Tuesday, May 19, 2009

~ThE 1st SonGee's MemBer T0 WeD~

Ok..had came back from recess..hehe baru ader semangat nak update blog hehehe...well..citer mggu ni its about Dayah's wed....uhuhu...one of the members in Songee group...hehehe...for sure korang tertanyer2 wat is Songee...and ada group lak lagi...hehehhe..well...citer about The Songee's will be tell tomorrow la...hehehe...coz can put pictures...and its nice to tell stuff with pics hahahah....aper2 pun kiterong ni member2 matriks same class A3....kiterong ni akrab sgt sampai la skang heheh....dayah's wed ni jatuh pd 16 Mei 2009(Hari Guru tu.....hehehe...selamat hari guru to Dayah and Marwan also...heheh)they both are Teachers in one of the school in Puchong tak igtlak namer skola...hehe...well...before the event took place Nad @ me...as the President of The Songee's Club plan ahhh nak kumpul kul baper jumper kat ner...hehehe...plan punyer plan...Nar,Shima and Nimi kene smpai exactly kat umah Nad at 9am...and then...jumper Lela kat Putrajaya nyer exit...Before 10am...u guys imagine...dieorngnyer mjlis akad nikah starts at 10am...semua gang2 membebel sbb rushing...and as for me tak thu jln...nad lak yg drive tu erm....meh cni nad tulis kronology of the trip...
1. Nar,Shima gan Nimi at My House around 9am...tp laambat gak dlm 9.15am

2.Pecut kete...dahla manual hahahah....sampai ke Putrajaya around 9.30am...then Lela said dier kat exit dari Putrajaya...kiterong ni dah masuk Putrajaya knerla cri U turn...fuhh jenuh gak ahh...nad dah hot dah hahah....mengambil maser 10 minit ahhh gak.

3.Then konvoi gan Lela...owhh my...Lela bawak kete mcm lipas...dahla laju meninggalkan kiterong and ke kiri ke kanan...pening kiterong....smpai terjerit2 ahhh kiterong dlm keter...tgk tindakan Lela...bwk keter...its so HORROR!!!...tp dier yg thu jln ke Masjid Putra Perdana tu..

4.at 10.15am...kiterong smpai gak kat The Mosque...lega rasernya...nasib baikla kiterong sempat..hehehe....weve make the last entrance...ma...hehehh...vogue gitu...:)sempat tgk Ustaz Harun Din nikahkan Dayah sbb Ayah Angkat dier huhuh.

5.Majlis ended around 11.30am...and then eat...lps tu posing ahhhh...dah tak igt situ kwsn masjid ishkkk...aper2 pun kiterong still hormat and gambar bertertib...nanti korang tgk ahhh gambr2 yg diupload...huhuh....

6.Lps tu lepak umah Cammy jap...minum air and transfer pic...hheh...at 1pm then balik...tu pun ntah aperla Nad leh gak tersesat ikut jln lain hehe...tu ahhh berangan when Lela bg arahan..hahha...aper2 pun smpai...(Thanks to Noor..adik cammy for the nice pic...dier pun pening tgk kesongeean kakak2 yg dah berumur suku abad ni hahahah)

7.Mlm tu mjlis dier lak kat Dewan Pengaman Pulapol ,Semarak...Nar gan Shima xdpt join(Nick gan Ell pun)..tp ader tambahan gang Nazi gan BF,Nimi Bwk "Teman Tp Mesra"..and Apid...

8.Mjlis starts at 8pm and ended at 9.30pm.Before when home sempat gak posing hahahaha...takleh aahhhh tgk camera kiterong ni and the best is all Songee's member love to take pictures...hehehe sehati sejiwa betul la.....hahaha....(so now u know it Jac?why do i love to take pics...hahahah!!!)

9.Counting and waiting who's The next Songee's member to Wed..huhuh...who's the lucky one next on line....tick..tock...

from left:Cammy,Nimi..Marwan&Dayah..,Nazi and Me

part of the Songee's member yg hadir pd Majlis mlm tu..from left:Lela,Cam,Me(yg gediks tu)Apid and Nimi

Nilah pic yg diambil di persekitaran Masjid..heheh flower to th bride

Cute tak?all of us?heheh...me as the president kena ahh ddk depan..hehehhe..ni bentuk kipas heheh

we just luv to be infront of the camera

top from left:Nimi,The Bride,Nar,Lela and Shima
in front from left:Me and Cam

lets focus on the bride

hantaran from Dayah to her beloved hubby Marwan

kusyuknyer membaca doa...ek...heheh

selepas akad nikah Dayah posing kejap...chak!!!

The Beautifull Bride

Nice pose..everyone

hehehhe...semua pegang flower...heheh...yg diambil kat meja makan hahahah

mane tgn pengantin???


So Sweeeeeet....


This is The Mosque...yup2:)
p/s:anyway there is lot of pic..heheh..all the songee's member able to see it in my FB and Friendster k?heheh...its a splendid weekend for all of us...really misz u guys:)xoxo


alel said...

fyi presiden
class A3
bkn 3A
msjd putra perdana
bkn perdana puchong
hg ni
slambe je tukaq2 fakta ek

ieNn ZaZa said...

cik lela@alel bwk kete cam lipas kudung yer..

wah...dayah anak angkt Harun Din..teruja kite..hehe

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

hahahaha...aku dah tukar aaahhh kelas 3A kpd A3 hehehe...yup2 lela...owhhh k roger lela hehehe nanti aku ubah:)

ienn zaza:-
mmg teruja
paling teruja adalah lela

alel said...

aku x bwk laju pong
nad yg bwk pelahan
da a lmbt

sila bwk laju skit ek nad

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

amboi...mengutuk aku nmpknyer lela...aku bwk laju dah beb...smpai ke kiri kle kanan...la shima gan nimi kat belakang ...yup2

Fieda said...

Hoho lela jadilah pemandu berhemah macam aku haks3x...

p/s: Wah sakan bergambar ekh korang yer kat masjid tu...

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

tu apid hehehe...ko nasihatkan la byk2 kat lela tu huhuhuhu:)

Fieda said...

Aku sedang nasihatkan lela dan dalam masa yang sama nasihatkan diri aku juga.. he he he...

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

hahahaha...owhhh...ko pun smaer ek apid?hahahahah