Wednesday, August 12, 2009

~**It'S JuSt Us HaVinG F.U.N**~

Murnin....its 9.15 i was writing this post im wearing this surgical mask...fuhhhh...raser sesak nafas bkn sbb aper tp its the coz of lack of oksigen i guess hahahahaha....anyway its preventing from our dept from having any symptoms of H1N1...memandangkan workiNg in the hospItal...and as our 2 staff has been +vely diaGnosed with H1n1...freEky still dieorng ajer yg get quarantine but we still had to work...huhuhu...takperla...still we have to be cautious...the disease is spreading rapidly...takutnyer....huhuhu....anyway congrats to dearest it has it GranD OpenIng Of The new builDing On MondaY (10/08/2009) by oUr own Prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib......nice occasion and nice food yummmyyyy.....hehhehe conGrats again...ok2 dah2 fokus on wat i did heheheheh....on the weekends.....start on SundAy la (9/08/2009) foR me, Ili and Syaida...except Nard (takleh kuar kner quarantine oleh her dearest mum)....we hang out at Ria RedBox Sogo hehehe time 11am-1pm...memandangkan kiter 3 org dier bgi 2 jam ajer...tuler naRd tak dtg...ishkkkk.....kalo pgi2 cheap meh heheh...time tu ramai gak org dah beratur i thought they were all queing for getting a room...i was pretty scared....but all of them were trying out for a karaoke session...for "jangaN Lupa LiriK"...heheheh....thaNk goodness....its pretty funny as Syaida yg 1st2 mmg taknak nyanyi...tpi tgk2 dier yg nyanyi lbh dri kiterong..ishk2...tuler penangan kAraoke sebenarnyer...tuler tak percayer......hehehehe...anyway enjoy the picssssss.....:)
ili testing suara la tu...hahahha as for me??eat....

hehehe that day gak smbut BrithdaY Ily...Happy birtHday dear (^ _^)

iLy nyanyi lgi...heheh biler lak time aku ni?hahahahah

hahahah...syaida mcm muker tak sabar nak nyanyi ajer hahahah...mmg pun

hahahahha.....muker2 yg syok nyanyi.....

An as On SatuRday (08/08/2009) its FatienS's WeDdIng at BantinG...tpi tak dpt nak attend coz its quite far...and mmg sure sesatnyer...hahahahah...and takder gang la yg dpt pgi semua bz so...ended up tak jdi pgi meh...sad nyer....anyway well Fatien ni smer2 gang KyPm Matriks...hehehhe...dier ni la yg suker skodeng bilik kiter...bilik dier tingkat 4 while me kat tgkt 1(mmg leh skodeng dri tingkap)haha...this is the time kiterong sumtimes leh jerit2 hahahha...easy communication instead of calling hahahha... skodeng org tdo...gelak2 kat kiter lak tu...ishkkk2 jhattt those all the memories............dah khwin dh Fatien...heheh...congrats FatieN n HubbY..


ieNn ZaZa said...

amboi2..syok yer berkarok...xbyk pn gmbr nad..xde ke gmbr nad karok?hehehe

Juliet said...

aku pon x dpt pegi fatien wedding.. sobs..sobs.. byk sgt clash.. ade exam ptd la..kwn aku kawen kat johor la.. sbb aku da plan 2 bln awal dgn kwn2 lain nak g johor, so x sedap la pulak cancel last minute kan :(

neway,zaman matriks sgt best! nak panggil ketua songee jerit je dr depan tingkat aku. muahahaha!!

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

ienn zaza:heheheh ader gambar nad karaoke tau tp ishk2..segan sgguh..yuppp:)

~miss femme fabulosity~:aaah songee aku pun samer...hehe..yuppp..aku gan shima lgi la budget plan nak pgi tp tak thu jln tp hujung mggu ni bertandang umah lelaki kat "alam jaya" cheras...songee time matriks ahhh best...tak stress happy ajer...kan kiter suker wat nakal..hahaha

faizah said...

nad, nice blog!!

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

thnks kak long bobo:)