Friday, May 11, 2012

Lil Arissa Amani..loves to..

Hye uols...hows all the mummy2be's and also mums out there...doin fine is it??for this recent post would like to wish all the mothers out there...Happy Mothers Day..(tak sangka this wish is also for me..heheh bestnyer...)baru skang dpt raser and celebrate mother's day as a mother...hehe...anyway how's lil amani's doin?she's doin just fine...pity her..papanyer kner pg outstation this Saturday ke Guadajalara,Mexico...for 3weeks so leave us both di Msia..huhu...lamernyer..before papa dier pergi..papa dier skang tahu lil amani loves to be swing everytime kena he suprised me with this yesterday...tadaa.....
Rocker Savanna Dreams Brand Bright Starts...he bought it from his way back from work..see Amani how mama and papa loves you...papa especially..semua bender Amani nak he will fulfill it terus...hehe so terharu(mama pun terkejut ok..nad just mention to Mr R."nampak gayenyer ur lil princess ni suker kener ayun"..then terus Mr R belikan..hehe)

Here she is sitting soundly at her electric rocker..sgt senang nak handle..heheh tak perlu mama nak ayun..just turn the switch into various swing mode and speed....gud2...lil arissa ddk situ senyap baik2 k.

Our Lil Amani Development:-
As for now..lil amani dah tak byk ragam as the early days dier dulu yg akan sentiasa awake once every hour(so mama and papa dier kalo menghadapi mlm tersgtla risau..sbb tahu amani akan terjager and rengek siang tdo lamer)but now..alhamdulilah arissa now dah boleh sesuaikan diri gan keadaan pg dan mlm..and paling best skang mlm we both boleh tdo dgn she will awake 2 times  only...usually at 2.30am(time tukar pampers)and awake balik at 6.00am..dpt susu tdo blik...gayer tdo dier skang..kener berada diantara mama and papa dierla...(bb amani besar dlu la bru dpt guner..heheh maybe 4months nanti kan2??positif thinking)...skang ni raser time nad gan mr R pun dah ok...suker2..okla ending things of jom layan pics...
baru lepas mandi pagi..

say hye to everyone..lil amani:)

p/s:nanti nak story about my Breastfeed challenges...hope dpt breastfeed bb amani until she's 2years old..insyallah aminnnn....


Juliet said...

Baby Amani dah besar!!!!

How months old nad? :D Eee geramnye. Nie buat tak sabar nak suh baby keluar nie.. Aisssshhh Dugaan betol laaa =D

Eh Amani dok dlm swing tu diam je ke? Tak bergerak2? Perlu lapik tilam tak? Ke mmg dah cukup comfort?

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

Juliet;hehe amani dh sebulan 3hr bru...hehe sbr elle nad punxsbr nk tgk bb elle...owhh time pic tu dtgkp...rocker tgh ayun dier snyp ajer tk nangis...nad ltk kain kt bwh sblum ltk amani bg tgi sket...tkut landai sgt...skit blkng dier suker dgt

Aty Fared said...

adorable sungguh..sangat comel..:)

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

Aty_fared;thanks dear...ur bundle of joy pun sgt adorable nanti leh fren2gan lil arissa..;)

Lady Vanilla said...

naddddddd,tahniah,baby amani sangat cute...update la pasal bf story nad,welcome to breastfeeding world yang tough ini,=)

SiMply NaD'Honey said...

dini:heheh....insyallah nad try update k dini...thanks dear:)