Monday, August 29, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya

Its been quite a silence here at SimplyNadhoney

sorry for my bizzyness...and didnt have the time to update anything

but....aper2 pun....I would like to wish everyone...

my family(both of the families),Songee's friend,and the rest of u guys...who have

drop by or stop by here....wishing u guys...Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin...

kalo ader tersilap kater maaf kanla yerk....kiter 0-0 k

syggg uols:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Time JusT FLY

Ramadhan is nearly come to and end...and HArI RayA AidilFitri (thanks to Wani yg notice the error..heheh tq) is coming in just next week times just FLY

As for me...Im waiting for Mr R arrival this weekend

It has been quite a long 2 weeks for me....hoping he have a safe journey back home:)

maybe we've manage to do a bit of shopping before headed back to HIS hometown

Ive need to buy some "tart nenas" for my MIL

and additional HARI RAYA attire for me...heheh...kalo ader...

and not to forget "DUIT RAYA" for the family:)

Yeah!!!!!!!!!just left 7days more:)

Friday, August 19, 2011


HaPpYnyer..........dah besar2 pun dpt DUIT RAYA...timer kasih yerkkk

cptla nak tggu BONUS lak heheheh

YeahHHH!!!!its FRIDAY...bestnyerrrrrrrrrrr

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

From KL to Sacremento

Fly...Fly up to the sky....alhamdulilah Mr R has safely landed at San Francisco around 5am approximately 1pm takes about 16 hours to reach there...fuhhhhh...for sure tired habis....previously he needed to transit to Dubai(10pm) and waited until 8.20am to San and Mr R just msg from its the easiest way rather then as for now...Ive think his headed to Sacremento by driving which takes about a 2hour journey(kwn dier yg drive he said)...luckily they were all 3 off them who go aderla kwn2... bestnyer dieorng didn't need to have international licence to drive Malaysian nyer licence is valid coz ntah mengikut perjanjian aper ntah....I've really hope that Mr R will be doing fine there...and dpt menjalani ibadah puasa dgn ok as his goin there not for a vacation its for work huhu...I've already misz him so....can't wait till next week he'll be back and later on celebrate raya together hehe...ok u guys happy working:)xoxo

Mr R is checking in his luggage

p/s:next post will be the Iftar Gathering Samura batch 18...hope I've had the mood to update about it heheh....cyayok nad..:)

Friday, August 12, 2011

its already the 12day of Ramadhan:)

Alhamdulillah...its already the 12 day of Ramadhan...sorry for my silence in this month as im quite tired + nak settle kejer before cuti raya so quite takder idea nak citer2 kat blog ni...heheh...insyallah after raya sambung heheh:)with lots of story...k....tnggu.......well smlm kat Surau Al-Falah di area umah nad....terawikhnyer selalonyer dibawa oleh imam muda tahfiz dari Sekolah Tahfiz kat mlm Khamis smlm best sket sbb ader......................Imam Muda jugak yg bawa terawikh dan tazkirah...cuber teka saper?





Juara Imam Muda ke2

Dlm TV dah nampak hensem...tgk LIVE pun nampak lg kehenseman nyer....heheh sorry Mr R...jgn salah maksud ek...maner tahu one day kalo kiter dpt bb boy...leh jdi sehensem imam hassan ni(ader lesung pipit mcm abg,ehhh imam hassan pun ader heheh) ...tgk muker dier sejuk ajer...heheh...dier ckp nanti dier akan dtg lg dlm mggu dpnnyer atau lg satu hehe...k la...Selamat Bekerja uolss....dah2 jage pandangan hehehe....

Monday, August 8, 2011

I Feel Glad:)

This Ramadhan really meant alot to me...I've really can't describe it with words...I do feel the HAPPINESS and the UNSTRESSFULLNESS in this holy month...syukur for what Allah have gave to me in my life....hope that things will stay the same although Ramadhan month nanti dah hbskan....hope to share stories with you guys...but nanti2 la k....nanti nad babble2 lg dlm blog ksygan ni heheh.........hope u guys feel the same as I do:)happy working....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"SelAmaT BerpUasA taHun 2011"

Alhamdulillah...syukur sgt2...Allah memberi peluang pada hambaNya ini utk menjalani ibadat puasa sekali lagi...amin...syukur sgt2...dikesempatan bulan yang baik ni...nad nak wish uols...especially to my family,my family in laws,songee2 sekalian,rakan2ku,rakan2 blogger,rakan2 'silent reader' heheh....dgn ucapan 'Selamat Berpuasa" moga2 pada bulan yg baik ni dptla kiter menambahkan PAHALA dgn buat ibadat2 sunat yerk...for me kali ni puasa extra BEST sbb 1st day bersahur and berbuka...Mr R ader(1st time puasa as a wife+hubby)...on 2nd day puasa ni hanya bersahur ajerla...and jumper balik on Friday takper2 at least raserla berpuasa samer2 kan....agaknyer2 sebulan berpuasa ni...nampak gayenyer BLOG pun berpuasa gak dgn kurangnyer update heheh...(ngantuk+letih heheh...time rehat tdoler heheheh)...okla HAPPY WORKING uols:)
Lastly,nak wish to Angah@ my lil sis thanks for the souvenir from Japan yerk... along and mr r..suker sgt2 heheh...tq sis ni pg a week ke Matsumoto to attend the UN Convention as wakil Gov.Msia...siap kuar muker kat buletin uni jepun lg(walaupun tak phm...suruh org2 jepun tu translatekan.. my sis ckp..hehe)proud of you angah...:)