Thursday, November 29, 2012

a simple memo of the day

a simple quote

It's really HARD to say goodbye
but the TIME has come..
Bye2 IJN(especially clinical research dept.)...will miss you dearly:)

p/s:will update soon..k you guys

Friday, November 16, 2012

Just left a couple of days...

Olaa...its been quite a while..i havent leave my footsteps on this blog of mine..for sure ramai yg igt nad  takkan blog in this period of time kan?kan...hehe...well sorry for my numbness this days...although dah tender but still kejer...and my last day will be bygkan time akhir2 nila kjer pun berlambak2 bgaikan beribu2 lemon jatuh for "me"time mcm bru lps mkn...dah nak kner sambung wat kejer blik coz ader dateline..nanti dha start kejer baru tak thula mcmner conditionnyer..but im willing to learn and knew new things for my own career growth...for sure i will fall in love with my upcoming job ni insyallah:)there's lot of things yg nad nak share and wat did i did for this past tak berkesempatan sgt nak story mory...insyallah once nad ok and schadule pun dah stabil...for sure nad akakn active balik berblog..walaupun its just a simple story of me and my family..this blog for sure tak equipt if there's no story about Lil AA kan?well she's doing fine indeed(just smlm ajer tdo meragam wake up every 1hour...i guess due to the choc cream yg nad bg dier raser sket..sket sgt..sbb dier nak sgtkan)and this months she's already 7months uols...dah besar dah anak mama ni..berguling2 pun semakin kalo mengamuk nak susu atau nak berdukung..Lil AA dah pandai menyalahgunakan kepakaran gulingnyer dgn berguling keutara keselatan,kebarat dan bykla kwsn jajahan dier yg dier dh jajahi..kalo time dier mengamuk sakan..mak aiahhhhhhhhhhhh kalo rebel..jenuh nak bg calm..ikut perngai saperla ni kan..but sorry gambar takderlak for this post sbb tak sempat nak upload..sorry yerk..but will do for the other upcoming post insyallah..anyway guys...wish me luck for this new place..roughlly yg nad tahu my jobs description will be managing event for health education stuff..yeahhh no more stats for me kat stu ckp consider mcm "front facela" katerkan hahaha...glamour lak raser hehe..ok2ler...aper2 pun kner wat kjer bebtul and berdedikasi..tahts important.1st impression its the most important thing in doing anything..okler2...panjanglak kebebelan pd ptg ni..ok2 nak sambung kjer ni..nanti nad joyah2 lg k...k xoxo.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Selamat Mama..

Dear Mama
Lil AA nak wish kat mama..selamat melapor diri kat tempat kejer baru k harini
jgn nervous2...amani gan papa temankan tau
(takper mama tak start lagikan...just lapor diri ajer dulu)
lps tu kiter jln2 k mama....
amani and papa syg mama sesgt hehehehe