu dah rush ke IKEA dulu...heheh...beli bathtub bb+stool kecik+wall pocket (yang boleh hang kat bb cot)...then balik jap umah...lepas tu sambung misi cari baby stuff after zohor...so jom layan pic:)
tersgtla pack...
senyuman...seorang mummy-2-be yg sgt satisfied in what she bought on that day heheh
(nasib baik pergi hari ahad ajer...kalo pergi 2 days???rasernyer Mr R pun naik pening..nak simpan brg kat ner heheh)
tadaa...the things we've bought..
a)beli pampers jenama whoopee-RM20 size S for 78piece,
drypers newborn-RM25
(tak borong pampers nak tgk mcmner bb pakai ok ker tak..aper2 pun 1st time dgr jenama whoopee)
b)6 storage bottle little mums (5oz) +2 feeding cup-rm31.20
c)tungku besi+cover-rm65 (quite exspensive..tp skang susah nak cri...so rembat ajerla)
d)dry spining rack(first year)-20% of so jadi rm55
e)little bean warmer +sterilizer-rm150
f)avent teats+avent sealing teats with covers -rm46
g)nursing pillow bumble bee(not in the list to buy)-rm54...for surela buy heheh..sbb cheap2
Things to buy lagi..
this cot mobile(as an example)...yang tak dpt beli lagi...tgk blog Sab dier ader beli satu utk bb Tiana...mcmner nad takleh jumper...dahler cheap...erm...hope yg mid Valley nyer expo tu aderla yerk...
this one also looks cute...
senyuman...seorang mummy-2-be yg sgt satisfied in what she bought on that day heheh
(nasib baik pergi hari ahad ajer...kalo pergi 2 days???rasernyer Mr R pun naik pening..nak simpan brg kat ner heheh)
tadaa...the things we've bought..
a)beli pampers jenama whoopee-RM20 size S for 78piece,
drypers newborn-RM25
(tak borong pampers nak tgk mcmner bb pakai ok ker tak..aper2 pun 1st time dgr jenama whoopee)
b)6 storage bottle little mums (5oz) +2 feeding cup-rm31.20
c)tungku besi+cover-rm65 (quite exspensive..tp skang susah nak cri...so rembat ajerla)
d)dry spining rack(first year)-20% of so jadi rm55
e)little bean warmer +sterilizer-rm150
f)avent teats+avent sealing teats with covers -rm46
g)nursing pillow bumble bee(not in the list to buy)-rm54...for surela buy heheh..sbb cheap2
Things to buy lagi..
this cot mobile(as an example)...yang tak dpt beli lagi...tgk blog Sab dier ader beli satu utk bb Tiana...mcmner nad takleh jumper...dahler cheap...erm...hope yg mid Valley nyer expo tu aderla yerk...
this one also looks cute...
but yang paling penting sekali nak cari is the baby's bag...still mencari yg mana satu berkenan dihati..smlm dah letih pusing2...so tak pusing lg ker booth2...huhu...skang dah kner pikir start packing things...huhu..
Wah.. nad sempat lagi pergi Ikea eh? Hihi!
Banyak betol borong tuh :D Best2..
Aku beli pn based on list, tp tak banyak la sebab smlm gi ngan adik jer..
March nie insya'allah beli lagi mana yg kurang. Hiks! Btw, spining rack 1st year tu camne rupenye? Hehe..
Aku pn carik baby's bag. Smlm banyak yang Papa Diaper Bag. Aku tak minat sangat yang tu. Huhu.
seronok klau mommy to be yg pregi memborong,teringt dulu ms preggy excited sgt g expo! =)
Elle:heheh sempat pg IKEA...time ko msg tu terus lps tu aku pg heheh semangat sungguh...owhh yg spinning rack tu..nanti aku tunjuk kan gambar dkt..yerk:)aku pun hope sgt bulan 3 tu aku dpt pg hehehe...:)
Yun:heheh tuler yun seronok sgt..tp yg dah jd mummy pun seronok gak...seronok dier lain hhehe...beli brg2 best jugak kan?heheh
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