Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~*ThE SonGeE's ClUb@GaNg*~

Hye ive updated my blog ptg sket...memandangkan pg2 lg dah ader kejer hehehe..that has to be completed and been sent today uhhuhu...akhirnyer...HOORAY!!!! FINISH...yeah.....well as i told u guys yesterday...for sure u guys curious..aper tu Kump.Songee...hehehe siap ader President nyer skali...hahahah....well it all started in the year 2002-2003 that time bdk2 batch yg same year as me...kene accept masuk for me i was been accepted to KYPM Bangi(now known as KPTM)..waktu time kiterong dlu its just consist of Matriks student,UITM Diploma Students and also JAD students(dieorng ni bdk2 persiapan ke Jepun)huhuhu....well...this matriks is different then the restla sbb kiterong ni bkn matriks matriks mcm tmpat tmpt dier takderla sebesar Matriks induk as an example like the ones at Londang,Perak..etc..but anyhow...kiterong ni bebas sket ahhh nak blik at wat time semua anyway the curfew is at 11pm hehehe:)tp aper2 pun kiterong baik sket takderla langgar peraturan heheh...coz kiterong ni mcm bru nak melangkah ke alam yg lbh higher then high make the story there weve been divided into 3 main courses of students which consist of bdk2 hayat(sains pure la katerkan hehehe),bdk2 fizik(the ones that didnt take BIO)and bdk2 accounts( bdk2 terror nombor huhuh)...after had been divided...bdk2 hayat dibahagi lg kpd 2 big groups which is A and in the A group...and ive been put in the A3 this is how the story started(ek..bru nak bermula igtkan dah lamer dah start hehehe....)...ntah mcmner la pihak cikgu2 ni membahagikan kiterong ikut aper2 pun kiterong consist of baper ek org???ha..17 people...2 guys 15gurls..huhu(the 2boys we call them "anak dara" hahaha...sbb dieorng ajer laki2 dlm kelas kesiannyer dahler kner buli heheheh....1stly kiterong ni takderla rapat sgt pun...ader yg tak suker ni tak ntah mcmner as the time past by we've became close hehehe:)and didnt know how they have selected tadaa....
Class Leader: Kamil
Pen.Class:Nadia aka Me
Ntah mcmnerlak akulak yg jd pen.class...hahahahahah:) wats the songee all about right? and my 2 roomates Yana and Yin..were not fond of sum of the gurls...there yg especially comes from this all gurl school....hehehe...takleh aahh ckp skola aperkan....dierong we called them Songee...but anyhow...ntah mcmmner...bdk2 ni lak yg pggil nad smpai skang la melekat namer songee tu and they assume that im the co-founder of the songee group(eh mmg pun tp bkn dituju for me!!!!!) how it started so we name our group The Songee's:)..huhu...its not just consisted sum of the A3 students...but also dah perluaskan gang2 kiterong dari kelas lain hehehe...kat UKM pun ader gan Petrosains...wat do we do????actually???Gossiping and having fun hehehe..gathered makes plan.. and
Lela,Cammy,Nazzy,Ell,Nar,Shima,Nimi,Dayah,Me(ThePresIdent)and Apid...hehe....yg lain tu ok ahhh tp bkn the songee groups...hehehe...bdk2 kelas yg lain..mcm ekin,fatien,yin erm..saper lg ek???ramai ahhh heheheh...bdk2 UKM gan Petro pun rmai...heheh...will not finish lak..kalo ltk all the names here hahahahaha.....anyway...until now kiterong still contact and kalo member songee khwin for sure kner dtg....hehehe..although we had all the diffrences in our life now and good careers...the frendship that we had will always there...when we needed it..hope that we all remain frends till the end of time...amin (hehe..mcm gang upin dan ipin lak huhuhu)
~Its just from my heart~


Fieda said...

Nad teringat plak zaman matriks dolu2... Songee gurl..

Aku pun memperluaskan gang songee masa amek course ACCP kat cosmopint.. tapi jgn tak tau ada dua lelaki tau.. he he

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

hahahaha...2 laki?wahhh hbt hehehe...dieorng tanyer ke aper tu songee????heheheh...gud2 sumtimes bestkan citer2 psl kumpluan songee....yupppp2...aku skang suker citer about nostalgia lamer2 hahahahahah

Juliet said...


tak sangka ko ade lg gmbr2 tuuuu..

ehehehehe.. sweeett!!! ^_^

aku pon ade fews gmbr matrics.. igt tak ms kite celebrate bday ke ape ntah yg mkn2 kat clasz tue? =)

nanti kalau berkesempatan, aku upload plak k ^_^

muah! muah!

alel said...

aku rs yg sambut bufday 2
sambut bufday aku n kamil
nk gak kamil

lm x jd dak2 kecit
x bes jd dak besaq

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

hahahaha...elle aku kan ader gmbr2 nostalgia ni hehehe...yup2:)upload jgn tak upload songee...heheheh:)sbgai president kner ahhhh ader gmbr ni hahahahaha:)

lela:amboiiiiiiiiiii...sukerla tu dier smbut brthday gan abg KAMIL:)

Fieda said...

Em tulah.. diorang ok jer terima seadanya but one guy tu agak control macho sbb die ahli baru.. but we all always train him..
kah3x..sbb tu la cam tu.. adalah aku terangkan sket2 kat ahli yg len what songee all about...

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

wwahhhhh!!!!!!!!!bgus fidah hehehe...keep up the good work heheh...yupp:)heheh..aku raserkan kiter kner ader lagu tema ahhhh...utk group kiter hahahahah:)leh tak lagu gediks yuppp.....dlm otak aku aku mcm OST upik abu dan laura hahahaha....aper2pun apid kalo mamat tu control macho gak lg takleh aah jd gang hehe...probabation kejap ajer tau...:)sbb kiterni natural SONGEE:)