Hoore...hoore..hiphip hoore..bergembira lalala...why am i so happy n glad today?alhamdulilah today its my last confinement day..huhu..so bye2 tu my barut,bengkung,jamu n all to those garlic n black pepper dishes that ive consume fot this past 44 days..so hrni dah boleh start to eat anything that ive like aper2pun air sejuk still takleh minum ok for about quite a month( utk kmblikan energy bdn)Nsb baik tak bper minat minum air berais.. Tommorow pun checkup wound dgn Dr. Ashar , hope everythings ok.. Tak sbrnyer nk bwk amani jln2.. Anyway ive owe myself utk write satu post.. About bf tp nanti la yerk.. Skang kbzzan ajer n arissa amani pun dah byk perangai chomel dier yg muncul.. So mama dier pning sketla yerk.. Have a nice day to all the mummys and mummys to be out there k.. Jgn stress.. Xoxo
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Lil Arissa Amani..loves to..
Hye uols...hows all the mummy2be's and also mums out there...doin fine is it??for this recent post would like to wish all the mothers out there...Happy Mothers Day..(tak sangka this wish is also for me..heheh bestnyer...)baru skang dpt raser and celebrate mother's day as a mother...hehe...anyway how's lil amani's doin?she's doin just fine...pity her..papanyer kner pg outstation this Saturday ke Guadajalara,Mexico...for 3weeks so leave us both di Msia..huhu...lamernyer..before papa dier pergi..papa dier skang tahu lil amani loves to be swing everytime kena dukung..so he suprised me with this yesterday...tadaa.....
Rocker Savanna Dreams Brand Bright Starts...he bought it from his way back from work..see Amani how mama and papa loves you...papa especially..semua bender Amani nak he will fulfill it terus...hehe so terharu(mama pun terkejut ok..nad just mention to Mr R."nampak gayenyer ur lil princess ni suker kener ayun"..then terus Mr R belikan..hehe)
Here she is sitting soundly at her electric rocker..sgt senang nak handle..heheh tak perlu mama nak ayun..just turn the switch into various swing mode and speed....gud2...lil arissa ddk situ senyap baik2 k.
Our Lil Amani Development:-
As for now..lil amani dah tak byk ragam as the early days dier dulu yg akan sentiasa awake once every hour(so mama and papa dier kalo menghadapi mlm tersgtla risau..sbb tahu amani akan terjager and rengek ajer..tp siang tdo lamer)but now..alhamdulilah arissa now dah boleh sesuaikan diri gan keadaan pg dan mlm..and paling best skang mlm we both boleh tdo dgn nyenyaknyer...as she will awake 2 times only...usually at 2.30am(time tukar pampers)and awake balik at 6.00am..dpt susu tdo blik...gayer tdo dier skang..kener berada diantara mama and papa dierla...(bb cot..erm..bg amani besar dlu la bru dpt guner..heheh maybe 4months nanti kan2??positif thinking)...skang ni raser time nad gan mr R pun dah ok...suker2..okla ending things of jom layan pics...
baru lepas mandi pagi..
say hye to everyone..lil amani:)
Monday, May 7, 2012
ThE Beautifull MomenT
Fuhhh...skang ni blogspot sgt la dah lain so terkial2 gak la nak guner the new version ni hehe...anyway its been nearly a month dah...as tommorow amani dah masuk 1month hehe..cptnyer maser berlalu...so bru skang la nak tulis story about my delivery..hope ive tak miss any bit of pieces in the cronology of my delivery ni so lets the story begin...hehe..but before starting things of...alhamdulilah Allah perkenankan doa nad for smooth delivery and tak tggu lamer sgt for "our bundle of joy" utk menjenguk dunia hehe
Friday 6Apr2012
Still working as usual..but at this time dah kuar "mucos plug" dgn kadar yg byk jugakler...so mcm dah worried so tanyer2 akak ofis...and dierong ckp maybe dah start contraction..so time ni nad just wait aper yg akan berlaku next.Malam tu kat umah..dah start contraction tak sekerap maner...tp dah start sakit...and mucos tu ttp jugak kuar walaupun dgn kuantiti yg sket tp kuar ajer....igtkan mlm tu dah kner pg hosp.tp ended up boleh tdo dgn selesa.
Saturday 7Apr2012
The contraction still ader tp tak sekerap maner it still come and go...but still mucos ajer ttp kuar..so still larat lg pg jln2 lunch ke KFC..pg Festival City gan my family and stop by ke Euromoda helping my bro nak choose kain baju melayu utk majlis kwn dier...time kat Festival City...contraction dh start kerap and sakitnyer dah start tp still bearable lg..that nite after tgk Mania...masuk bilik nak tdo...tp ended up mmg tak tdo...start kul2.30pg contraction yg kuat dtg...raser sakit perut teramat sgt tp pg toilet takder aper2 pun...so mlm tu mmg nad tak sleep tahan sakit...and kerap pg toilet ajerla...(still tak pergi lg hosp.sbb tggu kalo ader darah bru nak pg...iskh2 ) so at 5.30am pg...toilet then tadaa...spotted dah darah....so pg tu jugak...at 5.30am ditemani Mr R and my mum...kiterong headed to the Emergency Ampang Puteri...(my dad,sis and bro pun join after that...dgn keter lain) jln lengang ajer so sampai awl..sampai ajer kat saner..still larat lg jln (xnak guner wheelchair...hope dpt percepatkan kelahiran heheh)terus dihantar ke Labour Room...bygkan diriku sorang ajer yg berada di labour room dgn Mr R...sbb awal2 pg so sgtla lengang takder bising2...sampai2 ajer nurse yg merangkap midwife...check bukaan nad..and dier ckp.."Bukaan Pn ni dah 8cm ni...dah dkt beranak awk ni" and we was like ha??8cm dah??biar betul...so cpt2la midwife tu call Dr..ive heard the Dr said kat phone "Ha??8cm ok2 im coming..."..so nad pun dipasangkan CTG and kner masukkan ubat utk buang air besar...time ni hanya Allah ajer yg tahu aper nad raser sakit nyer contraction sampai nak tendang2 semua bender...tp nad just cengkam tgn Mr R sampai ader kesan lebam gak rasernyer...and cengkaman kuku nad hehe sorry ek Mr R..time tu bacer doa Nabi Yunus byk kali sambil sebut Allahuakbar...sambil thn sakit yg teramat sgt..time tu Mr R hanya mampu bg kter2 semangat..setengah jam lps tu midwife tu dtg lg and dier check my contraction dah makin slow...so kner drip petadine utk percepatkan contraction..time tu lg terasa sakit..and nurse pun check bukaan nad utk ke 9cm and 10cm masih belum lg...so nad just lay down at the bed tahan sakit..setengah jam lps tu nurse tu dtg blik and check..dier ckp bb dah berak sket tp still heart ru rate dier ok (nurse tu suruh nad ambik etonox tp nad ambik sket ajer..sbb nad ckp nad taknak...nad still leh thn lg sakit and nad ambik sket ajer nad dah raser dizzy2 nak tdo..ambik time tak thn sgt sakit..tp nad inhale 2kali ajer)so after stgh jam lps tu...midwife tu pecahkan air ketuban nad and tggu Dr...Dr Ashar dah smpai awl jugak tp memandangkan bukaan nad tak btul2 dilate tu yg dier tggu and wat rounds...so at 9.45am bru dilate betul2...and exactly 10.06am terlahirlah bb Arissa Amani..dgn bantuan forsep yerk..(sbb byk kali teran still tak kuar hehhe)
Sunday 8Apr2012
9.45am-dah 10cm dilate..with the help of Dr Ashar+1midwife and 2 nurse...at exactly 10.06am terlahirnyer bb Arissa Amani..(so mainly tahan sakit lamer sket dr 8cm nak ke 10cm tu ajer)..time bb dah kuar Dr jahit dah tak raser aper2 dah...still leh tanyer kat Dr.."Dr mcmner ek kesan koyakkan sayer normal ke tak?"..Dr tu ckp "Koyakkan awk normal...but just kner ke cut ke kwsn anus sbb bb you panjang"...selepas jahit2 tu semua...nurse tu suruh nad stay kat labour room for 1hour utk monitor keadaan bb and the mother..nad diberi mkn within that time and terus BF kan bb..after that baru dibawa ke wad...nad stay there for 3days 2nites (ambik package normal delivery+2people per room)
Back HOME...hehe...at 2.30pm:)
Raser leganyer bb dah kuar...when people ask me sakit tak nad??time tu raser sakit sgt..siap dah ckp gan Mr R for 2nd bb biar dlm 2 atau 3 tahun lg...kekuasaan Allah..sakit beranak tu teringat and teraser time tu ajer...then after that dah luper dh sakit tu...skang nad takleh nak imagine dah sakit tu raser mcmner dah sbb mcm dah tak igt dah...hehe...k la jom layan pics...
amani...first pic...fresh from mama's womb hehe
Hye amani..seeing the world for the 1st time
At the Ward...sleeping is her hobby
At home...she's getting cubbier then ever..this was taken after acouple of days at home
(tali pusat dier pun jatuh at exactly 5days after birth at home)
now...her smile always lit both of our life...we love u arissa amani
from mama and papa
Friday, May 4, 2012
Its been a while...
Olaa..uols sorry la skang hectic sgt rasernyer time nad for 'naddy's time' nak update blog pun tak berkesempatan..really misz to update stuff..hope ive manage to update it soon..so as for today just nak drop by n say hye n ltk pic amani kt cni..hehe..skangni ank mama dh pandai..kcik2lg dh pndai...syg arissa amani
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