Monday, November 30, 2009

~iT's AlreAdy thE laSt daY In ThE MonTh of NoVemBEr~

Hye u alls...hehehe...well memandangkan hri dah petang and its mind is not here i guess for this entire whole month or ntahler...heheh...well...worrying and nervous about the date 12.12.2009..i guess...hehe...takper later i'll tell u guys about it...i guess its not to late to wish everyone "sElamaT AidiLadHA @ EiD MubaRak" kpd kwn2 ku yg tercinta and not to forget to those yg drop by and stop by viewing this blog...sbnrnyer harini...its my 1st day starting back to work after cuti since Thursday(take the day off nak tlong msk2 raya at my grannys house..yeker tlong byk driku ni???..hehehe) until my state of mind is still in the mood of raya or just the thought of lying at my comfy bed and ZzzzZZZZ....HAhahhaha...ok2 fokus2....29.11.2009...would be a memoriable day for my dearest cousin kak emmy gan abg syuk..heheh...for their engagement...wahh!!!!!!!!sgguhler cantik...heheh...parents dier mengupah wedding planner just for this occasion (uncle aku ni byk duit so takperla...heheheh..and its his only daughter)..heheh..mmg cantik ahhh...and mkn pun best under the Arabian Canopy..they called...heheh...kekenyagan btul driku ni smpai mkn leh ulang2...kawaii sgt kak emmy...dioerng will get hitch next year 27.6.2010....tak sabar...wat kat Dewan Jubli Emas Shah Alam...(ihope its the right spelling)as they lived at Seksyen 9...anyway congrats to them...smlm pun siap ader photo session yg melibatkan sepupu2 like kiterong ni...siap baling2 bunga tgn la...pndang langit la..kejar2 bakal pengantin la....wahh!!!!! meletihkan...and siap abg cameraman msuk dlm longkang just nak ambik side gambar yg cntik heheh...mmg extreme btul abg photographer ni heheh...berbaloi2 hehe...gan harga yg diberi it will turn out into a storybook album nanti hehe...bestnyerrr...tak sbr nak tgk gambr2 kesongeen kiterong...hahaha...and well as for me yg ader gak bg idea utk pose KESONGEEAN itu hahahah....ok guys....enjoy....\(^_^)/
cincin dijari manis kak emmy heheheh...biler lak cincin dijari kat tgnku lak???hahahah
kegedikan angah,aiman(yg jarang sgt jumper tp best sgt dier dh besar)kinah and me

its us again...

nilah sepupu2 yg ader heheh...from left:ain,airin,kak emmy,angah and me...which among us will be next??

kali ni gambar ader aiman interframe....

pose ayu kak emmy di pelamin mini yg indah heheh

time tgh makeup...siap ader 2 org tukang makeup..i guess the other one is her assistant.....

this is how her pelamin mini looks like...its gold and brownish in coloured i like...

this is the hantaran from abg syuk's side...seashell kehijauan ive called it hehehe..pndai2 ajer driku bg namer....hahahah

this is the hantaran from kak emmys side..that was done by sedara2 kiterong gak..heheh dpt thu while "eaves dropping"
p/s:12.12.2009...Mr R family will be coming to meet my family hehe..berdebar2 nyer driku for that ive decided to PUASA aka fasting...hahaha...for this 2weeks..sbb dh byk mkn and takut dikatakan makin tembam..hahha, puasa...puasa...hahaha...nanti takut my becoming mother in law terkejut lak..heheh...ok u guys wish me luck...xoxo:)

Monday, November 23, 2009

~ConGrats To Byt AnD AbG Im~

WeLl...yesterday(22/11/2009) me and family when to Muar for dearest Byt's wedding...although dlu2 raser mcm dekat ajer Muar tu tapi memandangkan dh lamer tak dtg...raser mcm jauh sgt2 ahhh nak dtg...tu tak termasuk sesat2 nyer lgi hehehe...coz muar has byk Parit...yg kiterong cari"Parit Jawa"hahaha...akhirnyer smpai jua..hehehh....we arrived there at nearly 1pm and waited till bersanding at 2.30pm..heheh...perjlnan yg berbaloi2...ehehhe...jumper kwn2 UKM...and yg pling bestnyer...kwnku Aisya...yg ganas heheh mnjdi pengapit pd hari tersebut hahahah...lwk ahhh tpi aisya makin ayu..wah!!!!...anyway misz them all dah lmer tak jumper...heheh..and huggy2...yg dtg also Maziah,Nik,Luke and Jesz...heheh...yg driku kenal la...heheh....Congrats to our newlywed ni heheh...Byt n Im...semoga kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat...cpt2 dpt baby...tak sbr nak jdi aunty nad heheheh.....:)and sblum smpai ke umah byt and otw blik...dpt tgk nostalgia school and Mr R...heheh...SAMURA( Sek.Men Sains Muar)..yg tercinta...dah btul2 membangun hehehe...cross the road dri school ajer dah ader K-Mall...and ader karaoke lgi...uwahhh..kan best kalo ader time dlu2 heheheh....anyway its nice to see again....heheh rindulak time bdk2 sek.menengah hahahah....k enjoy the pics....

jambatan muar..heheh ttp maintain samer gak

its my beloved school...nanti nak pgiler dtg cni gan Mr R...heheh after kahwin ker heheh

the newlywed....samer pdn kan????my mum ckp mcm adik beradik hahahah

the groom and his bestman...kesian dioerng...kene byk"Tol"heheh..adat kat Muar kot heheh...dri luar lgi dah kner tahan and time nak ddk kat atas pelamin pun kener...hahahah

time ni byt tgh nervous...hahahah dier ckp smlm time akad nikah biaser ajer heheh...ekk..luperlak tanyer baper byk kali lafaz Im kener angkat heheh...lps ker the 1st round???hehehh....anyway time ni pun me pun nervous...wats the story hahahah

me,angah,byt and mama

pelamin yg tersergam indah

me gan hantaran byt heheheh

ni lah pengapitnyer...heheheh si aisya comel heheh....yg pling bestnyer...dier byk kipas diri dier sndri dri kipas pengantinnyer hahahahah....

part of the hantaran...that was all done by Byt...heheheh..shes creative meh...
p/s:well... abit about for me..ive already gone to the butik that ive want..and already had discuss about the things that ive want...just skang ni...tggu tgk bju dieorng kalo ader yg OK...hehehe...best2:)many things gak to do for this month heheh...yup2

~WeLL...It HaPpEn's On FriDay~

It was...last Friday after work me and Jacky...when for camwhoring sambil pgi "jalan-jalan cari mkn"heheheh...well we decided that every Friday after work we will be like searching and went to Restaurant that has nice enterior + review the food there also...hehehe...ok tak????kejer2 sblum cuti hujung minggu...i like...hehehe...well this time we stop at AEON JJ Setiawangsa...and tried this new Restaurant Boston....memandangkan tmpt tu mcm ok..looks kiterong pun try ler...tpi peliknyer...waktu masuk hrtu hanyer ader stu family ajer yg eat there...takder rmai pun...tpi aper2 pun kiterong try ler...heheh...coz all the restaurant that sorrounded us..mcm dah biaser tgk and eat hehehe....well as for me ive ordered...kueh teow seafood...and jac ordered rice baked with cheese+chicken....and as it was raining and cold...both of us ordered almond tea....after a 10 minutes of waiting for our food...(tupun di considered lambat ok...memandangkan time tu kiterong ajer yg ader dlm kedai hahaha)...1st our "almond tea" sampai...goshhh...bau mcm paint...and it taste for me...i was like tutup hidung sambil minum...ended up kiterong tak touch pun air tu...time food dah food is just like ordinary kueh teow kung foo....lebih berbaloi kalo mkn kat foodcourt with half of the price...ishk2,,...sabar...and meanwhile jac's didint taste nice as she used to taste at another restaurant(harga mknan okler tpi kalo raesr mcmtu tak berbaloi sgtler..tpi its a try) kiterong pun bg comment kat Restaurant ni kat box comment dieorng...mmg rasernyer tak dtg lgi ahhh kot...tak sedap.....overall....its 2/10 marks...huhuhuhu...wait for our next stop yerk hahah...

its me chilling before the food arrived

jac was fascinated by the presentation of her food...but the taste???hahahah it really that sucks?jacky....

this is wat jacky ordered....nice right?

kueh teow seafood = to just like ordinary kueh teow kung foo...takder seafood byk pun..aallaaaa

this is our unfinished "almond tea" yg smells like paint...i just cant imagine people can drink this kind of tea....mcm mkn ubat pun ader...EEeEeEeE

welcome to "BosTon"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

~AT LaSt...It'S OvEr(^-^)~

HuhUHUHU....Plz doNt geT startled...frOm the title of the poSt...heheh...sajer ajer hehehe...well its nuthing bad happened or wat..its just to stated that im glad and HAPPY!!! last the JCi Accreditation and finish at last,....anyway IJN still wondering and nervous to wait overall view by the board of JCI International...and adakah IJN dpt JCI certificate ni atau tak hehehh....anyway aper yg kiter mampu wat just berdoa...heheh...if they do think its ok and menepati...dpt la "certificate hikmat" ni hehehe...yuppp....kalo tak kner ahhh tggu 3Thun lgi...hehehe...cuak2...moga2 dpt la yerk....Cyayok!!!! hrni dah raser tenang sket...and tak cuak mcm this few dptler ddk dgn tenang...yup2....this Sunday(22/11/2009) its my dearest UKM frend...cutie BYT...will ended up her bachelor days...with the lucky guy heheh...yg kiterong pggil "abg Im"..cheh2..semua balak kwn2 ku...ku pggil "ABG"heheh....takperla pggilan manjer aku bgi "I LIKE" this Sunday me and my family(except my little bro..will not be he busy with tuition classes),will be heading to MUAR...the land of SAMURA...dah lamer drku ni tak berpijak dibumi MUAR...tak thu dh mcmner ruper sekolah tmpt ku blajr and tempat ku "homesick" tobad...MR R tak dpt join...for this wedding coz he has to work...ermm..sorry byt tak dpt jumper MR R...takper2 kalo time nad khwin nanti tatap puas2 k?heheh...tpi jgn tatap lamer2 heheheh....just wishing congrats to her....ramai btul gang2 UKM nak kahwin ni heheh...and merasakan myself makin tua...HAhahHHAh....dah2 ni dah melalut dah heheh...cptler kul 5.15pm...nak blik yupppp....(^_^)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

GreASe-We Go ToGeThEr

WeLl...I was jusT hearing a collection of old songs hahah...i came upon a playlist full of OST GreaSe...i just love it...hehehe...well my fav one will be.."We Go toGether"...yuppp...lets together reaD the Lyrics ek....hehehe...jusT for Fun...(^_^)...although the lyrics is blabbing with funny...words,....but its really a fun song hehehe...yipppieeee

Grease - We go together
[Danny and Sandy]
We go together like
rama lama lama
ke ding a de dinga a dong
remembered for ever like
shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom

[Sandy, Danny, Rizzo & Kenickie]
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang
That's the way it should be
Wha oooh yeah!

We're one of a kind
Like dip di-dip di-dip
Doo-bop a doo-bee doo
Our names are signed
Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy
Shoo-by doo-wop she-bop
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang

We'll always be like one

When we go out at night
And stars are shinin' bright
Up in the skies above
Or at the high school dance
Where you can find romance
Maybe it might be lo-oh oh oh-oh oh-ove

[Can be broken up into groups]
Ra-ma la-ma la-ma ka ding a da ding de dong
Shoo-bop sha wad-da wad-da yipp-it-y boom de boom
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop
Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo
Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-ed-y
Shoo-by doo-wop she-bop
Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yip-pit-y boom de boom
Ra-ma la-ma la-ma ka ding-a de ding de dong
Shoo-bop sha wad-da wad-da yipp-it-y boom de boom
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop
Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo
Boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy boog-e-dy
shoo-by doo-wop she-bop
Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yip-pit-ty boom de boom

A wop ba-ba lu-mop

A wop bam boom

We're for each other like
A wop ba-ba lu-mop and wop bam boom
Just like my brother is
Sha na na na na na yip-pit-y dip de boom
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang shoo-bop
We'll always be together
Wha oooh yeah!
We'll always, be together
We'll always be together
We'll always be together [End here or fade out]
A wop ba-ba lu-mop a wop bam boom!

~WhaT a HeCtiC WeEk..This Is~

As u guys see...from the title of my post...this 4 days (16 Nov-19Nov) will be JCI Acreditation...kecuakan ku melampau2 as they will see and expection all around...its really important for our place ni dikenali recognition as International or mmg kener wat sebaik mungkin ahhh...cuak2...huhuu...well...memandangkan hrni org2 JCI tu tak round2 lgi kat dept tercinta ku ni just updating what did i do last weekend...on Saturday (14 Nov 2009)...have to come to the for the JCI preparetion...after a couple of hours trus kuar gan Mr R...nak cri barang la katerkan...hahaha...tpi ended up pgi Pameran Perkahwinan kat PWTC,having tea at Theobarome Chocholate Lounge(btul ke ejaan ni )...and mlm tu tgk muvi 2012...well from my review...the muvi is not as how i totally SUCKS!!!...i wanted everybody to DIE...hahah wicked btul aku ni...tpi mcm tak best ahhh...although the affect ok...tpi tak puas hati ahhhh....takper2 looking forward to watch "New Moon"...ermm...enjoy the pics....otak tgh blur ni sbb its totally cold preserved all the medications a standardized temp. tak thuler baper degrees ni....
this is a sum of the pelamin that were done by them..hehe nice

pelamin kedua

me at Pavillion..bergambar di pokok2 Christmas..dah bz dieorng hias for Christmas dah heheh...when to Pavillion seeking for the "shoe"tpi reluctantly takder size lak...insyallah ader nyer nantikan....

the scenery

Mr R wat muker...hahah...

byk sgguh cup with warmer yg disusun i dont know what's the purpose dieorng susun byk2..maybe it resemble sumthing i guess

the chocholates that were been served there...heheh...its finger lickin good..all look nice and yummy...just cant describe it with words....
the front desk view
this is what we ordered..."fair lady"..what a name...its really chocholatty..hehe..nice2..but i just have one sip only and teh rest were finish by Mr R...coz its just to chocholatty...heheheh

tadaa...and this what ive wanted to eat..hahah...didnt cared about my diet for that and mr R...ordered this superb and delicious waffled...called "Belgerian Waffle"hehe...add with one scoop of icecream...yummy2...hehehe...oishiii......!!!!!
p/s:all the choc are handmade..heheh...yummy:)using belgerian choc

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

`My wEeKeNd of "BErJoYaH"`

Its been a while...the 4 of us...hanging out and me,nard,ili and syaida...decided to have picnicking at KLCC park...hehe...walaupun hari panas tpi kiterong dpt port yg baiknyer...heheh....smbil mkn2 and update citer terbaru about diri masing2(citer Ili yg dah bertunang"showing her big ring",Nar gan peminatnyer yg ramai,Syaida gan peminat obsses nyer..freeky and me yg update the current preparation) sgguh...Ili just back from Bangkok for a vacation with her other frends...and also Nar...pun bru balik dr NZ...heheh so kiterong dpt 2 gifts from little kiwi from nar gan mcm beg makeup from ili...arigato gozaimas....hehe...igt gak korng kat aku ni hahah...yg takder maser nak berjln2 sakan mcm dlu2...heheheh....maybe next timeler....rasernyer that day singkat la sgt...heheh sbb berjoyah tak igt dunia heheh...we ended our outing in the evening...heheh...miszz u guys already:)
ni muker2 kepenatan selepas berjoyah hehehe...

ni muker budget kiterong selepas kekenyagan heheh
(from left its me,nar,syaida and ili)

A&W waffle with honey and butter...Yummy!!!..but i like it more with icecream hahah
tpi Ili nak yg ni kiterong OK kan ajer..hahahah...eating waffle sambil berjoyah..after picnicking hahahah....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

~OpEnIng Up My ThInkIng BoOk~

Its 4pm heheh...ive finish my work...kul 5.15pm balIk..YEAh!!!!!....memandangkan maser yg terluang ni aper up "My ThInkIng BoOk" hehehe...mcm Blues Clues lak hehe....suker tgk citer tu walaupun my mum said for little kids...tpi as for me i still like it...and yg I like gak tgk "HandDy MaNnY" and "PoCoYo" heheh...comel sgt...eehhh...kembali pd topic dgn happynyer...hal Photographer tak perlu pening2 dah....skang ni tgh pikir lgi adakah nak memilih package atau pun tak....ermmm...wat do you guys think????so tu still tgh pikir lgi ni...package pun ok gak...dier siap bg baju+accesories+pelamin mini in a reasonable still thinking nak wat bju sndri ker atau tak....hehehe...takper2 still got time to choose...and next week pun ader PamerAn PeNgaNtiN kat leh tgk2 gak lgi....heheh...still byk lgi kener wat...yuppp2...takper wat slow2...hehehe:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

~BacK to WoRk ModE..But......~

Well its back to work....huhuhu....tpi still got sore throat and flu.....erm...skang ni musim ahhh kat ofis ni bper org yg selsema gan btuknyer...gan sore throat nyer...ishk2...tgk2 kat status blog member2 pun...semua kater mcm selsema la tuler...ishk2...hopefully baikla in this week...yup2...well last gan registry database seminar for 3 days (tuesday-thursday)...Friday take sick la Klinik Dr Izham....Dr yg bertugas Dr Hanipah....dier tu takleh la bg aku aman...for sure akan bg aku tazkirah....walaupun aku ni sakit...biarla aku nak cuti aper mslah dier....cuti aku kan...ishk2...geram!!!!!....melampau ahhhh Dr ni emo ajer...bkn skali dh byk kali....smpai my mum pun pesan lain kali jgnler jumper dier lgi...maslahnyer dier ni shift pagi...Dr2 yg shift ptg and mlm semua ok...dier ni ajer emo...dah tua dh pun...geram aku...nak ajer cekik2 dier tpi anyway bersbr ajerla....erm...kner cri Dr lain kalo nak pg klinik time pg2....anyway...this week tak baper sehat so nanti la kiter citer2 byk2 lgi k kwn2 heheh.....anyway takecare kesihatan.....
p/s:post kali ni menyatakan tak kepuasan hati kat Dr Hanipah..namer mu dan mukamu akan sntiaser ku kenang yg byk mndtgkan masalah dlm HIDUPKU...