OMG!!!!!! I've really miss the Songee's..we rarely hanging out together this days as some of us is quite bz with masing2nyer commitment la katerkan...aper2 pun this Dec kener gak hang out together2...heheh...hope our plan goes well...u guys....well this post is dedicated to one of our dearest songee nazzy...congrats as she has been crowned as the "Bizzy Body Ambassador 2010/2011" on 14 Nov 2010 and she also win the category for"Mizz Bizzy Body Audience Favourite"...(u are our fav)Hooray!!!!!...mexican waves uol....really proud of her...she really works hard for it...before this kiterong gak yang tahu betapa penat jerihnyer dier kerja bermcm2 bender to support her life...and at last she mention yg she wants to try out for modelling...kiterong mmg sentiaser support masing2 nyer decision...and this is the 1st step for her to reach her goal....i know she can do it!! although there's lot of obstacle she has to face before reaching this kind of stage...(envy ok badan nazzy...heheh in a good way...u go gurl)..as ive always said...all the songee gurls semua ader kelebihan masing2..and it really proves my theory...heheh...so to share the moment..jom kiter layan pic victory nazzy yerk heheh....:)
waaaaaaaaaaaaa....suka this post & the quotes...
hehehe...timer kasih cammy songee:)heheh...nanti time gathering kiter yg terkini ni nanti kiter bergambar sakan and aku wat post khas gak yerk heheheheh:)
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