Friday, July 30, 2010

"Couple of MonThs leFt"

Hye there....murnin pretty HAPPY + EXCITING today as this day marks as Friday (yeahh...nearly for weekend) although this murnin "punch card'' tertinggal lak..huhu...sbb tukar beg but anyway never mind coz its FRIDAY..heheh...(yeahhh tomorrow hanging out with my two besties for another photoshoot Syaz's Studio)..can't wait..well mcmnerla B2B yg lain nyer preparation wedding especially yang tinggal 6 months for the 'special moment' just like for me alhamdulilah la...byk jugak dah settle...Thanks bebyk dgn adernyer "Pameran Kerja Kahwin" kat Kompleks Karangkraf...mcm2 ada..although pening2 gakler...yang DIY stuff tak buat2 lagi...and the best part is..baju nikah tak hantar lagi...tak survey lagi butik yg ok with reasonable price...heheh:)hopefully manage to find that one good butik within this week...amin.Erm...byk gak nak bebel kat cni tapi...aderlak kejer nak k la have a nice weekend u guys...XOXO

p/s:congrats to my boss for his promotion from Manager to Senior Manager..for me???sabarla dlu yerk

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

'LoVe IS In The AIr'

Olaa...everyone(heheh budget glamour walaupun tak..heheh) well i guess the title of my post takder mengena pun aper yg saya nak tulis...but i do feel "lovey dovey' today im HAPPY that my preparation for my wedding (next year) dah nak byk harini driku mengambil AL..and my parents pun tak g ofis semata2 utk menemankan anaknyer..nak g Karangkraf igt nak g tgk2 Pameran Kerja Kahwin yang ader kat ctu...but it turn out to be...we found our wedding planner...hooray!!!!!bestnyer....everything dah equip tak perlu pening2 dah just tinggal nak settlekan...pelamin ( choose from another butik yg my mum and me dah berkenan) so pegi hrini tadi SUNGGUH for me now searching for the right videographer...well my overall list will be listed down later...when evrything dah settle hehe baru best ha diriku tak berhenti2 senyum sejak balik tadi...!!!!although im pretty tired but its worth tau kat pameran kerja kahwin 2010 ni berbanding tahun lepas heheh...ok la nak sambung wat listing kat my "thinking book" tata.....xoxo

p/s:a bit tired so ayat tu mcm tungang terbalik lak heheheh..sorry la yerk

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

'My wedNesdaY MurNiN'

15minutes = 2 hOuRs
It's raining heavily today(caught in traffic)..and it makes the distance to my work place from home(that usually took 15 minutes journey) becomes 2 Hour...urgh!!!!!!now in the office and trying to revive the working mood heheh...(tapi sempat gak berblogging jap ni) hehe...k la wat kejer bebaik semua=)

Monday, July 19, 2010

'BrIght SunNy DaY'

Well...on Sunday(me,Syaz and mira) just trying out for the outdoor photoshoot.. as ive ask Syaz if she can take our pre wed photos instead...hehe lagi safe and leh gedik2 tanpa malu cheh2...anyway she said jom kiter try out(Syaz takut camera dier tak mampu capture pic gan ok) anyway i do think its OK...simple + nice ..what do u guys think??? before that ive buy some props for this trial outdoor photoshoot (bubble gun + bubble ballon in a bottle)..the venue is at Taman Tasik was 11.30 am...ok la the weather tak panas sgt..HAPPY sgt heheh...hope dpt wat lagi mcmni heheh....after that photoshoot terus kiterong kat Pavillion and dibelanjer oleh Mira ke GODIVA...TQ dear...k la byk membebel enjoy the pics:)

me yang tak pandai tiup bubble baloon

me and syaz

mira yang sentiasa happy

us having fun

luv u guys xoxo ( ni pic diriku yang tangkapkan heheh)

~HapPy weEkend For mE BuT TiRed WeEkend foR Mr R~

Olaaa...u was ur weekend???as for me...hehehe best as usual heheh...goin to high school buddies wedding and also went to Flower Fest at Putrajaya....but pity to Mr R...he was so sleepy coz his working that friday nite and headed straight to KL after work...just bcoz he said that he had promise me to go to Roxen and Afif's wedding at Putrajaya...terharunyer....sanggup memenuhi permintaan diriku..walaupun dier ngantuk...alhamdulilah dier ok after that...after along nap kat Masjid Sultan Mizan...aper2 pun just nak wish "Selamat PengantIn baRu to Roxen and Afif"...dieorng ni pun samer2 SAMURA gan satu batch gak just like me and Mr R...heheh...but i do love their Unconditional LovE Afif tu tak mengenal erti putus asa nak kat Roxen..he likes her since form 4 tp Roxen at that time mcm tak layan and focus kat study...but kiterong notice yang dieorng berkwn time kat UKM heheh...(Kolej Ibu Zain tempat dieorng dating hehee...kiterong yang tahu ni selalo kaco ahhhh heheheh) kan at 1st mcm susah nak tackle last2 dpt gak kahwin dgn org yg kiter minat sgt2...heheh kawaii nyer.....heheh...di doakan semoga mereka berbahagia ke akhir hayat...(rmai gak yg dtg that kiterong dtg lambat tak smpt nak ambik gmbr...gan least dpt gak jumper Fad and Bear,and Lodat...enjoy the pics:)

me and the bride (me 1st time pkai tudung lilit heheh)

us with the bride (me chubby)


tukar baju nak g jln2 kat fest after that heheh(time ni terserempak dgn Faizah and Farhan)

suker dier dgn this chicken flower hahaha

candid picsy

lots of flower

comel lak monyet tu heheh

orange flower (tak tahu namer heheh)

cartoon karikutur...heheh...suker hello kitty pkai bikini heheh

purple flower

p/s:well the Flower Fest patutnyer pagi gan Jac..but had presentation on that day...erm maybe next time k Jacky heheh:)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Murnin everyone...its just an ordinary day at work and also it makes me feel sleepy focusing in this one particular database...urghh!!!sleepy2(coz my mind just unable to focus) half of my brain is thinking about how it would be like to have purchase my dream house...heheh..(prepare nak kahwin belum habis lagi tp dah sebok2 nak tgk rumah baru...hehe)its kind of fun and best ajer when blogwalking tgk2 org cari rumah baru...have this and that for their own sweet home...mcm best for me i do have things in mind in finding my dream house(it has to be semi-d or semi detached...samer ker lain tu ek?) selagi tak dpt jumper umah yg terbaik tu...sampai tu jugalak kener bersabar and for me and Mr R pun dah discuss that myb after wedding about a year or 2 we will need to be in a state of a "weekend hubby and wifey" coz nak kumpul duit untuk beli umah terus tanpa menyewa...skang ni kalo nak menyewa kat KL ni mcm tak i guess im still living with my parents(kat KL ajer pun) and him staying at his house in Melaka (kalo dpt kejer baru kat Melaka tu insyallah..amin) or at Senawang (yang itu kener menyewa gan best buddies dier)..see how much sacrifice we need to do just to have the best future for us and for our future family (thats what he said) but sometimes pikir2 mcm sad jugak kene berpisah jauh2 sbb nak dpt kehidupan yang best kelak...erm...kadang2 saat dtg "emosi tak stabil" menjelma...tiber2lak aper yg telah discuss tak setuju...for me i wouldnt want Mr r to be away from me...coz it would be just like the same as now(before kahwin)...nearly 3 years distance relationship(susah tau...)anyway i do hope that things will be better for us..and all our future plans will be fullfill and things goes smoothly as it s..amin...aper2 pun preparation kahwin have to focus 1st..hehe baru lps tu boleh pikir bender lain (skang ni pun try gak survey2 umah..maner la tahu skang pun dah jumper yang ok..and budget pun memenuhi aper slhnyer kan???)aper2 pun 1st thing 1st...WEDDING=)

p/s:ok uols...heheh dah hbs membebel for at least 10minits here..hehe mater pun dah segar...jom sambung kejer:)sebelum tu hehehe coz bertapa byk berfikirnyerla otak ni..tak semena2 telah membeli majalah "40 minggu nan indah"(its a magazine for a mum to be) my brains work...belum satu lg hbs dah trus lompat..ishk2 focus nad focus..huhuu

Monday, July 12, 2010

~JusT A CuTe TaggY...Tag~ seems Monday always surounded me..urgh!!!..and whats up with that title post???mcm gediksnyer....memandangkan mata ni dah separuh ajer tgk computer...why dont i do this tag...before continuing the data entry for the next analysis...huhu...ok2 ive come across this tag(kesian tag diri this B2b blog ...mcm best lak nak wat...time ngantuk2 ni kan heheh(penangan World Cup)heheh....ok jom2 kiter wat...heheh saper yg nak tag diri sendiri pun boleh silakan.....=)
"drum roll plzzzz"
1. Apakah nama blog anda dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu ?
-Tha name of my blog is its simply me, why did i choose this name??ermmm well from that name leh tahu sgtla this blog is all about me + my beloved (families and friends)
2. Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu ? ,macamner ek timbul idea nak namakan ni ek?erm...time tu sajer2 nak cri nama yang catchy and easy to does looks like mcm title lagu lak...heheh:)
3. Apakah method dalam penulisan anda ?
-wahhh...tak menahan siap tanyer method penulisan tu..heheh...actually the method is nothing..ive just wrote whatever i want to write...i guess every post that ive wrote..shows whats my feeling state when tulis sesuatu benderla (time happy+sad+geram+and etc)
4. Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda ? Sebabnya ?
-Ermmm nope...coz why???the main purpose im writing this for my "children" yang akan bakal berada dimuka bumi ciptaan tuhan ni one day insyallah...and i dont want them to miss any bits part of knowing about their mother,how does she met with her father...all of it ive write it that one day when im gone...their always that something remain..for them to look and read at to...heheh(cheh2...mello lak pulak....)
5. Pernah tak ahli keluarga anda membaca blog anda dan ape kata mereka ?
-Pernah...mainly my sis(and her frend) heheh...yang lain tak tahu link hahah...nasib baik..but they know the existence of this blog..just dieorng tak igt link hahah..nasib baik...dieorng ckp aper ek??kater ok ajer...hehehh
6. Apa perasaan anda apabile orang lain mengatakan bahawa anda punya blog ini buruk sedangkan masih ada yang mengatakan blog anda chantek ?
-ermm...tak pernah lak alami situasi mcmtu yup2
7. Bilakah anda mempunyai blog
-why is this question at number 7???it should mention earlier meh...ishk2...ermm iguess year 2008..kalo tak silap.
8. Siapakah orang pertama yang mengetahui anda mempunyai blog ?
-Mr R...heheh( needed his view about it) and my closest frend yang ader bloggy heheh
9. Apa perasaan anda apabila orang asyik mengatakan tentang blog anda di sekolah ?
-Ha???kat school???ermmm baru wat time alam pekerjaan heheh( at that time baru dpt tahu kewujudan blog ni heheh) takder saper pun megatakan aper2 sbb my blog tak sepopular maner pun...just for my own reading and to those yg ader pernah drop by and stop by yup2.
10. orang seterusnya untuk di-tag
-to those who yang bored at work just like me(kadang2 tak selalo..when dtg tiber2 takder mood..huhu)..or anyone

Bye2..South Africa HellO..Brasilia....

Waka...waka....ek..ek...(what a splendid performance by Shakira last nite(dah kul 12am lbh time tu)...heheh..and its also marks the World Cup FIFA 2010...has already come to its end...huhu...sad...anyway congrats to SPAIN for their winning(and not to forget the netherlands congrats gak walaupun dpt 2nd place...gud2 match)...huhu(cnt believe it...its their 1st time winning the world cup title)huhu....Hooray2....(mexican wave uols....hahahah) as for me...i do watch part of the closing ceremony and also the i past out 4am...owhh!!!cant see that magic moment erk.....anyway....congrats...congrats...huhu...after this dapatla tido nyeyak balik yerk...hehehhe(mcm la tgk sgt semua match...huhuhu)...lastly bye2 to "South Africa" and "Brasil" year 2014...(alamak time tu umur dah tak muda goin on 30????uwaHHHHHHH)....k haPpY worKing evryOne...XOXO

Friday, July 9, 2010

~My 8 DayS oF SToRy(Part II)~

Hehehh...kerajinan pada malam ni melampau lak hehe(memandangkan smlm after magrib tdo..until mls nak update blog...) for tommorow weekend yeah!!!!tu yang semangat...k as this is the PART II post...k...well last Friday Mr R..arrived in KL and have to sleepover at Smile Hotel and also Smart Hotel...for our "Kursus Kahwin"heheh...last week 3/7-4/7..tempat kursus kahwin yang dibook oleh diriku adalah di Mahligai Firdaus Setiawangsa..the fee is still RM80each (so kpd saper tak pegi lagi cpt2la book yerk..takut harga naik)heheh...and the certificate is valid for a lifetime....overall perception...the place is ok and the fasilitator pun ok..takderla mengantuk sgt...and lawak gak...certificate siap in 3 days..(tp me tak pg ambik2 lagi heheh...)
the map
As on Friday nite tu...Mr R membuat kezutan time belanjer mkn kat Paparich...heheh gan mem"propose" me once again with a small diamond studded necklace...heheh berkelip2 mata ku heheh...(inikah present for my last bachelorate hood ni...)heheh...nak cry pun ader time tu heheh...nsib baikla lampu dim...and its raining so takderla org nmpk if im crying or wat kan hehe...anyway i was so flattered...and hope that memory will always be remain as one of the fondest memory that im able to tell it to my children and also my grandchildren u Mr R...xoxo..=)And not to forget...before that(in the evening after Friday prayer)we've met our official OP for my side (covering 2 events on different days..solemnization+reception) his cute and indie look alike sweet sgt(jgn marah k Mr R)...nanti di"revealkan"saper yerk hehehe... Hehee...and as for the last story for my 8 days PART II u all can now soooo into crafting...heheh(guessing to be the next Martha Stewart ek???)heheh...hope so one day..see(pic below) ive already had devided into 4 compartment of keeping all my DIY craft paper kit and also my DIY flower dip supplys...heheh...hope one day can able to teach tonite...will be the starting of my new idea project...tunggula yerk....and to share with u guys...theres a craft store in town near Taman Melawati...called West Art(but i do think its for design students nyer supply...lots of acrylic paint supplys there) i hope am able to go to the ones at Pavillion and also One Utama...yup2...soon.
my DIY supply's

some of the craft stuff from West Art

~My 8 DayS oF SToRy(Part I)~

Hye Uols...huhuhu...raser2nyer mcm dah bersawang beberaper hari sudah blog kesyganku ni...heheh...blame it alll to my streamyx at home...8days without internet it feels like a month without shopping..(i cant live with that..huhuhu...sorry exegerate lebih lak...hheheh)...hope everyone doing fine...just like me:)ok2 before nak story panjang2 kat cni...nak stated dlu aper topic nak tulis takut terlupe lak....
i)Stremyx yg K.O
ii)Kak Emy's Wedding
iii)Mr R propose????huhu
iv)First meet with my OP
v)Kursus Kahwin
vi)Craft supply's + ideas

Jeng...jeng...well since last week(tuesday..i guess my streamyx was down..due to my little bro's act..he just didnt off the streamyx connection although its heavily rain...ishkkk degil bebenar...tgk...what the damage is...8 days without internet connection)...time ni agak stress...tu yg lambat sgt nak update...citer2...takut gak kalo ader yg dah terluper...huhu..ok anyway i would like to wish "Selamat Pengantin Baru" to my dearest cousin kak Emy and his beloved hubby Syuk..welcome to the family yerk...(bersediala menghadapi sepupu2 kak emy yg giler2 ni heheh)..overall her solemnization+malam berinai+reception at Dewan SUK Shah Alam..sungguh meriah...heheh...i heart everything about it..i really do love the reception at Dewan SUK...fill with fresh flowers...and beautifull lighting heheh...adore sgt..and i guess the hall just looks nice for a wedding reception...k jom tgk picsy...

kak emy..nervous

hehhe...upacara batal air sembahyang...i just love this part heheh

kat rumah pun ader pelamin utk mlm berinai

the brides room(where the magic happens hahaha)

the cake after solemnization

well this two pics below here is small fondant cake that was gave to my dearest parents kat main table...(it looks nice and it taste nice to...not to sweet....pandai org tu wat...its a complimentary gift given by the caterer to the main guest table)

this is how the hall looks like

the pelamin

the aisle deco

main table (wahhh ader lampu mengerlip lagi...heheh best)

the arch

its us yang gediks..(colour of the reception theme is pink+purple+white+peach)

our family and the bride and groom