Thursday, July 19, 2012


Lil AA is back with FLU again...
betapa jahatnyerla selsema ni...dier baru ajer baik
dah kena balik...
sometimes nad it the weather or me yang tak pandai jager ek?(see anak sakit membuatkan kiter as mom pikir mcm2 until blaming diri sendiri coz not protecting her from any  resistence disease)
cptla AA sembuh...tak sampai hati tgk AA sok sek...sok sek...
hope this Saturday ader fup gan peadsnyer...tak perlu la kener neb+suction
kesian tgk...AA be a strong girl k...
cepat recover yerk....
mama and papa pray for your health being....
we love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhh

p/s:this Friday ader meeting with cardiothoracic surgeons+discuss for presenting im hearing BARCELONA as the main venue???huhu...


Aty Fared said...

memang..kalau anak sakit ker..kene gigit nyamuk ker...memang mesti salahkan diri sendiri...dan marah sangat ngan nayamuk or selsema tu..heheh..naluri..:)

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

aty_fared:tulerkan naluri keibuan...heheh aper2 pun alhamdulilah AA dah sehat dah skang heheh aminnn:)