Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Time JusT FLY

Ramadhan is nearly come to and end...and HArI RayA AidilFitri (thanks to Wani yg notice the error..heheh tq) is coming in just next week

see...how times just FLY

As for me...Im waiting for Mr R arrival this weekend

It has been quite a long 2 weeks for me....hoping he have a safe journey back home:)

maybe we've manage to do a bit of shopping before headed back to HIS hometown

Ive need to buy some "tart nenas" for my MIL

and additional HARI RAYA attire for me...heheh...kalo ader...

and not to forget "DUIT RAYA" for the family:)

Yeah!!!!!!!!!just left 7days more:)


Unknown said...


SiMply NaD'Honey said...

wani:hehehe...sorry...almaklumla puasa....tak dpt nak bezakan aidiladha and aidilfitri hehehe....sorry la yerk heheh:)