Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DaDdy's Daycare..

Murnin uols...huhu..harini nasib baik dpt email yg leh dikatakan meng"HAPPY"kan diri gak...alhamdulillah...akhirnyer dpt BONUS...hopefully dptler before this raya kan...:)senyum ceria...anyway berbalik pada story yg asal...today...yg menjaga lil AA dirumah is Mr R...as my mum harini ader meet up with her specialist...so nad mmg takleh nak ambik cuti sgt,...coz save for raya...so tinggal la lil AA gan her dearest papa...hopefully everythings ok...lil AA jadi gudgurl k(hope to be safe and sound)...be obedient...ptg nanti mama blik k..hehe:)...harap sgt umah tak jdi mcm tongkang pecah huhu...cyayok Mr R:)

p/s:biler la nak rajin nak citer psl review on stollers and carseats ni...tggu yerk kwn2...heheh

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday Babbling:)

asallamualaikum...semua..heheh cheh2 baik pd harini...alhamdulilah dah 6days berpuasa...uols semua mcmner?as for me...seems ok...and takder aper2 citer nak update sgt...ader sbnrnyer tp mood nak tulis pnjang2 masih belum ader lg...nanti ader kerajinan nad type panjang2...so mainly here nad nak attach a pic of hasil perahan nad (1st day of working...17oz)alhamdulilah syukur...and hari berikutnyer2 pun dpt the same exactly amount hasil perahan...walaupun tak semeriah maner tp still ader syukur....moga2 biarla ader samapi hbs bulan Ramadhan kan...
hasil perahan in the office
Last week final checkup for lil AA..the doc said she's doing fine...but this weekend kner dtg balik for her 2nd time jab...(hope sgt AA tak dmm)sbb lps tu igt nak pergi beronggeng2 tgk kasut raya utk mama and papa AA...AA nyer brg for raya dah settle byk...mak gan paknyer ajer yg takder lg huhu...but maybe this weekend nak drop by gak kat Mid pg tgk Parenthood tu maner thu kalo ader brg2 best utk di grab kan...kalo saper yg pergi hri Jumaat ni leh la bg review dlu heheh....
lil AA kyusuk tgk Papanyer main game...whats with the mouth???nak main gak sekali ke?tak dpt guner jari guner mulut pun bolehla kan???heheh
So whats lil AA's progress for now...
a)suker berdukung ajer taknak letak..
b)kalo berjalan suker...sgt...tak dpt susu pun takper aslkan berjln..hehe
c)nak berdiri..tp golek bdn still tak wat lg ishk2...berat buntot ker cyg...
d)byk ckp(bahasa bb)
e)suker sgt tgk cartoon kat disney jr...especially "Special Agent Oso"...tak berkelip ok tgk
f)tido dah tak lamer...kejap2 ajer..tp mlm tdo nyenyak smpai pagi(dah mcm org besar pulak...heheh)
g)dah boleh kenal org..huhu
h)ruper???tak thu ikut saper lg...stilll wondering she looks like who...heheh

lil AA tgh gayer "jetlag" in the car before smpai umah neneknyer di Melaka...ni muker bru bgun tdo.
as for AA's mum(newpic)

tadaa...mama AA yg skang tgh berusaha utk diet...tp mkn byk tak igt dunia(this pic taken last Friday...dating gan Mr R di cafe IJN tercinta heheh)nasib baik skang puasa heheh
uwahhhh!!!!!!!!tembamnyerrrrrrr muker tidakkkkkkkkk

Okler...ni ajer nak bebel...sbb takder idea sesgt nak citer tp tulis la sket sbb nak elak dr tdo time recess ni...ok...nanti selamat berbuka k uols...:)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramadhan Kareem 2012

Alhamdulillah...Ramadhan is finally here(im bless that im still here to face this holy month amin)...and i hope its not to late to wish everyone...Selamat Berpuasa..nampak gayanyer...empunya blog berpuasa...blognyer pun berpuasa gakler ek?heheh dgn story2...heheh...insyallah time ader kerajinan nad akan try gak update time to time...aper2 pun marilah kiter berpuasa dan beramal k uols...hehe:)...Lil Arissa Amani (AA) and papa Amani pun nak wish selamat berpuasa k....happy monday:)

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Lil AA is back with FLU again...
betapa jahatnyerla selsema ni...dier baru ajer baik
dah kena balik...
sometimes nad terfikir...is it the weather or me yang tak pandai jager ek?(see anak sakit membuatkan kiter as mom pikir mcm2 until blaming diri sendiri coz not protecting her from any  resistence disease)
cptla AA sembuh...tak sampai hati tgk AA sok sek...sok sek...
hope this Saturday ader fup gan peadsnyer...tak perlu la kener neb+suction
kesian tgk...AA be a strong girl k...
cepat recover yerk....
mama and papa pray for your health being....
we love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhh

p/s:this Friday ader meeting with cardiothoracic surgeons+discuss for presenting papers...am im hearing BARCELONA as the main venue???huhu...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pureen Fair 14-15July 2012

Murnin...its an early Monday to start things off...as im here in the office at approximately 6.45am....tersgt early ok...but still utk kejar parking nyer pasal huhu....nak update blog pun skang tak baper rajin...as quite bz  with lil AA on weekends...and going to fair's for bb AA...so last weekend we went to the Pureen Fair which held at the usual place...as for me its my 1st time going to the FAIR(mr r was his 2nd)..so how was it like??SWARM of PEOPLE...ada jugak yg parents bwk stroller...so u guys for sure can imagine how it is like...dahler penuh org and stroller pun ader...so mencabar sket la nak jln2...aper2 pun time kiterong pg...and bringing lil AA sekali...nasib baik walaupun ramai org still bearable lagi utk que...coz we arrived there at 12pm..rasernyer2 kalo dh makin ptg lg ramai org...so what did i grab there..6 packets of liquid refill for washing bottles,veges and etc (the orange coloured),4 big boxes of baby wipes,4package of travelling wipes,3 liquid detergent and a few clothes(area baju bb kat belakang)...we were there just to stack up the baby wipes+detergent..as we used a lot for lil AA...rasernyer tak lamer kiterong kat saner...sbb sgt panas...and kesian tgk AA berpeluh2 nasib baik dier tak meragam...she's sitting soundly ajer kat carrier dier..so my overall feedback..mmg betul2 saving coz all the things sgt murah u can get half of the price...cth kalo wipes besar 2bekas tu jual dlm rm22...tapi kalo kat ctu dlm rm16..and travelling wipes pun dlm rm10..yg paling best clothing yg berupa mcm panties bb tu just rm1...hehehe...maybe lps ni..suruh ajer Mr R pergi sorang...sbb dah dpt feel pergi sekali okler...hehe..(pics tak sempat ambik coz nad yg misi mencari brg...meanwhile Mr R menjaga AA..hehe...masing2 ader tugas)...anyhow jom layan pic si tembam membam..yg dah sehat but tinggal batuk ajer lg...AA suker sgt berjalan....

posing sexy nampak...heheh.....(AA senyum la sket...serius nyer muker...)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lil AA 1st time warded..

murnin uols...hope u guys out there in a pink of health...as for me...let me see flu check,sore throat check...wahhhh...im sick but just got 1day mc(on Monday)...takleh lbh2 huhu...i guess this is due to the unpleaseant weather and also worrying about lil AA...last week lil AA need to be warded for 2days...as me and mr r brought her to see her peads doc at Ampang Puteri(really cant rely clinics..ckp ajer pakar tapi bagi ubat entah aper2..better terus bwk pg hosp.)sweet lil  AA was having flu and cough really bad for exactly 5days that makes me worried sick..so last Friday we bought her to see her peads Dr as ive had explain earlier,Dr Nasir mention to us that her flame is nearly come towards her lungs...so to be safe,only one choice to make...is doing nebulizer+kena tepuk + suction....uwahhhhhhhh....really sound bad..ive never seen how they did it but from the word nebulizer,kena tepuk(ha..tepuk mcmner tu??) and suction it seems a really painfull thing to do...so Dr ckp its better to be warded then for us to come every 3days...doing those 2 procedure in the murnin,evening and nite..pikir punyer pikir we decided to stay there...pity Amani...she looks really unhealthy with big swollen eyes and running nose only she can do is swallow...the kena tepuk +suction they called it Physio...so when the nurses mention Physio it means those 2 procedure la...1st time AA kener FASTING before pergi Physio..for about 2hours kner puasa...nasib baik dier tdo ajer after bg susu..so dier takler merengek2kan..before doing Physio the nurse akan bg AA nebulizer utk ciarkan kahak dier...then 1hour later pg ke Physio room utk buat tepuk+suction...when ive arried at the Physiotherapy Unit...aderla dlm beberapa toddler yang kener tepuk2 and suction...1st time tgk..my heart was pounding..time tunggu still ok lg...walalupun hati dah nak start cry when seeing those kids crying kan...when it was time lil AA..waktu kene tepuk belakang,sisi kiri+kanan and depan..my eyes cant stop from crying menitik ajer...sampai phisiotherapist yg wat tu..kater ni 1st time Pn tgk ek?..and i was like aahhh...it seems hurt but AA ok ajer senyap ajer...it really soothing her...motif tepuk2 ni...utk turunkan kahak dier before suction...so after 20 minits kener tepuk..bermula la time suction...time ni nangis wohhhh banjir kot...sbb dier masukkan tiub halus dlm hidung and mulut utk sedut kahak yg ader tu...time ni AA menangis la dgn sekuat hati..mama dier pun dh banjir..so me and AA was crying sampai hbs sedut...mate AA merah2...tp when proses suction tu byk kahak dier kuar..and it really helps AA to breath elok sket...after that proses dier pun tdo..letih rasernyer..so Physio kener ulang pagi,and petang..kira2 dlm 4kali AA wat Physio..sambil diberi ubat2 yg perlu seperti batuk,selsema and kurangkan penghasilan kahak...after baper kali Physio nad dh tak cry dah...maybe terkejut for the 1st time...for surenyer...so now AA's condition getting better just batuk dier ni ajer degil lg nak hilang...cpt la lil AA sembuh sepenuhnyer...nak tgk AA sehat mcm dulu..after this nak kurangkan bwk AA keluar yg boleh mendedahkan dier keudara luar sgt...pg shopping mall takper hehe...aper2 pun moral of the story here..if baby uols having flu or any sort of sickness terus ajerla bwk pg hosp.with their respective Peads Dr yang mmg dah tahu kondisi anak uols since birth until now..and cpt ajer ok...dari bwk pergi klinik yang namer ajer pakar tapi tak baik maner pun...and bg ubat pun takder nama ubat...sgtla freeky kan..tak thu bg ubat aper just tulis kat resit ajer ubt aper..kat label ubat..just call it ubat selsema+ubat mulut...charging mcm pergi ke Hosp gak...so better pg Hosp ajer..at least tenang hati uols when seeing ur lil one cpt cure...thats also a reminder for me..biar kiter spend lbh for our kids rather then seeing them sick...right??so happy working uols...xoxo...
Lil AA showing her fragile face...she is totally sick..at this time...as ive notice her eyes will seems small when she's not feeling well...pity for her...

getting her gas neb before going for the next session of her Physio...

she was sleeping soundly when the lab guy came and prick her finger for the blood intake(nangis kejap lps tu tdo balik...such a good girl)

AA dah makin better at this time..her last day at ward(show a good impression kpd Dr.supaya boleh discharge kan syg???hehe)