Yes 2 more hours...till it reach 5.15pm and then headed back home yeah!!!!well harini nak citer about my 1st session on the Antenatal Class that ive attend at Ampang Puteri(which starts at 12.30pm-3.30pm) the 2nd session will be in this week on the 14th Jan..overall the classes are REALLY BENEFICIAL..and really hopping ader jln2 to view the labour room on the last for this session that ive attend previously with Mr R..mainly talking about diet in pregnancy(nasib baik kira2 BMI..kenaikan berat adalah sepadan mengikut weeks...alhamdulilah),antenatal exercise,labor procedure and labor pains..2nd session ni nanti baru talk about breastfeeding,postmartum care,baby care and satu lagi dah luper pulak hehe...xper2 I'll tell u guys later...harini kelesuan sket...coz this afternoon need to attend checkup with Dr Zana..about my BP..huhu coz last check haritu dah borderline..due to lack of rest...moga2 harini ok la semuanyer..taknak depend on enjoyce the pics...
the 2nd class of the day
the phisio staff giving me a landing do the proper way of exercise while in sitting position
following our instructor Suhaini..there about 10 couples all together yg attend in the same session with us...minggu ni jumper lagi heheh
the phisio staff giving me a landing do the proper way of exercise while in sitting position
following our instructor Suhaini..there about 10 couples all together yg attend in the same session with us...minggu ni jumper lagi heheh
exhale...and inhale properly yerk...mothers-to-be..(ntah aper la yg nad wat tu huhu)
oops...sorry gambar behind pulak...sorry yerk uols..time ni tgh wat excercise in standing position heheh...bersemangat tu hehe
On Sunday...we've done a bit of shopping at IKEA..ought to buy the baby bath tub(tapi stock dah habis huhu....kecewanyer)so kener wait stock dtg baru pg beli without leaving empty hands..kiterong decide to buy small cute storage for our "bundle of joy" utk simpan toiletries dier and tempat baju+pampers+cloth diapers(still searching which one to get)+brg2 grooming dier heheh...this is how does it looks like...heheh nice2:)
storage A
(love the numbers on the top cover..cute sgt)
Mr R loves the goody bag part..hehe..inside the HAPPY BOX(baby wipes,diskaun coupons on MomCares staff,baby gels,and etc..)byk jugakler dpt...tq2
On Sunday...we've done a bit of shopping at IKEA..ought to buy the baby bath tub(tapi stock dah habis huhu....kecewanyer)so kener wait stock dtg baru pg beli without leaving empty hands..kiterong decide to buy small cute storage for our "bundle of joy" utk simpan toiletries dier and tempat baju+pampers+cloth diapers(still searching which one to get)+brg2 grooming dier heheh...this is how does it looks like...heheh nice2:)
storage A
(love the numbers on the top cover..cute sgt)
storage B
(I've had it inclusive with a lid..and the best part is ia beroda)
(I've had it inclusive with a lid..and the best part is ia beroda)
p/s:love shopping for baby 2nd resolution for this year..being positive about everything although there's hatred among people who envy you and your life...but being POSITIVE is the main thing to disregard the hatred among them as kiter tak rugi aper2 pun (words of courtesy for today)
Beb, jgn lupe beli nie!! It's super cutee!! =)
juliet:heheheh chomel nyer...kner order secara online yerk bebeh?heheh ko dah try order dah?hehehe...byk dh tak ko beli brg???
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