~BAcK To WoRk MoDe~
p/s:as for me in the office.....ZZZzzzzzzzzz....
*still lots of collegue still holiday...just about the 6 of us working today (and its FRiday)....huhuHu......want to go home......................
YeAh!!!!!!at Last "eKin ChenG" (hehe i called her actually her name is shikin)..has back to Msia for gud as shes studying Dentistry in Bandung...bestnyer gang2 songee bertambah lagi hehehe...yeah....dah planning dah nak jumper next week(kena jumper sblum dier start kejer)...heheh...with gifts????heheheh yeah!!!!tak sbrnya nak tgk wat is it.....heheheheh....best2 got lot of stuff to gossiping about huhuhu....here we come....ThE SonGeE's GosSip GuRls...XOXO.....\(^_^)/