Monday, November 23, 2009

~ConGrats To Byt AnD AbG Im~

WeLl...yesterday(22/11/2009) me and family when to Muar for dearest Byt's wedding...although dlu2 raser mcm dekat ajer Muar tu tapi memandangkan dh lamer tak dtg...raser mcm jauh sgt2 ahhh nak dtg...tu tak termasuk sesat2 nyer lgi hehehe...coz muar has byk Parit...yg kiterong cari"Parit Jawa"hahaha...akhirnyer smpai jua..hehehh....we arrived there at nearly 1pm and waited till bersanding at 2.30pm..heheh...perjlnan yg berbaloi2...ehehhe...jumper kwn2 UKM...and yg pling bestnyer...kwnku Aisya...yg ganas heheh mnjdi pengapit pd hari tersebut hahahah...lwk ahhh tpi aisya makin ayu..wah!!!!...anyway misz them all dah lmer tak jumper...heheh..and huggy2...yg dtg also Maziah,Nik,Luke and Jesz...heheh...yg driku kenal la...heheh....Congrats to our newlywed ni heheh...Byt n Im...semoga kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat...cpt2 dpt baby...tak sbr nak jdi aunty nad heheheh.....:)and sblum smpai ke umah byt and otw blik...dpt tgk nostalgia school and Mr R...heheh...SAMURA( Sek.Men Sains Muar)..yg tercinta...dah btul2 membangun hehehe...cross the road dri school ajer dah ader K-Mall...and ader karaoke lgi...uwahhh..kan best kalo ader time dlu2 heheheh....anyway its nice to see again....heheh rindulak time bdk2 sek.menengah hahahah....k enjoy the pics....

jambatan muar..heheh ttp maintain samer gak

its my beloved school...nanti nak pgiler dtg cni gan Mr R...heheh after kahwin ker heheh

the newlywed....samer pdn kan????my mum ckp mcm adik beradik hahahah

the groom and his bestman...kesian dioerng...kene byk"Tol"heheh..adat kat Muar kot heheh...dri luar lgi dah kner tahan and time nak ddk kat atas pelamin pun kener...hahahah

time ni byt tgh nervous...hahahah dier ckp smlm time akad nikah biaser ajer heheh...ekk..luperlak tanyer baper byk kali lafaz Im kener angkat heheh...lps ker the 1st round???hehehh....anyway time ni pun me pun nervous...wats the story hahahah

me,angah,byt and mama

pelamin yg tersergam indah

me gan hantaran byt heheheh

ni lah pengapitnyer...heheheh si aisya comel heheh....yg pling bestnyer...dier byk kipas diri dier sndri dri kipas pengantinnyer hahahahah....

part of the hantaran...that was all done by Byt...heheheh..shes creative meh...
p/s:well... abit about for me..ive already gone to the butik that ive want..and already had discuss about the things that ive want...just skang ni...tggu tgk bju dieorng kalo ader yg OK...hehehe...best2:)many things gak to do for this month heheh...yup2

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