Wednesday, May 27, 2009

~BaCk AG@In WiTh No BoUndRieS~

murnin....well...several days ni im not feeling lamerla dah tak update this for ur guys nyer info i will ust make short notes on wat i did...last week and this week...nanti when im feeling abit better...i'll tell u guys all about it...k:)misz u guys.....
what i did:-
1)Visiting NIDA at PUSRAWI...seeing her 1st baby..its a gurl...heheheh Atiqah Nur Farisha(i think this how it spells...out)...she weighed around 3.77kg...huhuhu...nida siad that she weighed the haviest among all the babies.....huhuhu:)
2)Last weekend on Saturday...having agurl days out with the songee gurls from Petro...gang2 dlu gak hahaha...Ili,Nard and Syaida...wat we did???gossiping and having fun...posinggggggggg:)luv it...really looking forward to do another hangout....
3)Sick....not feeling well....until now....but today getting ok...huhuhu...:[
p/s:luvs Kris Allen single-No Boundries.....well here is the lyrics:)
Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want, but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever when you feel you’ve lost your way
What if my chances are already gone
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am — still holding on!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fought to the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future's heading
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've heard every lie
I've risked being safe but I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am - still holding on!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cause there’s nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~*ThE SonGeE's ClUb@GaNg*~

Hye ive updated my blog ptg sket...memandangkan pg2 lg dah ader kejer hehehe..that has to be completed and been sent today uhhuhu...akhirnyer...HOORAY!!!! FINISH...yeah.....well as i told u guys yesterday...for sure u guys curious..aper tu Kump.Songee...hehehe siap ader President nyer skali...hahahah....well it all started in the year 2002-2003 that time bdk2 batch yg same year as me...kene accept masuk for me i was been accepted to KYPM Bangi(now known as KPTM)..waktu time kiterong dlu its just consist of Matriks student,UITM Diploma Students and also JAD students(dieorng ni bdk2 persiapan ke Jepun)huhuhu....well...this matriks is different then the restla sbb kiterong ni bkn matriks matriks mcm tmpat tmpt dier takderla sebesar Matriks induk as an example like the ones at Londang,Perak..etc..but anyhow...kiterong ni bebas sket ahhh nak blik at wat time semua anyway the curfew is at 11pm hehehe:)tp aper2 pun kiterong baik sket takderla langgar peraturan heheh...coz kiterong ni mcm bru nak melangkah ke alam yg lbh higher then high make the story there weve been divided into 3 main courses of students which consist of bdk2 hayat(sains pure la katerkan hehehe),bdk2 fizik(the ones that didnt take BIO)and bdk2 accounts( bdk2 terror nombor huhuh)...after had been divided...bdk2 hayat dibahagi lg kpd 2 big groups which is A and in the A group...and ive been put in the A3 this is how the story started(ek..bru nak bermula igtkan dah lamer dah start hehehe....)...ntah mcmner la pihak cikgu2 ni membahagikan kiterong ikut aper2 pun kiterong consist of baper ek org???ha..17 people...2 guys 15gurls..huhu(the 2boys we call them "anak dara" hahaha...sbb dieorng ajer laki2 dlm kelas kesiannyer dahler kner buli heheheh....1stly kiterong ni takderla rapat sgt pun...ader yg tak suker ni tak ntah mcmner as the time past by we've became close hehehe:)and didnt know how they have selected tadaa....
Class Leader: Kamil
Pen.Class:Nadia aka Me
Ntah mcmnerlak akulak yg jd pen.class...hahahahahah:) wats the songee all about right? and my 2 roomates Yana and Yin..were not fond of sum of the gurls...there yg especially comes from this all gurl school....hehehe...takleh aahh ckp skola aperkan....dierong we called them Songee...but anyhow...ntah mcmmner...bdk2 ni lak yg pggil nad smpai skang la melekat namer songee tu and they assume that im the co-founder of the songee group(eh mmg pun tp bkn dituju for me!!!!!) how it started so we name our group The Songee's:)..huhu...its not just consisted sum of the A3 students...but also dah perluaskan gang2 kiterong dari kelas lain hehehe...kat UKM pun ader gan Petrosains...wat do we do????actually???Gossiping and having fun hehehe..gathered makes plan.. and
Lela,Cammy,Nazzy,Ell,Nar,Shima,Nimi,Dayah,Me(ThePresIdent)and Apid...hehe....yg lain tu ok ahhh tp bkn the songee groups...hehehe...bdk2 kelas yg lain..mcm ekin,fatien,yin erm..saper lg ek???ramai ahhh heheheh...bdk2 UKM gan Petro pun rmai...heheh...will not finish lak..kalo ltk all the names here hahahahaha.....anyway...until now kiterong still contact and kalo member songee khwin for sure kner dtg....hehehe..although we had all the diffrences in our life now and good careers...the frendship that we had will always there...when we needed it..hope that we all remain frends till the end of time...amin (hehe..mcm gang upin dan ipin lak huhuhu)
~Its just from my heart~

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

~ThE 1st SonGee's MemBer T0 WeD~

Ok..had came back from recess..hehe baru ader semangat nak update blog hehehe...well..citer mggu ni its about Dayah's of the members in Songee group...hehehe...for sure korang tertanyer2 wat is Songee...and ada group lak lagi...hehehhe..well...citer about The Songee's will be tell tomorrow la...hehehe...coz can put pictures...and its nice to tell stuff with pics hahahah....aper2 pun kiterong ni member2 matriks same class A3....kiterong ni akrab sgt sampai la skang heheh....dayah's wed ni jatuh pd 16 Mei 2009(Hari Guru tu.....hehehe...selamat hari guru to Dayah and Marwan also...heheh)they both are Teachers in one of the school in Puchong tak igtlak namer skola...hehe...well...before the event took place Nad @ the President of The Songee's Club plan ahhh nak kumpul kul baper jumper kat ner...hehehe...plan punyer plan...Nar,Shima and Nimi kene smpai exactly kat umah Nad at 9am...and then...jumper Lela kat Putrajaya nyer exit...Before 10am...u guys imagine...dieorngnyer mjlis akad nikah starts at 10am...semua gang2 membebel sbb rushing...and as for me tak thu jln...nad lak yg drive tu erm....meh cni nad tulis kronology of the trip...
1. Nar,Shima gan Nimi at My House around laambat gak dlm 9.15am

2.Pecut kete...dahla manual hahahah....sampai ke Putrajaya around 9.30am...then Lela said dier kat exit dari Putrajaya...kiterong ni dah masuk Putrajaya knerla cri U turn...fuhh jenuh gak ahh...nad dah hot dah hahah....mengambil maser 10 minit ahhh gak.

3.Then konvoi gan Lela...owhh my...Lela bawak kete mcm lipas...dahla laju meninggalkan kiterong and ke kiri ke kanan...pening kiterong....smpai terjerit2 ahhh kiterong dlm keter...tgk tindakan Lela...bwk keter...its so HORROR!!! dier yg thu jln ke Masjid Putra Perdana tu.. 10.15am...kiterong smpai gak kat The Mosque...lega rasernya...nasib baikla kiterong sempat..hehehe....weve make the last gitu...:)sempat tgk Ustaz Harun Din nikahkan Dayah sbb Ayah Angkat dier huhuh.

5.Majlis ended around 11.30am...and then eat...lps tu posing ahhhh...dah tak igt situ kwsn masjid ishkkk...aper2 pun kiterong still hormat and gambar bertertib...nanti korang tgk ahhh gambr2 yg diupload...huhuh....

6.Lps tu lepak umah Cammy jap...minum air and transfer 1pm then balik...tu pun ntah aperla Nad leh gak tersesat ikut jln lain hehe...tu ahhh berangan when Lela bg arahan..hahha...aper2 pun smpai...(Thanks to Noor..adik cammy for the nice pic...dier pun pening tgk kesongeean kakak2 yg dah berumur suku abad ni hahahah)

7.Mlm tu mjlis dier lak kat Dewan Pengaman Pulapol ,Semarak...Nar gan Shima xdpt join(Nick gan Ell pun) ader tambahan gang Nazi gan BF,Nimi Bwk "Teman Tp Mesra"..and Apid...

8.Mjlis starts at 8pm and ended at 9.30pm.Before when home sempat gak posing hahahaha...takleh aahhhh tgk camera kiterong ni and the best is all Songee's member love to take pictures...hehehe sehati sejiwa betul la.....hahaha....(so now u know it Jac?why do i love to take pics...hahahah!!!)

9.Counting and waiting who's The next Songee's member to Wed..huhuh...who's the lucky one next on line....tick..tock...

from left:Cammy,Nimi..Marwan&Dayah..,Nazi and Me

part of the Songee's member yg hadir pd Majlis mlm tu..from left:Lela,Cam,Me(yg gediks tu)Apid and Nimi

Nilah pic yg diambil di persekitaran Masjid..heheh flower to th bride

Cute tak?all of us? as the president kena ahh ddk bentuk kipas heheh

we just luv to be infront of the camera

top from left:Nimi,The Bride,Nar,Lela and Shima
in front from left:Me and Cam

lets focus on the bride

hantaran from Dayah to her beloved hubby Marwan

kusyuknyer membaca doa...ek...heheh

selepas akad nikah Dayah posing kejap...chak!!!

The Beautifull Bride

Nice pose..everyone

hehehhe...semua pegang flower...heheh...yg diambil kat meja makan hahahah

mane tgn pengantin???


So Sweeeeeet....


This is The Mosque...yup2:)
p/s:anyway there is lot of pic..heheh..all the songee's member able to see it in my FB and Friendster k?heheh...its a splendid weekend for all of us...really misz u guys:)xoxo

AcuTe GasTroVentitiS???

Fuhhh wat a do say it..the best weekend ever heheh....aper2 pun nanti nad citer la.yup2...hehe well...smlm not coming to the Dr says that i have acute gastroventitis...huhuhui think its the cause of salah ok today and already start working huhuhu...aper2 pun after lunch nanti bru la kiter update stories bru huhuuh....DaYah's WeDding...heheheh....aper2 pun tggguuuuuuuu!!!!!heheheh

Thursday, May 14, 2009

~* WaR Of ThE DSLR*~

MuRnin...what a great day today...heheheh....although its a gud day to start but in me mind is full of making choices for my 1st DSLR heheheheh:).....yupp.....i do get sum few tips from JAC...tQ jac for helping me 1st ive decided its just between the Nikon D60 and Sony DSLR-A300K...but theres is and additional compatative that slips on my mind last nite its...CANoN D450....huhuhuhu....wahhhhhhhhhhh....heheheh:)im just happy...coz i like all of it hahahahah.....but anyway got to decide the only one hehehe....still have time...but now this is the things that played over and over on my mind for this couple of days hahahahaha:)gadget freek i am.....huhuhu....anyway yesterday ive send a msg to the famous SaifulNang in FB about what decision that i should choose so really hope that he do respond on the msg as he is so bz.....heheheh really need lots of professional opinions huhuhu.....anyway i should say thanks to JaC and Mr RazkeLl for giving sum tips on it.....huhuhu......:)
ThE New MeMbEr Of DSLR CompaRison In My Mind.....tadaa..... CaNoN D450

ThiS Is The SONY DSLR-A300K....heheheh...SONY is now running to be one of the gud manufactures in DSLR cameras i read in the Internet revIew..hehehehe....:)it has nice features to dont u think???
NikOn D60...suggested by dear Cute JAc....hehehe...sMall and Sleeky Nice...hehehe she said that this is a small camera and easy to handle hehehe.....nice ha????well this is the pic that taken from right view

HehEhE....FroNt view of Nikon D60....i just cant resist on small cameras and thats look nice and sofisticated...hahahaha...heLlo nad...Think about the specs...not the appearence only hahahah....
uhuhuhu.....well wait and see which one is the lucky DSLR....huhuhuhuu:)NeedeD time to maKe just the right choice....yup2.....voilla...:)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that everything I think I need here on the ground.
But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down

Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long.

~a nice piece from Sara does touch the heart~

Sunday, May 10, 2009

~JuSt HAViNg FuN~

this is the lamp post near the mosque...hehehehehe

wahh...cant believe it im updating my blog on the weekends...heheh..ususally im bz...heheh tp memandangkan esok ambik the day off....aper lg layan ahhhh blogging...well wat did i do last Saturday...hehehe....Mr Razkell dtg and then pg la hangout as usual...pic bwh 1st time kat Masjid yg lamer nad nak pg...masjid bru huhu...cntik sgt....smyng magrib kat ctula....hehehhe...
cantikkan pemandangannyer.....

well...on the Afternoon before that and Mr R when to this shop which sells old and new goods...with reasonable price...and theres is sumtimes things yg rarely susah nak dpt pun ader gak tau.....theres is one of their outlet near Ampang point...hehehe...if Sunway is quite far la kan for sum people to go there....yuppp....:)yesterday...kiterong just byk jln2 naik keter ajer....hehehehe sooth our mind....heheheh

this is the shop....

tgh panas2 terik pun still leh posing tu wahhhhh

Thursday, May 7, 2009

~YeaH!!!!!Im BloGgInG aGaIn!!!!!!

Hye u guys...hehehe...liza im back...heheheh...for sure korang tertanyer2 maner la nad pegi hehehe...after cuti Labour Day haritukan???well...i had to attend the SPSS my mind is full of numbers and all sorts of test...owhhhh im back at the office doing my on going work....yg takkan habis2 sampai biler2....anyway im ok with it as this week is near to and end yeahhhhh!!!!!tomorrows friday...and then saturday & sunday yeahhh...ermmm anyway...this is sum of the things i did also through out this week...huhuhu...:)
Well this is a latest pic of me and my sis...last saturday attend wedding ceremony at Ampang...ermm...saper yerk yg kahwin???ermm...tak kenal tapi sedara mara belah mama kiterla heheheh.....yup2...the pic is not to we used the yellow lighting(lampu tdo la)....cheh2...heheh......but nice right??????? storylak...on last cousin kak ina...hehehh....she delivered an adourable baby boy that late afternoon...hehehe...comel sgt2...his name is baby ADAM YUSRI....wah....combination of 2 celebs adam ni considered as the 1st cicit in the family belah papa kiter.....hehehe.....from his features kiter dah thukan dier hensem kan????....well me,my mum and dad...came to visit them that nite...heheh were the 1st to see baby wat tak sabar nak ader babylak...ooppssss...heheheh cheh2...plan jauh sungguh...:)well...this is the 2 pics that ive took mlm to....hehehe...kiter dpt dukung dier....he weights about quite afraid to hold him as he is so small and afraid i might break his bones.....hehehhe....anyway i've dukung gak heheh...cium byk2...heheheh....later that nite....ive dream baby i still misz to see him wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

See...this is cute baby Adam...hehehe his sleepy...does he looks like his aunt???cheh2...owh my!! im already an aunt....i feel rather old now huhuhu....mama baby adam ni kner ceaserean..kalo tak takut baby lemas...coz tali pusat dier dah terbelit kat leher dier wat 1 pusingan dah....old folks say...that terbelit mcmtu happens jarang sgt...when it happends that kid will turn up into sum1 famous atau doing sumthing remarkable in his life erm...yupp2....wahhhh...hebat gak tukan?heheh..anyway aura baby adam ni kuat sgt...sampai kiterong takleh nak luperkan dier heheheh:)yuppp.....miszzzz him so...but now...kak ina gan baby Adam kat Perak...mak mertua dier jager ermmm...ala jauhnyer nak jumper baby Adam....takper be patient ek Aunty Nad...hehehehe:)

Adourable Baby Adam Yusri......04/05/2009