Friday, July 29, 2011

Love, Nora xoxo

Semalam football match diantara Harimau Malaya vs Singapore...untuk kelayakan Piala Dunia for sure ramai yg tgk kan...but SAD to said Malaysia tak lepas pun...anyhow wish them goodluck utk games2 yg akan dtg....takperla asalkan kalah dgn dad yang layan tgk bola smlm...(dah baper byk kali la dier emo...dpn tv....rasernyer mcm dierlak yg nak jdi pengganti Rajagopal...hehehe)anyway as for me...suker bola?? tak baper sgt layan...mcm my 2 sibs,Mr R and papa...sungguh HARDCORE dieorng ni...while my dad layan and my mum layan...drama kat Astro Ria...title Love Nora xoxo....citernyer sungguhla sweet....and took place kat Italy uols...tu yang best tu...heheh hope dpt sgt jejak kan kaki one day kat Florence heheh:) meh2 tgh rajin tulis synopsis sket psl citer ni....

Pelakon:Yasmin Hani,Will Quah and Yana Shamsudin
Sinopsis:Dua org sahabat ni Nora and Shila(yasmin hani and yana)pg ke Itali jln2 tapi ntah mcmner time tgh jln2 sightseeing kat saner dieorng nyer tour guide tinggalkan dieorng and sesat ahh...time tgh2 jln2 terjumperla sorang mamat Italy ni tgh petik buah zaitun,mamat tu namer Raoul (will quah) yang help dieorng by showing a place to stay before headed back to ntah mcmner Nora and Raoul boleh tgkap cintan pulak...time Nora dah blik Malaysia dier asyik teringat ajer kat tak disangka2 Raoul sanggup dtg ke Malaysia tgglkan keluarga and intention nak kahwin dgn Nora...walalupun mama Nora tak baper suker tp...akhirnyer dieorng kahwin+and open up a restaurant..sbb Raoul master in ntah mcmner Nora ni meninggal(sbb sakit)...Raoul sgt sedih sampai hidup tak terurus...but the best part is...while Raoul check his email lps kematian isteri dier ...dier dpt email drpd Nora so everyday Raoul menempuh hari2 berikutnyer dgn adernyer email Nora sbgai kekuatan utk dier hadapi hidup realiti yg sebenar sambil diceriakan oleh kwn Nora iaitu Shila....
(heheh byk lak citer...nak tahu what happen to Raoul...korang tgkla bestttttt mcm citer p/s I LOVE ni versi malaysia nyer hehehehe)

Jom Makan-Makan:)

Hye uols!!!!its been a while ive did'nt update anything schadule is pretty hectic with monitoring and training...tup tap tup week dah start PUASA:)yeah!!!!!!!really can't wait for the RAMADHAN month and its just around the corner heheh...pretty exciting about it is the month that helps me to lose my weight+1st time fasting with dearest HUBBY:) so kner sediakan list nak masak aperla utk bulan puasa ni hhehee...anyway last week Mr R belanja our family pg mkn2 he said..."Jom abg belanja...satu family sempena nak sambut PUASA" so we headed just nearby our place...and it is....drum roll plzzzzzzzz........ tadaa.....Le Chateau De Puah (susahnyer nak sebut hehehe...)just about 15 minutes distance from our home...its at Kg.Puah you guys can also log in to their website by viewing enlarge of the pic above heheh...siap bg menu lagi tau dlm website dieorng....the food was rate 4/5...i like what ive ordered and also goes to my dearest 2 sibs,papa and mum like her chicken grill dish but she said...daging dier kecik tak besar...anyhow the taste was jom layan pic mknan kiterong k hehehe....

this is what ive ordered CHICKEN LASAGNA....sedapppppp tak hbs sbb cheesy sgtkan so aper lg...bagi kat adik lakiku mkn heheh
this is what Mr r order for...FISH and CHIPS...kesian Mr R...tgh2 time mkn pun dier leh terlelap2 gak hehehe...kesian dier lth balik dri ofis terus kuar mkn...kesian abg tp aper2 pun TIMER KASIH treat kiterong sefamily k:)

muker kelaparan nampak sgt ok:)

And di Restaurant tu jugak terdpt byk gak kucing2 yg "domok"=tembam plus chomel:) when kiterong dtg ajer kat situ dah disambut dgn kucing yang sgt DOMOK..sebiji mcm kucing garfield tu...terlentang 1st diriku igt kucing ni mati ker aper ker...tgk2 sbb dier terlampau kekenyangan....and tanyer dgn empunnyer kedai tu the dier ckp..."ambikla kucing tu...kerja dier hanya mkn + tido ajer"heheh....jom tgk mcmner ruper si domok....

inila si "domok" yang direfferkan tu heheh...sgt berat dan sgt tembam...tgk dier sendiri pun malas....asyik tido ajer hehehe:)nasib baik tak bwk balik....kalo tak asyik mkn ajerla hehehe...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wisdom Words From Barney:)

Nothing to babble

just to write a piece of wisdom word from "Barney"

Barney who???

the BIG,PURPLE,SWEET old BARNEy that every kids love with

and sing along to its rhyming song in every series??

(heheh i like watching Barney..heheh when I was a kid)



Its "BARNEY STINSONS" from the series "How Ive Met Your Mother"

he qouted...

"When I get SAD,I stop being SAD and be AWESOME instead.True Story"


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rank number 16 from the WORLD list..

This week byk sgt DRAMA di ofis...huhu...and it does not make me happy at all...and this week ive not in a good mood to nak beremosi ajer...coz stress dgn work and colleague...sometimes its hard to know which are better to be frends with or tersgtla STRESS!!!...and yesterday while otw to work dgrla HOT FM..and they were discussing on a topic mentioning kedudukan wanita yang stress di dlm list dunia...and Malaysian ladies was rank number 16 from that list..while China is ive remember..the list is based from 100 contries(sorry if I've got the wrong information on exact numbers of contries that was included in the list) dgr from it...ive thought to myself that I'm one of it...from that list...urgh!!!!!!...terlampau sgt stress sampai ngadu la kat Mr R..and he as a gud hubby..yesterday balikla dier ke KL(supposedly ke Melaka)...just to cheer me up...and he really knows how to cheer me taking me to SHOPPING!!!!



my FAV place to shop(Mr R likes it too) at Uniqlo (
as it know opens at KLCC ground floor...they had a range of clothing to choose from top to bottom with affordable price.Mr R loves the exclusive tshirt that they had...yesterday was Gundam,One Piece and Harry Potter's edition(sale in limited time)...and they also had some artist to create their on signiture tshirt for SAVE JAPAN at Uniqlo the best part shopping there you are also donating to the welfare bodies around the world...thats gud right???suker dtg cni jugak sbb kalo masuk ajer kedai ni..bdk2 kedai ni akan greet "Welcome to Uniqlo"hehe..mcm bunyi cute ajer heheh
so here what ive got...TQ Mr R love u:)

the uncleared pic

tadaa!!!hehe...ive had my eyes for this piece for quite a while
now its mine heheh....its DARK PURPLE in coloured...

(sorry for the low seems in black pulak)

Malam tu after layan citer Annisa...tgk cerita ni di HBO..."My Sister's Keeper"...tersgtla touching...while watching this with my mum....both of us cried..(diriku siap lari2 ke belakang nak ambik tisu..sbb nak cover nangis dari Mr R supaya dier tak perasan...hehehe)..mmg bestla tryla tgk for sure NANGIS nyer...yup2..k la back to work mode huhu

From Choc.Indulgence to Vanilla Indulgence:)

filling for choc indulgence...whipping cream and choc+whipping cream

Murnin...owhhh how i really miss to update anything or babble here...but anyhow my schadule is a bit hectic this week...and im pretty darned tired as for now im FASTING too..heheh(ganti puasa...tommorow last day yeah!!!!)so last and Mr R went back to visit my MIL and the rest of the really anxious for coming back home to me and my SIL have a mission...apparently its my SIL mission meanwhile im just the sebok2 one helper of the day that really wants to know how to make choc indulgence(as my dad loves it so much+my entire family)...heheh so on Saturday(after magrib)me and Mr R headed to angah's and kak yulie's house...for the teaching here is some pic for you guys to view...i've helped her in doing the FILLING...but the special part is...instead of choc.cake we've make it in vanilla..and ive also had the chance to help her in doing one of her customer order...she requested for choc.cake instead...ive really hope the time i did it all by myself for RAYA..heheh insyallah..menjadila yerk hehe...cross my finger for it hehe....:)aper2 pun..Thanks Kak Yulie for teaching me to do the Choc.Indulgence..heheh uve really a gud teacher....tq:)

the cake...need to be slices 3 put the filling



the endproduct..hehe..its time to wobble it up

p/s:time raya hubby suruh wat rendang kerang...OMG!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Story2 Di Petang Hari Jumaat

Hye uols!!!heheh a couple of hours lg its time to go HOME:)tp for sure jam la sket coz...nak balik umah kener lalu dpn Courts Setapak tu...and today..player2 LIVERPOOL tu wat pit stop jumper peminat...heheh...kul 3pm ni...(as for me kejer +bkn la peminat liverpool..heheh so tak kesah la sgt kan)anyway...memandangkan hari JUMAAT so mood wat kejer tu mcm ader takder ajer...walaupun bertimbun yerk...and plus...all database tak boleh di axcess sbb nak kener aper yg dibuat oleh diriku...adalah dgn melayan Mr Google...cari cerita2 seram..hehe...cerita2 seram di PD,cerita seram di Genting...huhu...takut gak...pengalaman dieorng ni...tapi bacer2 citer seram ni....leh jugak MENGANTUK + TERLELAP..huhu...ishk2 ntah aper2 kan...aper2 pun harini sajer nak citer2 what i did last weekend...and there's a new member in the YUNUS CLAN hehe.....jom layannnnnnnnn....

a)1st story-Saturday..Perhimpunan BERSIH so jln block and takleh pergi kemana2 so plan nak balik MELAKA postpone balik that saturday we when to wedding at Merak Kayangan..nasib baik majlis dieorng berjln dgn lancar...ader certain wedding tu tak ramai yang dpt dtg due to the is some pic of it)sorryla gambar pengantin luper nak tgkap..sbb syok MKN...and layan band yang ader kat ctu....raser mcm nak join nyanyi ajer heheh

alamak...tadi ader 2 pic yg terdelete lak gambar yg ader gambar doorgift dier ajer hehehe...malas lak nak upload pic tu nanti for sure allighment lari heheh....

b)2nd mum ajak jln2 ke PUTRAJAYA (memandangkan my sis nyer apartment kat saner) kiterong lepak2 dlu kat umah bujang dier then later that afternoon baru jln2 tgk PESTA FLORA...enjoyce........

ni dari negeri JOHORnyer...yang buat taman cantik ni
ni taman yang dicreate oleh company maner tak igt...bergambar with the family..Mr R lebih suker taking pictures daripada "in"the pictures

me and my sis

our flag using flowers:)

c)Meanwhile the 3rd story is the best story among all...heheh...the YUNUS CLAN...has a new means ive got a new niece...and overall...kiterong ader 26org cucu2 HJ YUNUS (heheh im the eldest...best2) here's the details tadaaa....





Name:Nur Aina Umaira




(and here she is!!!!!)


Thursday, July 14, 2011

PotLuck Sajer-sajer:)

Today is Thursday...and my dept.helds a potluck...for what reason???UNKNOWN...hehe...jahatkan!!!(ikutkan ajer)tapi aper2 pun as a gud coleague and a co worker...i did bring something...i brought baked CHEESE cake:)

but there's a plenty of food to eat until this late afternoon...goshh im really FULL for now(mater dah start kuyu dah)...this state really worries me...coz why???







Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SimplyNadHoney is Not in the Mood

Selamat pagi...the clock strikes 9am...tapi pagi2 ni mood utk start wat kejer aderla sgt tipis...huhu...dahler ramai mc(skang ni musim mcm boring pun ader)and kjer yang ader ni sentiaser menimbun2 biler la nak surut yerk huhu....semakin hari bertambah and menghadap database ni wat materku berpinar gak la kalo menatap lamer2...ishk2...takper2 kjer2 bersabar ajerla yerk...erm...skang tgh bz menganti puasa yup2...tinggal beberapa hari ajerlg nak mood nak update takder sgt walaupun ader gak nak tulis...takperla nanti2 la...yerk...erm...baper mggu ajerlg nak start PUASA...and it would be the 1st time puasa gan Mr puasa jarak jauh gak...huhu...dpt berbuka samer2 pun rasernyer weekends ajerla...takperla...asalkan aderla jugak berbuka samerkan...erm...walaupun kbzaan gak wat maser ni ader gak "My Crafting Project" in mind...yang akan dimulakan tak lamer hope menjadi and dpt la share with you guys yerk...before this..rajin membuat "Bunga Dip"and "Butterfly" guner kain tu...and ader gak kwn2 yg suruh ajar yup2...anyway maybe nanti nak gak nad wat tutorial ltk kat blog skang nad ader misi nak wat activity craft baru+teringin nak blaja menjahit guner mesin...yang simple mesin nak survey2 la mesin jahit yang murah and senang guner for people yang tak tahu sgt hal2 menjahit ni heheh...nad akan wat ticker...or post utk mission2 nad ni la heheh...supaya bg SEMANGAT!!!!...k wish me luck uols:)xoxo...panjanglak bebelan pada pagi ni heheh...k jom kejer

Thursday, July 7, 2011

OuR 2nd SongEe's weEkend GetAway

were back again for our 2nd getaway uols!!!!

Murnin u guys..yes!!!!this week is nearly come to an end hehe...cant wait for this weekend to arrive...will be headed back to Melaka...and having baking classes with my dearest SIL...really cant wait....anyway last week,was our 2nd songee getaway to PD...with the attendence of petrosain buddies nard,ili,syaida,amir and my hubby:)...details of our trip is...


Venue:PD Paradise Lagoon Apartment(quite ok la...)

Members Task: Ili-arrange the accomodation

Amir-Food and Games


Nard-Driver of the day+give a helping hand to Amir preparing BBQ stuff

Me-handle on dessert+"penjaga masa" hehe

Mr R-Photographer of the day:)

What we did?:

1)playing some games at Eagle Ranch(ended up we just played "Go-Cart"and bergambar only.)

2)headed to the Apartment nearby Corus Hotel and prepared for BBQ starts at 6.30pm-8.30pm

3)berjoyah time until 2.30am(Mr hubby dah sleep)~the apartment was big consist of 3 bedroom

4)next murnin,games was withhold coz of the heavy rain...sob..sob...(akhirnyer langsung tak jdi..huhu)-jadi mkn ajerla heheh....mknan smlm still byk lg and diperangatkan...heheh

5)Next day..check out...headed to pantai for some pictures...stop by at RnR Seremban(chit chatting + sembahyang)...lastly headed back home::
6)as for us...we stop by at my SIL house seeing lil Hafiy and bb Hadif:)
Its quite a bz weeekend last week....but its the best getaway...coz Ili will be furthering her studies in UK on we will be not seeing her for quite sometimes(just skype ajerla nampaknyer)...and everyone will be starting bz with their own for me???bz aperlak yerk???heheheh rahsia.........nanti la baru bgthu heheh...okla enjoy the picsy uols...last nite ader kerajinan...utk gabungkan picsy2 ni...jdi mcm comel sket enjoyce yerk...hehe...will miss u guys lots:)

at Eagle Ranch..paling penting is posing bknnyer main games disitu hehe


1st pic...making amir HAPPY

2nd pic...making amir SAD..hahah

1st pic..berposing di tipee

2nd..the BIG Eagle Ranch ni makoiiiiiii jauh kedlm...huhu

the BBQ session...heheh everyone looks starving...semua disediakan oleh for us kiterong membantu +tolong makan hehe

having fun before headed back to KL...di tepian pantai uols!!!

lastly...pic ni wajib kener ader to end this post hehe...Mr R and me..eheh:)

p/s:selamat berkerja:)